The Vigil of Stendarr is a religious order of priests and warriors who fight in the name of the Divine Stendarr.[1] Those in their ranks are known as Vigilants of Stendarr and form part of the Priesthood of Stendarr.[2] Their main goal and purpose is to purge the land of Daedra worship, and to wipe out "abominations" (such as Daedra, vampires, werewolves, and witches) wherever they are found.[1][3]:56 Vigilants regularly patrol the wilds of Tamriel in their dedication to wiping out Daedra. They gladly lend their aid to heros who fit their ideals of virute, offering a service of curing diseases for free.[4][3]:194 The order was created shortly after the Oblivion Crisis.[1]
—A Vigilant of Stendarr
Each provincial chapter is led by a Keeper of the Vigil. The Vigil's base of operations in Skyrim was the Hall of the Vigilant, located south of Dawnstar. They also gather near Stendarr's Beacon in The Rift. The Vigilants in Skyrim were led by Keeper Carcette.[5]
Typical Vigilants wear mages robes,[4] while Enforcers and Veteran members are typically equipped with specialized steel armor, and have been known to use crossbows in combat.[6] The Vigil are known to employ spies and agents for covert missions.[7]
The Vigil's primary concern is with Daedra and Daedra worshippers, often treating other creatures such a vampires as lesser threats.[5] The idea of vampirism having a cure was considered blasphemous by the order, as the idea of the creatures being capable of salvation would threaten the principles of the order.[8] They show no mercy to those they consider abominations, and are even willing to torture Daedra worshippers for information.[7]
The reformed Dawnguard began as a splinter group of the Skyrim chapter. Isran the former Vigilant who started it, believed the Vigil was too soft, and didn't really have what it took to defend against the evil in the world.[9] Some of the Vigil members have some connection to the Silver Hand, a group of werewolf hunters, with such members fighting together with the Silver Hand and integrating canine motifs into the design of their armor.[10]
The Vigil of Stendarr was founded shortly after the Oblivion Crisis of 3E 433,[1] when the gates of Oblivion opened wide due to the actions of the Mythic Dawn cult.
In 4E 201, the Vigilants of Stendarr caught wind of members of the Mythic Dawn being active in Skyrim. When they received word from their spies of Mythic Dawn members in Bruma, a few scouts were sent to the Pale Pass on the 25th of Sun's Height.[7] As of the 2nd of Last Seed, Vigilants were known to guard the Pale Pass.[11]
During this time, the Vigil often found themselves subjected to torment from Molag Bal, the Daedric Prince of Corruption and the creator of vampirism. A Vigilant known as Tyranus was dispatched to Markarth to investigate a seemingly abandoned home that may have been used for Daedra worship. He received the help of the Last Dragonborn in investigating the home, but much to their horror, the Daedra who had influence over the abode was Molag Bal. Molag trapped the two of them in the house and forced them to kill each other, with the Dragonborn having no choice but to slay Tyranus.[12]
A Vigil Enforcer by the name of Fenrik at some point contracted vampirsim, and sought a cure for his condition by making a pact with Molag Bal. He was commanded to sacrifice nine of his fellow Vigilants in return for a vampirism cure.[8] In the process becoming the leader of a minor cult in Dawnstar. The Vigil eventually caught wind of disappearing patrols in the Pale and sent Azarain, a veteran of the Vigil and personal friend of Fenrik to investigate. Azarain would be murdered and eventually the Last Dragonborn would discover this plot, killing Fenrik and putting an end to the cult.[13]
Later that year, the Skyrim chapter suffered heavy losses during a vampire attack by the Volkihar vampires, and their main base of operations, the Hall of the Vigilant, was completely destroyed.[5][14] The attack was due to the vampire clan learning of a Vigilant known as Brother Adalvald, who was researching vampiric ruins and artifacts. A survivor of the attack, Vigilant Tolan, sought the aide of Isran, an ex-Vigilant who had recently reformed the Dawnguard, a group of vampire hunters.[5] However, both Tolan and Adalvald would meet their fate at the hands of the vampires.
The Skyrim chapter of the Vigil would still persist after this, with most of the members already living as nomads,[5][4] and the organization still possessing a base in the form of Stendarr's Beacon.[15] A group of Vigilants led by Moric Sidrey, were performing a excavation in Ruunvald, but fell under the spell of a conjurer known as Minorne. They would worship the High Elf as though she was a god. The Vigilants of Stendarr's Beacon sent Florentius, a priest of Arkay who worked with the Vigil to investigate the location, but he was captured. Eventually the conjurer and charmed Vigilants were killed and Florentius was rescued by a member of the Dawnguard.[16]
The Vigil's investigation of the Mythic Dawn remnants took a major turn when the Last Dragonborn began investigating the cult. The Vigilants had discovered the Mythic Dawn were interested in the Ayleid ruin of Rielle due to their being a Great Welkynd Stone hidden within it, that they could use as part of their plan to open an Oblivion Gate. The Vigil received reinforcements to prepare a small regiment to ambush the cultists at Rielle.[7] They would arrive soon after the Dragonborn recovered the stone and assisted them in fighting the cultists and undead wights.[17]
The Dragonborn would later arrive at the site of the Mythic Dawn's activities and the Oblivion Gate they hoped to open, in Red Scar Cavern. However, in killing their leader, Vonos, the Dragonborn was unknowingly participating in the ritual necessary to open the Gate.[17] While the Dragonborn would defeat the Dremora who were planned to lead the invasion force, and took their artifacts, the Gate remained open due to its Sigil Stone having been destroyed. The Vigilants would arrive to secure the cavern and the Oblivion Gate, ensuring that it couldn't be used for another invasion.[18]
Stendarr's Beacon, a Vigil base in the Rift
See AlsoEdit
- For more information on the Vigil of Stendarr, see the Skyrim article.
- ^ a b c d Vigilant of Stendarr's dialogue in Skyrim
- ^ Kleppr and Frabbi's dialogue in Skyrim
- ^ a b Prima Official Game Guide
- ^ a b c Vigilants of Stendarr in Skyrim
- ^ a b c d e Vigilant Tolan's dialogue in Skyrim
- ^ Vigil Enforcers in Skyrim
- ^ a b c d Vigilant Enforcer's Journal
- ^ a b Fenrik's Journal — Fenrik
- ^ Isran's dialogue in Skyrim
- ^ Notes on Dissection
- ^ Excavation Leader's Journal
- ^ Events of The House of Horrors in Skyrim
- ^ Events of Unholy Vigil in Skyrim
- ^ Dawnguard quest in Skyrim
- ^ Stendarr's Beacon in Skyrim
- ^ Events of Bolstering the Ranks in Skyrim
- ^ a b Events of The Cause in Skyrim
- ^ Events of The Consequences in Skyrim