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The typical ending of an Artifact Quest

Artifact Quest are a type of Random Quest, which always begin at inns, much like Inn Quests. However, they are different enough to merit their own dedicated page. Asking about general rumors may result in an NPC revealing they know of a person at a local inn who knows the location of a map that leads to an arcane artifact. This is fairly rare, especially at lower levels: the chance to receive such rumors increases by 1% for each character level up to a maximum of 15%, and there is only a 50% chance a given NPC will talk about any interesting rumors at all (if they do share rumors, repeated inquiries will generally result in an artifact rumor eventually). Like inn quests, it is possible to encounter an artifact quest when speaking to an innkeeper without previously being directed to that inn by a rumor. Nonetheless, visiting every inn in your current location doesn't guarantee an artifact quest. Once an artifact quest is offered, a few hundred gold must be paid for the information. After coming to a financial agreement with the quest-giver, they will direct you to a dungeon in a different province. The world map will then reveal this dungeon as a fast-travel option in the indicated province. The player must explore that dungeon to find a map to another dungeon where the artifact itself awaits. In both cases, the desired object is in a closed but unlocked chest on the 4th and final floor of the dungeon.

Quest MessagesEdit

After receiving the quest, you must delve into two dungeons: one to find a map, the other to find the artifact. In both cases, a message appears when the objective is complete, generally following this pattern:

  • "You have found the map that leads to [Artifact Name], somewhere in the province of [Artifact Dungeon's Province]. You inscribe the location onto your map of the continent..."
  • "You have uncovered the legendary [Artifact Name], lost for ages. With reverence you add the item to your inventory..."

The respective quest logs at the onset of those two stages are:

  • "The map to the [Artifact Name] lies in the [Artifact Map Dungeon Name], somewhere in the province of [Artifact Dungeon's Province]..."
  • "The legendary [Artifact Name] lies in the [Artifact Dungeon Name], somewhere in the province of [Artifact Dungeon's Province]..."

Once the artifact is retrieved, the quest is finished. Be careful with its use, however, as sooner or later it may vanish from your inventory (i.e. when it "breaks") and the quest must be started anew if you want it back. One of the following messages will appear when an artifact is lost:

  • "There is a sudden, blinding flash and your [Artifact] vanishes from your sight."
  • "You can hear a low hum coming from your [Artifact], and suddenly, it fades away."
  • "A glowing aura suddenly envelopes your [Artifact], and when it fades away, the [Artifact] is gone."

Armor ArtifactsEdit

Auriel's ShieldEdit

Auriel's Shield

Quest-starting Rumors

  • "Were you ever told stories about Auriel when you were a little [PC race]? There's this guy [Direction] of here at the [Tavern name] who says he knows how to get Auriel's Shield, which apparently gives you some of Auriel's powers to resist spells and heal. He wants a few hundred gold pieces more than I have for his information, but if you have the money, you really shouldn't pass up this opportunity."
  • "Just between the two of us, I know how to get Auriel's Shield. Actually, I know how to get to the guy who can sell you information about where to go to find the map to find the shield, if you follow me. He's a little [Direction] of here, in a tavern called the [Tavern name]. Tell him I sent you, and bring plenty of gold. He's not giving his information away."
  • "Somebody ought to open up an Auriel Shoppe for tourists, he'd make a million. Now there's some chap [Direction] of here who says for a couple hundred gold, he'll tell you how to find the map to the new locale of Auriel's Shield. If he's honest, it's the find of the year. If not, he's just one more con man in the [Tavern name]. I wouldn't risk it."

Tavern Encounters

  • "You don't look like a museum curator," says the man next to you. "You must have a practical interest in Auriel's Shield. My name is [NPC name], if you want to know. You probably know the story of how Cormelik made a map of all of his expeditions to the Shield, right? Well, I know where one of his maps is, and so can you for a mere [Amount of gold] gold pieces. Do we have a deal?"
  • "You're an ambitious [PC race], ain't you?" says a voice behind you. You turn to see a figure, his thick [Province] accent low and conspiratorial. "I like that. You can call me [NPC name]: I was one of Cormelik's followers years ago, when he was tracking all of the returning points of Auriel's Shield, and I know where he put one of his maps. I'd go get it myself and sell it, but then I'd be asking a lot more than [Amount of gold] gold pieces. Surely you can afford that much to recover Auriel's Shield?"
  • A shady-looking character leaves his table and joins you at the bar. "I overheard you mention Auriel's Shield, [PC race]. If you're serious, I should introduce myself, [NPC name], former follower of Cormelik the Elder, the man who prophesized [sic] all the Shield's returning points. You've heard he was unable to enter the true place himself, mighty a warrior as he was? So do not think it is enough to get the map I know of. In addition, I need [Amount of gold] gold to justify telling you how to find the map itself. Do we understand one another?"


  • "Forget it, pal. You're going to have to do a lot better than that."
  • "If that's the best you can offer, just say goodbye. Otherwise, you're going to have to make it more, [PC race]."
  • "I assume that was a joke. Please make me a legitimate offer, [PC race]."
  • "Sorry we couldn't help one another, [PC race]. I'm staying here at [tavern] for [number of] more days, so if there's a change in your courage or your purse size, look me up. Goodbye."
  • "Oh well. I'll probably still be at [tavern] for [number of] days with my offer standing. Fare thee well, young [PC race]."
  • "Fine. Please excuse me while I look for truly adventurous parties. The offer and I will be here for [number of] days and then we're leaving fair [Settlement name]. Free advice: come back with gold."
  • "That's a fair offer, but [Amount of gold] gold pieces is an even more fair offer."
  • "I can't accept that, I'm afraid. I'd take [Amount of gold] gold, though." "I'd like to, but I can't accept that. Would you agree to [Amount of gold] gold?"

New Encounter (after rejecting the quest)

  • At the mention of Auriel's Shield, the familiar figure of [NPC name] appears next to you. His hearing is apparently exceptional. "Back again, [PC race]? Well, lucky for you the offer still stands. I will tell you everything I know about the location of Auriel's Shield for [Amount of gold] gold pieces. No credit, naturally."
  • You feel a tap on your shoulder. [NPC name] stands behind you. "I knew you'd be back. I assume you're now prepared to give me [Amount of gold] gold pieces to learn how one may find Auriel's Shield?"
  • The innkeeper lets out a whistle. "[NPC name]! The [PC race] is back to talk with you!" [NPC name] emerges from across the room. "You've reconsidered, "he says. "Marvelous. Now if you have the [Amount of gold] pieces of gold I requested, I'll tell you exactly how one might find Auriel's Shield. Agreed?"


