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Location Oathsworn Pit — Lodge of the Forge
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Health Normal275,051Veteran1,954,875
Veteran2,932,313 (Hard Mode)
Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Recollection

Faenalir is a Wood Elf warrior and member of the Recollection who accompanies Aradros the Awakened. He was tasked with convincing the Oathsworn's leader, Dulzush Forgefire, to join their cause. During the boss fight against Aradros, when Aradros reaches 50% health, he becomes invulnerable, and Faenalir may have to be defeated to progress the fight. The other potential mini-bosses being Maerolor and Nilborwen.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack dealing low physical damage.
Vicious Strikes
Faenalir performs a series of attacks using his mace and shield, dealing high physical damage each. This can be blocked.
Shield Throw
Faenalir throws his shield, shrouded in flames, like a boomerang, indicated by a long red rectangle, dealing moderate flame damage on the way out and back.
Molten Orb
Faenalir conjures two magma orbs near targets, dealing continuous moderate flame damage and snaring them. When they expire, they detonate, dealing massive flame damage.
Pyrrhic Remains
On Hard Mode, Faenalir conjured a fire storm at a target, indicated by a massive red circle, dealing continuous high flame damage and slowing affected targets.
The Smelter
An unfinished iron atronach known as The Smelter can be constructed using components from fire pits in the arena. It will then activate in assist in defeating Faenalir.

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Faenalir: "The Forgemaster will follow you to the grave."
Faenalir: "Orcs say this fire is transformative. Wonder what it'll make of you."
Faenalir: "Aradros … I failed you."
