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Online:Pact Honor Guard

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Pact Honor Guard
Location Pact-controlled resources
Race Argonian, Dunmer, Nord Gender Varies
Health 52,746 (no-CP campaigns)
71,772 (CP campaigns)
Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Friendly Ebonheart Pact
Hostile Aldmeri DominionDaggerfall Covenant
Class Honor Guard
Other Information
Faction(s) Ebonheart Pact
A Nord female Pact Honor Guard

Pact Honor Guards are Ebonheart Pact soldiers that can be found in Keeps controlled by the Pact in Cyrodiil and district flags in the Imperial City. As expected, they are hostile to any Aldmeri Dominion or Daggerfall Covenant players. As of the release of Elsweyr, Pact Honor guards wear armor in the Ebonheart Pact style.

Equivalents to the Pact Honor Guard can be found in the Dominion and Covenant.

Pact Honor Guard
Location Pact-controlled Keeps and districts in Cyrodiil
Race Argonian, Dunmer, Nord Gender Varies
Health 52,746 (no-CP campaigns)
71,772 (CP campaigns)
65,247 (Both Morrowind Gates)
Reaction Friendly Ebonheart Pact
Hostile Aldmeri DominionDaggerfall Covenant
Class Honor Guard
Other Information
Faction(s) Ebonheart Pact

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

As alliance guards, the Honor Guards benefit from Keep upgrades. Honor Guards guarding flags cannot be pulled or knocked back. Despite being champion-rank enemies, they are vulnerable to crowd control.

Fire Salvo
Basic ranged attack dealing minor flame damage.
Triple Strike
A 3 strike melee attack, each hit deals very minor physical damage.
Razor Armor
The Honor Guard casts a Razor Armor-like ability which gives them damage reduction and deals back extremely minor physical damage to melee attackers.
Unstable Core
The Honor Guard envelops a target in a lightless sphere, which reflects all single target spells cast by the target back to them for a few seconds. When it ends it deals moderate magic damage to the target and nearby enemies. This can be removed by breaking free.
Guardian Heal
The Honor Guard casts a Dragon Blood-like ability which heals a percentage of its missing health.
Telekinetic Prison
The Honor Guard canalizes this spell for a short time then stuns a target. This can be interrupted to stagger the Honor Guard.
Cyrodiil Guard See Stealth
Passive which makes the Honor Guard see through stealth near them.

The following skills replace their weaker counterparts (if they have one) and are unlocked if the nearby Ressource's or Keep's level is high enough:

Improved Fire Torrent
A basic ranged attack dealing moderate flame damage then very minor flame damage over time.
Puncturing Chains
The Honor Guard launches a fiery chain to grasp and pull a player to them, dealing minor flame damage.
Crippling Rage
The Honor Guard casts a bolt of lightning down on a target, doing moderate shock damage and snaring targets in the AoE.
Guardian Regeneration
The Honor Guard casts a Dragon Blood-like ability which heals a percentage of its missing health. (Twice stronger than Guardian Heal)
Negate Magic
The Honor Guard creates a globe of magic suppression for 10 seconds, removing and preventing all player area of effect abilities from occurring in the area. Players within the globe will be silenced and pets are stunned. Silence prevents players from using any ability costing Health, Magicka, Ultimate or have no cost at all as long as they are in the affected area. (Replaces Telekinetic Prison)