  • "Ah, I hope you know what fortune you've found today. It is in the nature of people not to know how lucky they are. Take the case of a small group of acolytes who journeyed across the province of High Rock. They stumbled upon a cave that seemed to lead to deeper, darker depths. One of them read an inscription in the entrance which indicated this place as the new resting place for a map to Auriel's Shield. Imagine still their greater surprise when they told me, hoping that as a follower of Cormelik the Elder, I could answer their neophytical questions. I answered them indeed. Their blood now adorns this city's sewers, as does their silence. I have no need of something such as this Shield, said to be able to protect the user from any attack. You have provided me with the money I require for arcane activities. Still, a deal is a deal. The cave is called the [Dungeon name]. Here, I have inscribed it onto your map of the continent. Within its depths should be the map that will lead you to Auriel's Shield. I wish you well on your journey..."

Ebony MailEdit

Ebony Mail

Quest-starting Rumors

  • "If you have aspirations toward going far,[PC race], you need to talk to a man I know who has information about getting the Ebony Mail. Go a bit [Direction] to the [Tavern name] if you want to see him, but remember to bring plenty of gold. He's not giving it away for nothing, that's for certain."
  • "[Provincial exclamation], I know about something you'd be interested in, young [PC race]. Over to the [Direction] in an inn called the [Tavern name], you'll find a gentleman with a certain inside story about the Ebony Mail. I'm sure you've heard about the Mail? Makes you tougher than a troll, stronger, faster. Might have some use, you know?"
  • "Now, keep this under your hat, [PC race], but I know someone who knows how to get the Ebony Mail, really I do. He's [Direction] of here in the [Tavern name]. If I were you, I get all the gold I have for payment and get there right away, before all the battle-hardiest of [Settlement name] and [Rival settlement name] are at the [Tavern name] looking for this guy."

Tavern Encounters

  • "Good news travels fast, eh, [PC race]?" The brawny man on the next chair looks at you humorlessly. "I was wondering how long it would take before every adventurer in [Province] showed up to beg me to tell them the location of the Ebony Mail. Who wouldn't want to wear armor that makes you [sic] gives you such power, power no spell can take away from you? Well, you can bet I'm not going to divulge my secret for free. My current price is [Amount of gold] gold pieces. Take it or leave it." "Hey, [NPC name]!" the innkeeper yells, "This [PC race] wants to talk to you about the Ebony Mail!"
  • You are joined by a sober young man. "You're not the first person to come here asking about the Ebony Mail," he says. "Lots of people like the idea of getting a legendary item that gives them such power, but few have even almost the [Amount of gold] gold pieces I need to tell the secret location. Do you have it?"
  • A distinguished-looking man two seats away from you at the bar rises and joins you, his voice a low growl. "You can call me [NPC name], [PC race]. I'm the one who knows how to find the Ebony Mail, the lost armor of the Drow that could make even you a hero. Right now, I'm asking for [Amount of gold] gold for my information - a preposterously low price, but still more than most people in the [tavern name] are able to pay, it seems."


  • "I can understand bargain shopping, but you're being ridiculous. I'm going to need a lot more than that."
  • "Not a chance, pal. Try again." "I assume that was a joke. Please make me a legitimate offer, [PC race]."
  • "What a disappointment. Goodbye then. I'll be at [tavern] for [number of] more days if you change your mind."
  • "I've wasted enough time already. You can find me here for [number of] days if you get the money or change your mind. Leave me now."
  • "Sorry we couldn't help one another, [PC race]. I'm staying here at [tavern] for [number of] more days, so if there's a change in your courage or your purse size, look me up. Goodbye."
  • "Sorry, I can't justify that. [Amount of gold] gold seems fair. What do you think?"
  • "You're a good haggler, [PC race]. I'm afraid I can't accept less than [Amount of gold] gold."
  • "I understand your position, trying to get the best price you can. Let's say [Amount of gold] gold, shall we?"

New Encounter (after rejecting the quest)

  • The door guard bellows into the rear, "[NPC name]! The [PC race] is back!" [NPC name] emerges from across the room. "You've reconsidered?" he asks. "If you have the [Amount of gold] pieces of gold we originally agreed upon, I'll tell you exactly how one 'might [sic] find the Ebony Mail. Agreed?"
  • "Hello again, [PC race]," [NPC name] joins you at the bar. "Good to see it didn't take you long to change your mind about the Ebony Mail. I assume you're ready to pay the [Amount of gold] gold I mentioned before?"
  • "I wasn't sure I'd see you again, [PC race]," says [NPC name], coming to the bar at the sound of your voice. "I haven't had any other takers yet, but my offer for sharing the clues to the Ebony Mail stands at [Amount of gold] gold. Is this agreeable?"


  • "Exactly what I hoped you'd say. The bad news is you'll have to go to Black Marsh to find the Mail, to a nasty little place called the [Dungeon name]. There lies the map to the spirit-forsaken dungeon holding the Ebony Mail. You'll find that the map points out the place where the Dark Elven goddess Boethiah hid the Mail after she took it from Helath Stormbinder, a warrior she no longer favored. Rather like Kynareth and Morihaus, but that's another story. I will inscribe the location of the [Dungeon name] onto your map of the continent. The map that will lead you to the Ebony Mail lies there. I doubt if Boethiah even cares after all this time, but I'll wish you luck anyhow. Goodbye."

Lord's MailEdit

Lord's Mail

Quest-starting Rumors

  • "Ever hear word of the Armor of Morihaus? That's what the old timers call the Lord's Mail. Well, anyhow, there's someone over in the [Tavern name] whispering around about the Armor of Morihaus. Sure, he might've just been some drunk talking and about old legends, but if there's a chance of getting the armor that regenerates the person who wears it, well...
  • "Listen, some guy over at the [Tavern name], that inn to the [Direction], told me he knew not only that the Lord's Mail of Morihaus is real, but how to find it. He said he was willing to sell the information, but I'm more than a little broke. You ought to head up that way if you've got a couple hundred gold, and are willing to trust a stranger."
  • "Actually, I have heard something interesting lately. Ever heard the legend of Morihaus? Well, this guy over to the [Direction] in the [Tavern name] says he knows where Morihaus' armor, the Lord's Mail is. I don't know if it's even half true, but I know he wants money for his information. If you've got the gold, this is an opportunity I'd take advantage of."

