Ra GadaEdit
The Ra Gada, or Warrior Wave, was an invasion fleet of Yokudans who arrived on the shores of Tamriel in the First Era, fleeing the doomed continent of Yokuda. They lent their name to the Yokudan refugees who settled Hammerfell in the wake of the invasion and became the Redguards.
Ra Gada (Malabal Tor)Edit
The Ra Gada are Redguard raiders who attack the coast of Malabal Tor. They name themselves after the original Ra Gada, the Warrior Wave that came from sinking Yokuda.
Rageclaw ClanEdit
The Rageclaw Clan is one of three Reachmen clans invading the Rift. They are a matriarchal society and are fiercely protective of their children. They often absorb smaller weaker clans which causes some friction with the other remaining clans. Tamed bears sometimes accompany them on their raids.
Rain DisciplesEdit
The Rain Disciples are a cult worshipping the ancient nereid Lorelia, at her sanctum in the Ayleid ruins of Bisnensel. They also safeguard the Water Stone, an artifact that grants the nereid immortality.
The Rajaska are a group of dro-m'Athra that were "recruited" from corrupted Moon-Singers and Twilight Cantors to join the Chorus of the Rajaska-z'har—the first Rajaska Ravith-morna. They first appeared in the First Era and were considered very dangerous due to their dark songs causing many Khajiit to fall at once.
Razorsworn ClanEdit
The Razorsworn Clan is a Daedric clan loyal to Mehrunes Dagon. One of their members leads the ongoing skirmishes in Doomvault Porcixid, and another can be found roaming The Deadlands.
The Recollection are a Bosmer faction who have become dedicated to the Daedric Prince Ithelia. They also put great importance in their ancestral links to the Ayleid diaspora after the fall of the Ayleid Empire. The Recollection have been reaching out to fellow Bosmer to claim what was taken from their ancestors.
Red ExilesEdit
The Red Exiles are an Ashlander tribe formed from outcasts from the various tribes on Vvardenfell. They follow Chodala, who has convinced them that he is the Nerevarine.
Red RooksEdit
The Red Rooks are a band of rogues active in Glenumbra. They have occupied the town of Crosswych and formed an alliance with the Bloodthorn Cult.
Red SailsEdit
The Red Sails, also called the Red Sails Pirates or the Karthman Red-Sails, are a group of pirates led by the self-styled Governor Fortunata ap Dugal.
Red Sun BanditsEdit
The Red Sun Bandits are a gang of outlaws settled in the Black Vine Ruins and a tower north of Reman's Bluff, where they are attacking the Barkbite Clan stronghold.
The Redhands (or Red Hands) are a group of Khajiiti mercenaries originating from Pellitine, who are now currently active around the Merryvale Farms in Northern Elsweyr. They are known to have a harsh reputation, as they dabble in many criminal activities, ranging from smaller acts such as thievery and smuggling to more intense ones like slavery and murder. However, this doesn't exclude them from being hired as security by some.
Renrijra MaorEdit
The Renrijra Maor are the naval arm of the Renrijra Krin, a band of Khajiit criminals and pirates.
Resolutes of StendarrEdit
The Resolutes of Stendarr are a group of Stendarr devotees who have sworn to help the sick and protect the weak. The Resolutes consist of holy warriors and individuals who are talented in healing magicks. Their healers are encouraged by their leaders to use those magicks unsparingly. The Resolutes of Stendarr Pin wear silver pins to identify themselves as members of the organization.
Resolution of ZenitharEdit
The Resolution of Zenithar, also known as the Resolutes of Zenithar, are a priesthood of the Eight Divines dedicated to the worship and spreading of Zenithar's ideals. The priesthood also contains an order of warriors, known as the Knights of Iron.
Ring of DaggersEdit
The Ring of Daggers, sometimes known as the Daggers, is the secret intelligence network of the Daggerfall Covenant. They swear allegiance to no one, but work on a contractual basis for a variety of interests within the Daggerfall Covenant. Their list of clients includes High King Emeric himself.
River-Elk ClanEdit
The River-Elk Clan are a clan of Reachfolk present in the Reach around 2E 582. They are a large clan settled in various small nomadic camps throughout the Karth River Valley (though none are seen in-game). They were led by Cannear, before she relinquished her role as chieftain in favor of becoming the current Chief-of-Chiefs.
Roadside BanditsEdit
The Roadside Bandits are bandits found roaming the Wrothgar wilderness. Besides preying on travelers, they poach wildlife and are often seen near animal corpses and traps.
Rock Bone TribeEdit
The Rock Bone Tribe are a tribe of goblins found in Cyrodiil and the West Weald.
Roister's ClubEdit
The Roister's Club is the official club for Tales of Tribute enthusiasts.
Root StewardsEdit
The Root Stewards are the Argonians at Hissmir whose duties are to assist the pilgrims that come to the settlement with their trials, as well as overseeing the Trials of the Burnished Scales. Lukiul pilgrims flock to Hissmir to find themselves and to commune with the Hist, and the Root Stewards are charged with guiding these pilgrims.
Root-House TribeEdit
The Root-House Tribe, or "Tum-Taleel" in Jel, is an Argonian tribe found within Murkmire, known for relying on other tribes for things they need. In other words, they take what they want, when they want it.
Root-Whisper TribeEdit
The Root-Whisper Tribe is an ancient Argonian tribe whose Hist tree created the Remnant of Argon to protect the tribe's souls from the Barsaebic Ayleids who invaded Murkmire and razed their village. However, following the creation of the Remnant, the Hist fell into a deep slumber and slowly died out as it focused its energy on keeping the relic powered.
The Ropefish are a group of Orcs who smuggle escaped slaves out of Vvardenfell.
Rotblood TribeEdit
The Rotblood are a tribe of goblins residing in the cave complex in the eastern section of the ruined Khajiiti temple of Jode's Light, alongside ogres.
Ruddy FangsEdit
The Ruddy Fangs are a Khajiit bandit pride operating in Northern and Southern Elsweyr, led by Zayreba Sharpclaw. They have the biggest presence near the Scar, but are a scourge upon all of Elsweyr.
Ruinblood ClanEdit
The Ruinblood Clan is a Dremora clan that serves Mehrunes Dagon. They have entered into a strained alliance with the Order of the Waking Flame, to work on the cataclysts and the creation of Incarnates in Mehrunes Dagon's name.
The Rumblegarde are a group of mercenaries hired by Drovos Nelvayn to protect his research within Matus-Akin Egg Mine, as well as muscle to keep Ridena Devani, the House Hlaalu mine supervisor, out of his business.