The Men-of-kreath (also written as men-of-'kreath) were an ancient tribe of Nedic people. They lived in the northern parts of the Tamriel during the Merethic and early First eras and were among the men herded as slaves from across the Niben by the Ayleids. They were later known to be imported from the North.[1] During the times of Alessian Slave Rebellion the northern holdings retaken from the Ayleids were consolidated for the Men-of-kreath after the first Pogrom.[2] Based off their name and inhabitation of "the North", they may have originated from the region of Falkreath Hold in Skyrim (though it was sometimes considered part of Colovia in earlier history),[3] or another location such as Dunkreath.[4] As they are not described as being Nords, the men-of-'kreath seem to have been a distinct group of humans that were indigenous to the region.[1][2]