Tavern Encounters

  • As soon as you mention the Lord's Mail, a man you didn't see when you entered seats himself by you at the bar. "Couldn't help overhearing you, mate. You can call me [NPC name]. I happen to know how to find Morihaus' armor, the bane of trolls everywhere. A [PC race] like you could use a little help. I'm willing to tell you everything I know for [Amount of gold] gold. Agreed?"
  • "It can't be coincidence that brings you and I to the [Tavern name] at the same time," a young man seats himself next to you. "A [PC race] looking for the Lord's Mail, and a man who knows just where to find it. Best armor ever created, you know. Make you more than a match for anyone. I like you enough to offer a mere [Amount of gold] gold pieces for my invaluable information. Do we have a deal?"
  • The bartender signals to a man in the back of the inn. The young man stands up and joins you at the counter. "I've got the sort of information wars have been waged over. You know for his arrogance Morihaus had the Lord's Mail taken from him by the spirit Kynareth. I do not suffer from the same sin of arrogance. For [Amount of gold] gold, I will tell how to find the place where Kynareth has sequestered the Lord's Mail. Shall we do business, [PC race]?"


  • "Forget it, pal. You're going to have to do a lot better than that."
  • "I haven't insulted your intelligence yet, please don't insult mine. Make a legitimate offer, or I walk."
  • "If that's the best you can offer, just say goodbye. Otherwise, you're going to have to make it more, [PC race]."
  • "What a disappointment. Goodbye then. I'll be at [tavern] for [number of] more days if you change your mind."
  • "I've wasted enough time already. You can find me here for [number of] days if you get the money or change your mind. Leave me now."
  • "I understand your monetary situation. If it changes, I'm staying here [number of] days more. Please excuse me, [PC race]."
  • "Well, no. I can't accept any less than [Amount of gold] gold."
  • "A little backbone I like, [PC name]. Would you consider [Amount of gold] gold instead?"
  • "Sorry, I can't justify that. [Amount of gold] gold seems fair. What do you think?"

New Encounter (after rejecting the quest)

  • [NPC name] comes in from the back at the mention of The Lord's Mail. He shakes your hand gregariously. "Good to see you again, [PC race]. You've come to buy the information I have about The Lord's Mail, ehI think I told you I'd let you know everything for [Amount of gold] gold pieces, right?"
  • "If it isn't [PC race], back in [tavern] already," [NPC name] appears at your side, rising from a side tavern table. "Guess you changed your mind. I haven't changed mine about The Lord's Mail. If you want to know how to get it, you'll have to pay me the [Amount of gold] gold we agreed upon. Is this agreeable?"
  • At the mention of The Lord's Mail, the familiar dark figure of [NPC name] appears next to you. His hearing is apparently exceptional. "Back again, [PC race]? Well, the offer still stands, lucky for you. I will tell you everything I know about the location of The Lord's Mail for [Amount of gold] gold pieces. No credit, naturally. Do you agree?"


  • "Very good, I accept your gold. Listen to me carefully. In the province of Skyrim, there is a dungeon called the [Dungeon name], said to be the actual burial crypt of Kynareth herself! Before her death it is said that she foresaw many needs coming to the land. To aid any person who would take such a need upon their shoulders Kynareth created the Lord's Mail, said to be able to cure its wearer of any injury. To guard this artifact from those who would plunder her crypt, she secreted it in a location known only to her. Whenever a great need appears upon the land, so does the Lord's Mail. That's how that warrior, Morihaus, got it first. It's location, and the crypt of Kynareth are always different. In the ancient libraries of Tholgamis I stumbled upon the secret to the location of Kynareth's crypt as it has appeared this time. I have no desire to be a hero. A full purse is enough to keep me happy! If you fashion yourself a hero, and wish to win the Lord's Mail, journey to Kynareth's crypt and get the map, good [PC race]. I have inscribed her resting place on your map of the continent. I wish you well on your journey..."

Spell BreakerEdit

Spell Breaker

Quest-starting Rumors

  • "[Provincial Provincial exclamation], I wish I were a few hundred gold pieces richer. If I were, I would've give it to this guy I was just talking to. He said he had information about Spell Breaker, that shield that dispells spells. You know, we have those reckless battlemages here in [Settlement name] throwing fireballs around. If you're interested, he was heading [Direction] toward the [Tavern name]."
  • "I know every other person has a theory about where the Spell Breaker shield has resurfaced, but there's a guy right here in [Settlement name] who says he definitely knows how to get it. He's going to want some gold for his information, but if you're interested, I saw him [Direction] of here in a tavern called the [Tavern name]."
  • "There's another chap trying to get people to pay him for his so-called insider information about the newest wherebouts [sic] of Spell Breaker. I'm sure he makes a good living, selling phony stories to people who want to believe in a shield that can destroy spells! Last I saw of him, he was [Direction] of here, bothering the people at the [Tavern name]. [Provincial Provincial exclamation], there ought to be a law."

Tavern Encounters

  • "Who sent you?" the young man to your right hisses, his pale face contrasted in shadow and light. He examines your [PC race] features and calms. "My apologies, friend. I am [NPC name] and I'm trying to avoid the agents of the Necromancers, who want the information I have about the shield Spell Breaker. If you're interested in a shield that would make any mage powerless against you, I can direct you for a mere [Amount of gold] gold. I need to be leaving [Settlement name] soon, so do we have a deal?"
  • "Ah, you're looking for Spell Breaker, are you?" A young man behind you in a black cloak approaches and shakes your hand. "Came to the right inn and asked the right man, you did. They call me [NPC name], and I can show you exactly where Spell Breaker is hidden. A mere [Amount of gold] gold and you've bought all my knowledge the shield's wherebouts [sic]. What do you think?"
  • "Anticipating a big fight with a magus, kid?" The man to your left nudges you and then drops his voice to a whisper. "It's [NPC name] at your service. I know how you can find out where the Spell Breaker is, but I ain't going to tell you for free. I'd find it myself, but I'd rather have [Amount of gold] gold and leave the questing to you. What do you say, [PC race]? Do we have a deal?"


