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Lore:Trebonius Artorius

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Arch-Mage Trebonius Artorius
MW-npc-Trebonius Artorius.jpg
Arch-Mage Trebonius Artorius
Race Imperial Gender Male
Born Third Era
Resided in Cyrodiil
Vivec City
Appears in Morrowind

Trebonius Artorius was the Arch-Mage of the Vvardenfell branch of the Mages Guild in the late Third Era. As Arch-Mage, he resided in the guild hall in Vivec City, which served as the Vvardenfell branch's headquarters. It was believed he was promoted to the position to remove him from Cyrodiil, where he originally served the guild.[1]

Artorius was under constant scrutiny from other members of the guild because of his apparent lack of competency as a leader, showing little awareness of Dunmer culture,[2] being completely oblivious to a House Telvanni spy in his midst,[2][3] and giving asinine, often impossible tasks to his subordinates. The duties that he asked of his colleagues included digging a hole to the mainland, despite it being separated from Vvardenfell by the Inner Sea,[4] learning the language of the Silt Striders,[5] building a new Anumidium,[6] moving the Foreign Quarter canton of Vivec City by chaining Dreugh together and having them tow it,[7] and making an inventory of all the plates and bottles in the entirety of Vvardenfell.[8]

Despite his shortcomings as a leader, Artorius was a powerful battlemage.[9] He possessed his personal staff and the legendary Necromancer's Amulet, both powerful artifacts.[10] Artorius was said to be arrogant, and in one display of his power, he cursed an Ordinator with an affliction over a drunken insult.[11]

Circa 3E 427, the Nerevarine ascended the ranks of the Vvardenfell Mages Guild and eventually found themselves before Artorius. Artorius provided a far-fetched task: learn the secret of the disappearance of the Dwemer.[12] The Nerevarine was determined to complete the task, speaking with various scholars on the subject before ultimately hearing the theories of the last living Dwarf, Yagrum Bagarn.[13][14]

When the Nerevarine returned with the information, Artorius seemed overwhelmed that one of his tasks had been undertaken so thoroughly. He followed up with another tall task: kill every Telvanni councilor.[12][15] Artorius was deeply paranoid about the Telvanni and did not believe the Mages Guild and the Great House could coexist in peace.[12] The Nerevarine was advised not to attempt this task, since even if they succeeded in killing the councilors, House Telvanni's reaction would be completely unpredictable.[16] The Nerevarine ultimately decided to not kill all the councilors.[17]

The Nerevarine eventually positioned themselves to replace Artorius as Arch-Mage, and High Chancellor Ocato sent a letter ordering him to retire and cede leadership to the Nerevarine.[18] Reports conflict on whether the Nerevarine delivered Ocato's letter to Artorius or challenged him to open combat in the Vivec City Arena and killed him.[19]

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