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Eagleseer ClanEdit

The Eagleseer Clan are a clan of Reachfolk found in the Reach around 2E 582. They have a generations-long feud with the Six-Ford Clan, with the reason for it having been lost to time.

Ebonheart PactEdit

The Ebonheart Pact is one of the three joinable factions participating in the Alliance War, the other two being the Aldmeri Dominion and the Daggerfall Covenant. The crest of the Ebonheart Pact is a dragon, and its colors are red and black.

Elder CouncilEdit

The Elder Council (or Imperial Elder Council) was the ruling council of the Empire and the head of all organizations under it, such as the Imperial Legion. They were once the finest collection of politicians and advisers in Tamriel, but have been noticeably absent since the fall of the Empire and the start of the Three Banners War. It was made up of almost two dozen councilors, though Emperor Leovic made only six of them privy to his secrets regarding the Four Ambitions.

Eldertide CircleEdit

The Eldertide Circle is a Bretonic druidic circle on the Systres Archipelago. They are xenophobic to outsiders, but not to the extent of the Firesong. The branch found on Amenos are hostile, while those present on Galen are more approachable.

Elsweyr Dragon Defense ForceEdit

The Elsweyr Dragon Defense Force (also known as the Elsweyr Defense Conference or simply the Elsweyr Defense Force) is a group of dragon hunters dedicated to wiping out the Dragon threat in Northern and Southern Elsweyr.

Elite GuardEdit

The Elite Guard are a group of three Dragonknights serving as Empress Regent Clivia Tharn's Dragonguard, although they are seemingly unrelated to the true Dragonguard who await a Dragonborn to serve.

Ember-Eye SlaversEdit

The Ember-Eye Slavers are a group of slavers from Morrowind who are raiding the western coast of Stormhaven.

Emerald EyeEdit

The Emerald Eye is a powerful family in the Alik'r. They are named for the Emerald Eye, a relic which grants the women of the family visions but saps their lifeforce in the process. The family have exploited these visions to amass power and wealth over the years, and they have become a powerful criminal organization as a result. They have been a thorn in the side of King Fahara'jad for many years.

Erabenimsun TribeEdit

The Erabenimsun Tribe is a tribe of Ashlanders living in Vvardenfell. Ashlander Tribes and Customs describes them as a war-loving tribe, heavily armed, and valuing strength above the lore and history that the other tribes value.

The ErrantsEdit

The Errants are a gang of lowly criminals active in The Shambles district of Fargrave. As pointed out by several Daedric residents, the Errants form the largest population of mortals within the city, though they do little to help improve the reputation of the mortal community in the eyes of the Daedra.


The Euraxians are Nibenese mercenaries and necromancers in the employ of Euraxia Tharn, the Usurper Queen of Rimmen. Their main presence is in the north of Northern Elsweyr where her influence is greatest.

Evermore City GuardEdit

The Evermore City Guard serve as a peacekeeping and military force for the city of Evermore and the surrounding region of Bangkorai. They are engaged in a struggle against the Reachmen, particularly the clan of the Dark Witnesses who are attempting to reclaim Mournoth for the Reach.

Exarchs of DrossEdit

The Exarchs of Dross is a feudal court of talking crows from the Evergloam that serve Nocturnal. They are rivals of the Blackfeather Court, especially moreso following the Court revoking its allegiance to Nocturnal and laying claim to the Clockwork City.

Eyes of the QueenEdit

The Eyes of the Queen, sometimes referred as the Queen's Eyes, are Queen Ayrenn's personal intelligence network. It is said that Ayrenn began assembling her network of spies before she returned to Summerset to claim her crown.