  • "Are you certain you can't make it [Amount of gold] gold? I'd agree to that."
  • "Not even close. If that's all you have, don't waste my time." "No chance, [PC race]. I hope you don't think this is all a joke."
  • "Forget it. You're not going to get the Spell Breaker for free, [PC race]."
  • "I've wasted enough time already. You can find me here for [number of] days if you get the money or change your mind. Leave me now."
  • "No hard feelings, [PC race], but I look for other interested parties. I'll be here [number of] days if you want to think about it and get back to me. Until then, goodbye."
  • "I was prepared for reasonable haggling. I must say I'm disappointed. Come back within [number of] days if you're willing to negotiate. Goodbye."
  • "I understand your position, trying to get the best price you can. Let's say [Amount of gold] gold, shall we?"
  • "No, no, no. Let's try again. I'll tell you everything I know for [Amount of gold] gold." "Well, no. I can't accept any less than [Amount of gold] gold."

New Encounter (after rejecting the quest)

  • "If it isn't [PC name], back in [tavern] already," [NPC name] appears at your side rising from a side tavern table. "Guess you changed your mind. I haven't changed mine about Spell Breaker. If you want to know how to get it, you better have [Amount of gold] gold pieces."
  • At the mention of Spell Breaker, the familiar figure of [NPC name] appears next to you. His hearing is apparently exceptional. "Back again, [PC race]? Well, the offer still stands, lucky for you. I will tell you everything I know about the location of Spell Breaker for [Amount of gold] gold pieces. No credit, naturally."
  • You feel a tap on your shoulder. [NPC name] stands behind you. "I knew you'd be back. I assume you're now prepared to give me [Amount of gold] gold pieces to learn how one may find the Spell Breaker of legend?"


  • It seems you seek the shield, Spell Breaker, in earnest then. Well my good, [PC race], you would be one of many to find that which can negate even the most powerful of magics. You do not need to seek far. King Rourken, last of the Dwarven Kings had Spell Breaker fashioned for him in his war against the Wizard Shalidor. It was lost in the final battle, and from time to time has reappeared in the land. The clue to where it now lies seems to be in the Hammerfell province. In my travels I stumbled upon an ancient text that speaks of a place called the [Dungeon name]. I quickly wrote down the location, then destroyed the text. I have inscribed that location onto your map of the continent. It is there that you will find a map to lead you to Spell Breaker. I wish you well on your quest...

Weapon ArtifactsEdit

Auriel's BowEdit

Auriel's Bow

Quest-starting Rumors

  • "Auriel's Bow is the news, young [PC race]. Ever heard of it? Well, there's a chap just [Direction] of here who swears he knows exactly how to find it. He's asking for a bit more than the local [Tavern name] boys are interested in paying. Maybe you could talk him down a bit, if you're interested in the ultimate bow in Tamriel."
  • "Another of Auriel's artifacts has turned up, at least according to this gentleman over at the [Tavern name], just [Direction] of here. He says he knows who has the map to Auriel's Bow, which legend says never misses. If you have the sort of money he's looking for, you should pay a visit. But you better hurry over. I don't know if he'll be at the [Tavern name] for long."
  • "Nothing much going on I can think of. Unless you count that weird guy I saw here a few minutes ago, trying to sell me information on buying Auriel's Bow for more gold pieces than I care to spend on a rumor. I told him he might try the locals at the [Tavern name], so headed off [Direction]. If you're interested, you can find him there."

Tavern Encounters

  • "Fancy yourself a bit of an archer?" The man in the next seat turn [sic] to you, unsmiling. "My name's [NPC name] and I think I can help you find that Bow. In fact, I know I can, if you've got [Amount of gold] gold for my information. Only fair, right? Might sound like a lot, but you're getting exclusive knowledge about the wherebouts [sic] of one of the greatest lost artifacts of Tamriel. So we have an agreement, [PC race]?"
  • The man behind you taps your shoulder the moment you mention Auriel's bow. "Someone must've told you I'd be here," he says, his voice slurred with drink. "Everyone in [Province] knows if you want to find Auriel's Bow, [NPC name]'s the man you should talk to, and that's me. Maybe if someone else knew what I do, he'd try and get the bow himself or make himself rich, but, you know, my needs are modest. Everything I know about finding the bow can be bought for [Amount of gold] gold pieces. Interested?"
  • "Good day to you," a man to your right greets you. "I'm [NPC name], at your service. I'm the fellow you should speak with if you're interested in Auriel's Bow. In the hands of an accomplished archer, as you no doubt are, the Bow could very well be the deadliest weapon in Tamriel. Perfect, don't you think? Anyhow, all I ask is [Amount of gold] gold to show you exactly how the bow may be yours. Sound good to you?"


  • "Not even close. If that's all you have, don't waste my time."
  • "I like to think I have a good sense of humor, but you're wasting my time. Either say goodbye or make a real offer."
  • "I can understand bargain shopping, but you're being ridiculous. I'm going to need a lot more than that."
  • "I have other potential customers to see. Come back in the next [number of] days and you might find me here. Tata, [PC race]."
  • "I understand your monetary situation. If it changes, I'm staying here [number of] days more. Please excuse me, [PC race]."
  • "Well, you'll probably find me here for [number of] days or so, provided the [Settlement name] locals don't drive me out of the [Settlement type]. Come back if you change your mind."
  • "I'd like to, but I can't accept that. Would you agree to [Amount of gold] gold?"
  • "Well, no. I can't accept any less than [Amount of gold] gold."
  • "Interesting offer, but [Amount of gold] gold is the least I can accept in return for my information. Come now, [PC race], what do you think of that?"
  • "What kind of [PC race] are you?" snorts the man to your left.

New Encounter (after rejecting the quest)

  • You hear a cough behind you and [NPC name] appears, looking somewhat dejected. "Good to see you, [PC race]," he says. "I haven't had any luck yet. Seems anyone who believes Auriel's Bow exists doesn't have the gold to pay for my information. Are you ready to pay the [Amount of gold] gold?"
  • [NPC name] stands up from the far end of the bar and comes to join you at the mention of Auriel's Bow. "Oh, it's you again, [PC race]. Listen, I was just talking to someone else who seems interested, so if you don't have the [Amount of gold] gold we discussed last time, don't waste my time."
  • The bartender signals to a group in the corner, and [NPC name] leaves them to join you at the bar. "Good to see you again, [NPC name]. I was just talking to a few interested persons about Auriel's Bow. If you have the [Amount of gold] gold pieces we talked about before, I'd be happy to deal with you instead."


