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Lore:Northeast Archipelago

< Lore: Places: N
Northeast Archipelago
Type Archipelago
Continent Tamriel
Province Morrowind
Map of the islands (Anthology)

The unnamed archipelago of the northeast reaches of Morrowind is a collection of at least three islands in the Padomaic Ocean, belonging to the greater easts of the province.[1][2] In terms of terrain, the rugged archipelago has a mix rocky hills and fertile plains with a number of settlements,[3][UOL 1] and is in a colder part of the continent.[4] On the largest island, House Telvanni controls the palace of Port Telvannis,[5] found on the south bay.[UOL 2][UOL 3] It is believed to be their capital city, as the High Telvanni wizards called the "Parliament of Bugs" is headquartered there.[6] The Telvanni prefer to tend their herds of giant insects amid the rocky hills and islands of the extreme northeast.[7] The Indoril rule towns on the two outer islands.[UOL 3] During the reign of the Third Empire, there was a series of Imperial garrisons established along the coastal Morrowind islands. These forts were attacked by Uriel III's forces in 3E 121, which Empress Kintyra II's consort Kontin Arynx died defending, marking the start of the War of the Red Diamond.[8] There is a fourth small island found to the far north of the largest island.[9]

On the mainland, Llothanis Heights is the closest settlement to the islands.[2][UOL 1] There is large island found north of the badlands of the mainland, located west of the island group,[2] but it is unknown if it is considered part of the archipelago. There are also some small islands found in the strait between the archipelago and mainland.[10] Trading ships of the East Empire Company sometimes sail through this strait for passage to the Inner Sea, and other times sail around the islands through the Sea of Ghosts to go to the Northern Coast.[11]

Notable LocationsEdit


