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Arena:Development Team

< Arena

This page contains the full development credits as listed in the Arena Player's Guide.

Designed and Produced by
VJ Lakshman

Programmed and Directed by
Julian Lefay

Executive Producer
C. S. Weaver

Programming by
Jennifer Pratt
Foroozan Soltani

Additional Design by
Ted Peterson

Additional Programming and Art by
Chris Green
Fred LaBar
Rick Kauzlarich
David Lee Anderson
Music by
Eric Heberling

Computer Art by
Jeff Perryman
Ken Mayfield
Bryan Brossart

QA and Testing by
Melissa Bogley
David Bogley
All the Testers

Documentation by
VJ Lakshman
Peggy Meile
Top row: Ted Peterson, Ken Mayfield, Jennifer Pratt, Foroozan Soltani, Jeff Perryman, and Julian Lefay.[1]
Bottom row: VJ Lakshman[1] and Bryan Brossart.[citation needed]


  1. ^ a b [ELOdry]. Comment on "Les 20 Ans Des Tes En Interview". Wiwiland Forums.