  • "Yeah, okay, that works for me. So listen up, [PC race]. You might've heard tales about Auriel's Bow, famed by all archers as the most powerful bow to ever exist. You're going to have to voyage to Valenwood, and find the map that leads to this Elven artifact. I have gleaned the information on its whereabouts from an ancient text given to me by the Elven Lord Alendis. The place is called the [Dungeon name], and I will inscribe it onto your map of the continent. If you can find the map, it should point out where Auriel's Bow has resurfaced..."



Quest-starting Rumors

  • "There's yet another rumor going around about Chrysamere, you know, the Paladin's Blade. Well, this guy at the [Tavern name], a little tavern just [Direction] of here, is telling everyone he has information about where Chrysamere is. He sounded sincere, I guess. Maybe if I had the gold to pay for the information, I'd go after Chrysamere myself."
  • "You've heard of the Chrysamere Blade, of course? Who hasn't? Well, some shadylooking character [Direction] of here at the [Tavern name] is saying he'll sell information regarding its location for a price. Apparently, his price is pretty steep. If you've got the money and the inclination, you should pay a visit to the [Tavern name]."
  • "Nothing much. Some drunk's offering to sell what he knows about the location of Chrysamere at the [Tavern name] [Direction] of here, as if he'd really know where the Paladin's Blade is. And he has the nerve to ask for hundreds of gold pieces in exchange. Maybe it's true, I don't know. If you're the trusting sort, you might want to visit the [Tavern name]."

Tavern Encounters

  • "Keep your voice down," a sinister figure grips you by the arm. "I am [NPC name], and I know how to find the holy Sword of the Paladin, Chrysamere. I'm a businessman and my information doesn't exactly come cheap, [PC race]. You'll know everything I know about Chrysamere for [Amount of gold] gold pieces. Are we agreed on price?"
  • Upon mentioning the sword Chrysamere, you are immediately joined by a young man. "Good [PC race], allow me to introduce myself, [NPC name] at your service. I couldn't help overhearing your mention of the Blade of Blades, the Sword of the Paladin, Chrysamere. As a matter of fact, I happen to know where the map to Chrysamere's most recent hiding place has been all this time. I just turned down a chap willing to pay [Amount of gold] gold for my information, but for you, I think I'd agree to that price. Do we have a deal?"
  • A cloaked figure appears at your side. He speaks in a low whisper. "Perhaps it is not so wise to mention Chrysamere so brazenly. There are few who would not kill to gain the information I have on its wherebouts [sic]. I could guide you on your way to recover the Sword of the Paladin, but not for less than [Amount of gold] gold pieces - not an unfair price, I think you agree. Are you prepared to pay that much?"


  • "Please don't insult me with pitiful offers. Tell me what you'll really pay for the information, [PC race]."
  • "There's a fine line between shrewd bartering and outright insults, and you've crossed it. Make a legitimate offer this time."
  • "That's what I paid for your mother last night, but I want a lot more for something worthwhile. Don't insult me again, [PC race]."
  • "An offer like this comes once in a lifetime. You'll be sorry. I'll give you [number of] days to get back to me here before I move on. Excuse me now."
  • "Sorry we couldn't help one another, [PC race]. I'm staying here at [tavern] for [number of] more days, so there's a change in your courage or your purse size, look me up. Goodbye."
  • "You don't even know what an excellent price I was offering. Ah well, I'll be here for [number of] more days if you change your mind. Pardon me now."
  • "I'd like to, but I can't accept that. Would you agree to [Amount of gold] gold?"
  • "Interesting offer, but [Amount of gold] gold is the least I can accept in return for my information. Come now, [PC race], what do you think of that?"
  • "I can't accept that, I'm afraid. I'd take [Amount of gold] gold, though."

New Encounter (after rejecting the quest)

  • "I wasn't sure I'd see you again, [PC race]," says [NPC name], coming to the bar at the sound of your voice. "I haven't had any other takers yet, but my offer for showing you the way to Chrysamere stands at [Amount of gold] gold. Will you agree to my offer?
  • You hear a cough behind you and [NPC name] appears, looking somewhat dejected. "Good to see you, [PC race]," he says. "I haven't had any luck yet. Seems anyone who believes Chrysamere exists doesn't have the gold to pay for my information. It does exits [sic] however. Are you willing to meet my offer of [Amount of gold] gold?"
  • [NPC name] stands up from the far end of the bar and comes to join you at the mention of Chrysamere. He is still in his black costume, and his mood reflects that color. "Oh, it's you again, [PC race]. Listen, I was just talking to someone else who seems interested, so if you don't have the [Amount of gold] gold we discussed, don't waste my time."


  • "I knew the moment you walked in, we'd make a good deal. My information comes from my brother, a scribe in Alabaster, a port city in Elsweyr. He does occasional work with the archivists of the city. A rumor grew that Chrysamere, the Sword of Heroes, had resurfaced into the known world. He delved deeper and found that it had indeed risen again. The location was said to be inscribed on a tablet in a place called the [Dungeon name]. I have inscribed the location of that tablet on your map of the continent. Neither my brother or I care much for adventure. The money you have given us will allow him to complete his studies and I to raise a family. Take care in your quest. Both the map you seek and Chrysamere are sure to be guarded..."

Ebony BladeEdit

Ebony Blade

Quest-starting Rumors

  • "The moral climate of the [Settlement] is plunging, I tell you. I was just solicited in a reputable tavern [Direction] of here, the [Tavern name], by a scary-looking fellow who offered to sell me information concerning the Ebony Blade. When I asked him what the Ebony Blade is, he said it's this sword that gives the wielder the victim's strength, sort of like a vampire! Can you imagine? [Provincial exclamation]!"
  • "Well, do you want to hear a sign of the times? There's a gentleman over at the [Tavern name], that's a good-sized tavern to the [Direction], who says he knows where the map leading to the Ebony Blade is. If he really does, that's the sort of information one would only sell to the richest city-state Kings or the Emperor. But here he is in a [Settlement name] inn, practically giving it away."
  • "[Provincial exclamation], I know where you need to be, [PC race]. There's a tavern a bit [Direction] by name of the [Tavern name] where you'll find a peculiar character selling information about the Ebony Blade. It is said that he who wields the Blade grows mightier each time his foe grows weaker. Might be a nice thing to have if you're anticipating a fight, eh?"

