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Deathmatch is a Battlegrounds game mode falling into its own category. Its objective is to earn 500 points for one's team by killing opposing players, each player killed gives 15 points. You have a time limit of 15 minutes and if reached, the team with the highest score wins. If there is a tie, the team with the highest medal score wins. If both teams have the same medal score, both teams will not win but also not lose.

In 4v4 competitive the match is a best of three rounds. Winning the first two rounds automatically ends the match. Each round can last up to 10 minutes and each player has 3 lives. Using all your lives will put you in a spectator mode where you follow your allies still alive. If you do not have yet +500 points but the enemy team has no lives left (due to one of their player leaving the match prematurely), you will immediately win the round.


As with all other Battlegrounds, Deathmatch features a number of Battleground-specific medals.

Icon Name Points Description
  Bruiser 50 Deal at least 5k damage
  Fearsome Fighter 100 Deal at least 25k damage
  Gladiator 200 Deal at least 50k damage
  Champion 400 Deal at least 500k damage
  Heavy Hitter 5* Score a 10k damage hit
  Crushing Blow 10* Score a 11.75k damage hit
  Minor Mender 50 Heal for at least 5k damage
  Heroic Healer 100 Heal for at least 25k damage
  Medic 200 Heal for at least 50k damage
  Fearless Physician 400 Heal for at least 375k damage
  Critical Heal 5* Score a 7.5k healing hit
  Rapid Recovery 10* Score a 15k healing hit
  First Strike 111 Earn the 1st killing blow
  Assist 100* Help a team mate kill an enemy player
  Killing Blow 100* Earn a killing blow
  Double Kill 222* Kill a player within 10 seconds of a prior kill
  Triple Kill 333* Kill a player within 10 seconds of earning a Double kill
  Quadruple Kill 444* Kill a player within 10 seconds of earning a Triple kill
*Medal can be earned multiple times per match.


Achievement Points Description
   Battleground Butcher 15 Win a Team Deathmatch with 500 points before any other team reaches 200 points.
   Paragon 15 Finish a Team Deathmatch battle with at least eight more kills than deaths.
   Quadruple Kill 15 Earn your first Quadruple Kill Medal by defeating four opponents in a Team Deathmatch battle, each within ten seconds of the next.
   Charging Champion 10 Earn your first Champion Medal by dealing at least 500,000 points of damage in a single Team Deathmatch battle.
   Fearless Physician 10 Earn your first Fearless Physician Medal by healing at least 375,000 points of damage in a single Team Deathmatch battle.


  • Deathmatch games have the potential to net Pit Daemon Style style pages.
  • A popular stratagem among players it to move as a team and stay grouped. This will ensure all the group gets heals and makes it harder for the enemy team to only focus one of you. Though do not stack with each other as enemies will be able to hit all of you with AoEs.