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Online:Covenant Mender

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Covenant Mender
Location Covenant-controlled resources in Cyrodiil
Race Redguard, Orc, Breton Gender Varies
Health 65,247 (CP campaigns)
52,746 (no-CP campaigns)
Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction FriendlyDaggerfall Covenant .
HostileAldmeri Dominion .Ebonheart Pact .
Other Information
Faction(s) Daggerfall Covenant
A Covenant Mender in Daggerfall Covenant-style light armor

Covenant Menders are guards that can be found patrolling near the flags of Covenant controlled resources and keeps in Cyrodiil. They also appear at the Scroll Temple of Alma Ruma and the Scroll Temple of Ni-Mohk, as well as their respective gates. They wear Daggerfall Covenant-style armor, heal their allies and carry a staff. They used to wear race-specific light armor until Elsweyr was released.

Covenant Mender
Location Covenant-controlled Keeps and Districts in Cyrodiil
Race Redguard, Orc, Breton Gender Varies
Health 65,247 (CP campaigns)
52,746 (no-CP campaigns)
Reaction FriendlyDaggerfall Covenant .
HostileAldmeri Dominion .Ebonheart Pact .
Other Information
Faction(s) Daggerfall Covenant

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

As alliance guards, the Menders benefit from Keep upgrades. Menders guarding flags cannot be pulled or knocked back.

Minor Wound
Basic ranged attack dealing minor magic damage.
Focused Healing
The Mender canalizes a healing beam to one of its allies, healing them lowly overtime. This can be interrupted to stagger Mender.
Rune Focus
The Mender casts a Rune Focus-like ability, leaving a small yellow circle on the ground for some time. While in their circle, they are healed minorly over time and have their Physical and Spell Resistance increased.
Telekinetic Prison
The Mender canalizes this spell for a short time then stuns a target. This can be interrupted to stagger Mender.
Run Away!
The Mender puts some distance between them and their target.
Cyrodiil Guard See Stealth
Passive which makes the Mender see through stealth near them.

The following skills replace their weaker counterparts (if they have one) and are unlocked when the nearby Keep is at level 4 or higher, as it grants the Menders "Upgrade Mender Abilities":

Major Wound
Basic ranged attack dealing low magic damage.
Potent Healing
The Mender canalizes a healing beam to one of its allies, healing them moderately over time. This can be interrupted to stagger the Mender.
Rune Power
The Mender casts a Rune Focus-like ability, leaving a small yellow circle on the ground for some time. While in their circle, they are healed moderately over time and have their Physical and Spell Resistance increased.
Shattering Prison
The Mender canalizes this spell for a short time then deals minor magic damage and stuns the target. This can be interrupted to stagger the Mender.
Negate Magic
The Mender creates a globe of magic suppression for 10 seconds, removing and preventing all player area of effect abilities from occurring in the area. Players within the globe will be silenced and pets are stunned. Silence prevents players from using any ability costing Health, Magicka, Ultimate or have no cost at all as long as they are in the affected area.