Tavern Encounters

  • "Watch your tongue, foolish [PC race]," growls the man next to you, barely looking into your face. "Many have been murdered merely for mentioning the Blade, and, according to some, their souls have been forever damned. If you are willing risk [sic] the odds and become the new possessor of the Ebony Blade, I can tell you all you need to know about recovering it. The current price for information is [Amount of gold] gold. Do we have a deal?" "I think we can help each other, young [PC race]."
  • A young man comes up from behind you. "I'm [NPC name], and I happen to know how to find the Ebony Blade itself, the sword that can give the wielder all the energy it sucked from its victim. Not very pretty, but perfect for frequent combatants. You can help me by giving me [Amount of gold] gold pieces. I find myself penniless here in [Settlement name] and I'm used to living better. Are we agreed, my friend?"
  • "The Ebony Blade?" You are approached by a gentleman, his voice unconnected, much older than his face. He shakes your hand. "Call me [NPC name]. I know of this sword that draws your curiousity [sic]. Maybe you've heard that it [sic] called the Leech or the Vampire, for every time its wielder's enemies are hurt, he grows stronger. Perhaps that's morally wrong, perhaps not. I can tell you how to find where this wicked blade is hidden, but it will cost you [Amount of gold] gold. Do you agree to pay this?"


  • "Yeah, I don't think so. Make me a real offer, [PC race]."
  • "Forget it, pal. You're going to have to do a lot better than that."
  • "That was an insulting offer, [PC name]. Make me an offer I might accept please."
  • "An offer like this comes once in a lifetime. You'll be sorry. I'll give you [number of] days to get back to me here before I move on. Excuse me now."
  • "Oh well. I'll probably still be at [tavern] for [number of] days with my offer standing. Fare thee well, young [PC race]."
  • "I knew I was wasting my time talking to you. If you can get back to [tavern] within [number of] days with my gold, we can still do business. Meanwhile, I must leave you. Farewell."
  • "You're a good haggler, [PC race]. I'm afraid I can't accept less than [Amount of gold] gold."
  • "Interesting offer, but [Amount of gold] gold is the least I can accept in return for my information. Come now, [PC race], what do you think of that?"
  • "Sorry, I've already turned someone down who offered that. What's your reaction to [Amount of gold] gold pieces?"

New Encounter (after rejecting the quest)

  • The innkeeper lets out a whistle. "[NPC name]! The [PC race] is back to talk with you!" [NPC name] emerges from across the room. "You've reconsidered," he says. "Marvelous. Now if you have the [Amount of gold] pieces of gold I requested, I'll tell you exactly how one might find the Ebony Blade. Agreed?"
  • "Hello again, [PC race], "[NPC name] joins you at the bar. "Good to see it didn't take you long to change your mind about the Ebony Blade. I assume you're ready to pay the [Amount of gold] gold I mentioned before?"
  • "I wasn't sure I'd see you again, [PC race], "says [NPC name], coming to the bar at the sound of your voice. "I haven't had any other takers yet, but my offer for showing you the way to the Ebony Blade stands at [Amount of gold] gold. Are you prepared to pay that much?"


  • "You seek a dire weapon indeed, [PC race]. The Ebony Blade sucks the very soul from a person, transfering that lifeforce to you. I think you will be consigning your everlasting soul to oblivion. It is your choice however. The map to the Ebony Blade can be found in a place called the [Dungeon name]. I have inscribed its location onto your map of the continent. I wish you well on your quest. If you find this map, it will lead you the [sic] Ebony Blade. Good luck, [PC race]. You'll need it..."

Staff of MagnusEdit

Staff of Magnus

Quest-starting Rumors

  • "Well, I've been talking to this fellow at the [Tavern name] [Direction] of here, and he was telling me he knows something about the location of the Staff of Magnus. I don't know if he's telling the truth, but he had the nerve to ask for hundreds of gold pieces in return for the information. If I had the money I think I'd take him up on it."
  • "This [Settlement type]'s getting crazier and crazier, that's what's up. For example, you know the [Tavern name] just [Direction] of here? Perfectly respectable tavern, but apparently some lunatic is hanging around there, bothering everyone, telling them he knows how to find the Staff of Magnus. He should know anyone who's ever heard of the Staff is too senile to go after it anyhow."
  • "Ever hear of the Staff of Magnus? No offense, very few [PC race] kids your age have. It's this ancient relic that legend says can absorb a spell cast at it and give the spell's power to whoever holds it. I know someone who knows how to get the Staff, and he'll tell you for a price if you get to him today. He's at the [Tavern name], just [Direction] of here."

Tavern Encounters

  • "Be quiet, [PC race] fool," the man next to you grabs your arm and speaks in a low, conspiratorial tone. "The Necromancers would not think at all about killing you just for mentioning the Staff of Magnus. Their most powerful mages are children compared to its power, and if they could possess it, surely they would rule [Settlement name]. I would be willing to tell you how to find the Staff, but it will cost you [Amount of gold] gold in return. Agreed?"
  • A young man comes to your side and shakes your hand. "The Staff of Magnus? It must surely be fate that brought us two together. I am [NPC name] and I can direct you on your way to find this most ancient and powerful of relics. Pity the poor mage who tries to battle with you once it is in your possession, eh? All I ask in return for my information is a pittance, [Amount of gold] gold pieces. Shall we get down to business?"
  • "I like your arrogance, kid," a dark figure slithers across the tavern to your side, his face emotionless as a mask. "Strolling into the [tavern name], asking about the Staff of Magnus like it was a new brand of ale. The Necromancers of [Settlement name] have been offering me thousands of gold pieces to tell them how to find it, but I shudder to think what would become of [Province] if they had that power. For you, I make the offer of [Amount of gold] gold, a very good price. Do we have a deal?"


  • "Ha. Make me a less amusing offer or stop wasting my time, [PC race]."
  • "I can understand bargain shopping, but you're being ridiculous. I'm going to need a lot more than that."
  • "Not a chance, pal. Try again."
  • "Oh well. I'll probably still be at [tavern] for [number of] days with my offer standing. Fare thee well, young [PC race]."
  • "I hope you never know the power you passed up today. If you're smart, you'll be back with gold in hand before [number of] days pass and I leave [Settlement name]. Take care of yourself."
  • "Fine. Please excuse me while I look for truly adventurous parties. The offer and I will be here for [number of] days and then we're leaving fair [Settlement name]. Free advice: come back with gold."
  • "I understand your position, trying to get the best price you can. Let's say [Amount of gold] gold, shall we?"
  • "Sorry, I've already turned someone down who offered that. What's your reaction to [Amount of gold] gold pieces?"
  • "No, no, no. Let's try again. I'll tell you everything I know for [Amount of gold] gold."

New Encounter (after rejecting the quest)

  • You hear a cough behind you and [NPC name] appears, looking somewhat dejected. "Good to see you, [PC race]," he says. "I haven't had any luck yet. Seems anyone who believes the Staff of Magus [sic] exists doesn't have the gold to pay for my information. Will you agree to meet my offer of [Amount of gold] gold?"
  • [NPC name] stands up from the far end of the bar and comes to join you at the mention of the Staff of Magus [sic]. He is still in his black costume, and his mood reflects that color. "Oh, it's you again, [PC race]. Listen, I was just talking to someone else who seems interested, so if you don't have the [Amount of gold] gold we discussed last time don't waste my time."
  • The bartender signals to a group in the corner, and [NPC name] leaves them to join you at the bar. "Good to see you again, [PC name]. I was just talking to a few interested persons about the Staff of Magus [sic]. If you have the [Amount of gold] gold pieces we talked about before, I'd be happy to deal with you instead."


  • "Thank you for the gold. Now listen carefully. Just before the Sorceror-King Magnus died, he trusted the only map to the location of the Staff of Magnus to the Blades, a secret society of warriors. I heard that one of their number sought the map that led to the Staff's current location. He journeyed to a place called the [Dungeon name], in the Elsweyr province, but never returned. I would never dare to go where a Bladesman met his end, but somewhere in that dungeon is the map to the location of the Staff of Magnus. For the money you've paid, you obviously think better of your chances. I wish you luck in your quest. I've inscribed its location onto your map of the continent. Good luck, [PC race]. I wish you well..."



Quest-starting Rumors

  • "Maybe your father told you stories of Volendrung, [PC race]? The Hammer of the Dwarves of Rourken? There's some guy a few inns from here who claims to know its location. Times being tough in [Settlement name], he's over at the [Tavern name], a tavern just [Direction] of here, selling the information he knows. You ought to look into it."
  • "Crazy [Settlement type] this [Settlement name]. Saw a guy skulking around, whispering 'Volendrung, volendrung', whatever that means. I chased him off, the crazy bastard. He headed [Direction] toward the [Tavern name], thank God. See what I mean, this [Settlement type]'s just getting crazier."
  • "There's this guy just [Direction] of here, in a tavern called the [Tavern name], selling information about Volendrung. If he's telling the truth, he knows how to get the Hammer of Might so I guess he's justified in asking hundreds of gold pieces for the information. A hammer that can turn a man to stone, imagine...

Tavern Encounters

  • "Did you say, 'Volendrung' my friend?" The monkey-faced man next to you reaches over and shakes your hand. "Assuming you're asking about the Dwarven Hammer of Might, I am [NPC name], the man you want to speak to. Perhaps you have a friend who has met a Medusa, or an enemy who ought to. Volendrung's the hammer for you then, kid. Just give me [Amount of gold] gold to get the business end out of the way, and I'll tell you how to find the Hammer."
  • "I knew the moment you walked in, you were the [PC race] I wanted to do business with," a young man you didn't notice before joins you at the bar eagerly. "You want Volendrung, the Hammer of Might: a testimony to your knowledge and good taste. I know how you can get Volendrung. All we need is to get the little question of price out of the way. For my assistance in getting you to the Hammer, I'm only asking for [Amount of gold] gold pieces. I assume that's fine with you?"
  • A young man cloaked in appears at your side at the mention of Volendrung. "You must have heard I was here, offering people information for recovering the lost Dwarven Hammer of Might. Well, you're a lucky [PC race]. Turns out the folk in the [tavern name] aren't as rich as I thought they'd be, and I need gold more than adventure. So for [Amount of gold] pieces of gold, I'll tell you exactly how to recover Volendrung. Will you take advantage of my generosity?"


  • "Yeah, I don't think so. Make me a real offer, [PC race]."
  • "Not even close, [PC race]. Is that the best you can offer?"
  • "I haven't insulted your intelligence yet, please don't insult mine. Make a legitimate offer."
  • "Price a little too hefty for you, [PC race]? I understand. Listen, I'll be here for [number of] days yet. Come back with the gold I require. Don't wait too long. Now I must go."
  • "Well, you'll probably find me here for [number of] days or so, provided the [Settlement name] locals don't drive me out of the [Settlement type]. Come back if you change your mind."
  • "I knew I was wasting my time talking to you. If you can get back to [tavern] within [number of days] with my gold, we can still do business. Meanwhile, I must leave you. Farewell."
  • "A little backbone I like, [PC race]. Would you consider [Amount of gold] gold instead?"
  • "You're a good haggler, [PC race]. I'm afraid I can't accept less than [Amount of gold] gold."

New Encounter (after rejecting the quest)

  • The innkeeper lets out a whistle. "[NPC name]! The [PC race] is back to talk with you!" [NPC name] emerges from across the room. "You've reconsidered," he says. "Marvelous. Now if you have the [Amount of gold] pieces of gold I requested, I'll tell you exactly how one might find Volendrung. Agreed?"
  • "Hello again, [PC race], "[NPC name] joins you at the bar. "Good to see it didn't take you long to change your mind about Volendrung. I assume you're ready to pay the [Amount of gold] gold I mentioned before?"
  • "I wasn't sure I'd see you again, [PC race]," says [NPC name], coming to the bar at the sound of your voice. "I haven't had any other takers yet, but my offer for showing you the way to Volendrung stands at [Amount of gold] gold. Are you prepared to pay that much?"


  • "I accept your gold. I won't repeat any of this, so listen carefully. You must journey to Hammerfell, to a place called the [Dungeon name], to find the Dwarven Hammer of Might. In this dire place lies the secret of Volendrung's reincarnation. Do not question how I came about this information. The price was more dear than you can imagine. If you can survive the depths of the [Dungeon name], you will find a map. On this map is inscribed the location of Volendrung. No thanks are needed, nor are they appreciated. Your gold has spoken enough. One warning will I give. Volendrung is a potent weapon, and will attract the attention of equally potent beings. Such attention is not something I would desire greatly..."

Other ArtifactsEdit

King Orgnum's CofferEdit

Quest-starting Rumors

  • "Well, if you're able to spend some gold in order to make a lot of gold, I have a deal for you. There's a chap a bit to the [Direction] in the [Tavern name] who knows how to get to King Orgnum's Coffer. If you've never heard about the coffer, it's the magical item that keeps on giving. Head toward the [Tavern name] right away because I don't know how long this guy will be there."
  • "Some chap [Direction] of here in the [Tavern name] is making a profit that would make King Orgnum himself proud. He says he knows where Orgnum's magical coffer is, but he needs several hundred gold pieces to say. Despicable, in my opinion."
  • "It never ceases to amuse me how much money people will spend to get rich quick. If you want to see what I mean, go [Direction] to the [Tavern name]. If he hasn't left yet, there's a man there willing to tell you how to find King Orgnum's Coffer, the key to a lifetime of wealth - for a price. Don't bring any money with you if you go or he'll talking you out of it all."

Tavern Encounters

  • "Well, I won't ask you how you knew who to question about King Orghum's Coffer." A tall gentleman turns to you and shakes your hand. "Someone on the street must have told you where [NPC name] was conducting his business. He or she probably doubted my authenticity, given the suspicious nature of the [Settlement name] citizenry. I assure you that if you follow my advice, you will be a very rich [PC race]. All I ask is [Amount of gold] gold - a small advance on your forthcoming salary."
  • You hear a snort of derisive laughter behind you. "Of course, everyone wants to know if King Orghum's Coffer is a fact or a myth. But if they knew the Coffer existed and where it is, how many would be brave enough to go after them? Most people wish for a magic box always full of money, but are too lazy or frightened to follow their dream. My name is [NPC name] and if you have the will and [Amount of gold] gold pieces, I will tell you how to find King Orghum's Coffer."
  • The man to your right looks at you strangely after you mention the coffer, as if to analyse your intentions. "I am [NPC name]. I know how you may find King Orghum's Coffer and I will tell you, for a price, of course. [Amount of gold] gold pieces, to be exact. This may seem like a lot of money, but with the Coffer, you will have a daily income most people in [Settlement name] dream of making annually. I think the price is fair. Your reply, [PC race]?"


  • "Yeah, I don't think so. Make me a real offer, [PC race]."
  • "Not even close, [PC race]. Is that the best you can offer?"
  • "There's a fine line between shrewd bartering and outright insults, and you've crossed it. Make a legitimate offer this time."
  • "Oh well. I'll probably still be at [tavern] for [number of] days with my offer standing. Fare thee well, young [PC race]."
  • "No hard feelings, [PC race], but I look for other interested parties. I'll be here [number of] days if you want to think about it and get back to me. Until then, goodbye."
  • "You don't know what you're passing up. Well, I must be leaving [Settlement name] in [number of] days, but you'll find me here until then if you come to your senses. Goodbye."
  • "A little backbone I like, [PC race]. Would you consider [Amount of gold] gold instead?"
  • "Are you certain you can't make it [Amount of gold] gold? I'd agree to that."
  • "I'd like to, but I can't accept that. Would you agree to [Amount of gold] gold?"

New Encounter (after rejecting the quest)

  • At the mention of King Orgnum's Coffer, the familiar dark figure of [NPC name] appears next to you. His hearing is apparently exceptional. "Back again, o [PC race]? Well, the offer still stands, lucky for you. I'll share with you the secret of the location of King Orgnum's Coffer for [Amount of gold] gold pieces, as we agreed."
  • You feel a tap on your shoulder and notice that [NPC name] has come up behind you. "I knew you'd be back. I assume you're now prepared to give me [Amount of gold] gold pieces to learn how one may find King Orgnum's Coffer of legend?"
  • The innkeeper lets out a whistle. "[NPC name]! The [PC race] is back to talk with you!" [NPC name] emerges from across the room. "You've reconsidered," he says. "Marvelous. Now if you have the [Amount of gold] pieces of gold I requested, I'll tell you exactly how one might find King Orgnum's Coffer. Agreed?"


  • "Thank you very much, [PC race]. The gold will come in handy. I hope you can make equally good use of my information. King Orghum lost his Coffer eighty or more years ago, during one of the marine battles with the Emperor of Tamriel, who was then Antiochus Septim. After the loss, Orghum's island kingdom of Pyandonea ceased to be a world power - probably because the King could no longer afford as great a fleet as before. The Coffer washed ashore on Summurset Isle, where it was an elusive presence. If I were you, I'd go to a place called the [Dungeon name], and see if you can find the map that leads to the Coffer. I'll inscribe its location onto your map of the continent. I wish you good luck."

Necromancer's AmuletEdit

Quest-starting Rumors

  • "If you go [Direction] a little and to a little tavern called the [Tavern name], you'll find this shady character who says he knows how to find some old relic, the legendary Necromancer's Amulet or something. Suppose he's telling the truth: the Amulet is supposed to regenerate any mage's power, and to give the user protection better than plate mail without the weight. If I had time, I'd be the first in line."
  • "[Provincial exclamation], if you know a mage interested in having his power regenerated, you might want to make a small investment over at the [Tavern name], that's a tavern [Direction] of here. Look for a shady looking chap, you can't miss him, and ask him about the Necromancer's Amulet. Heard of it? Well, he'll probably tell you all you need to know."
  • "[Provincial exclamation], you'd think mages would be too logical to get involved in quests for mythical relics that'll supposedly make them incredibly powerful. I saw two mages over at the [Tavern name], a respectable inn [Direction] of here, bartering with this guy over the Necromancer's Amulet. They didn't have enough money for the information he had, lucky for them."

Tavern Encounters

  • The man next to you shakes your hand eagerly, "You want some information about the Necromancer's Robes? Glad to meet you, I'm [NPC name]. I know this isn't a good way to begin negotiating, but I've been trying to sell the information I have on their location all day long and hardly anyone will talk to me. I think the Mages Guild in [Settlement name] must be afraid. Well, they have caused me to lower my price. I'll tell you how to find the most powerful magical relic in Tamriel for [Amount of gold] gold. Do we have a deal?"
  • "Glad to hear you bring it up, [PC race]," says a young man next to you. "I'm [NPC name] and I was just beginning to assume that no one in [Settlement name] has ever heard of Mannimarco and his Necromancer's Robes. So you're in luck, [PC race]. My new price for telling you exactly how to find the robes that will make any trickster into an archmage is [Amount of gold] gold pieces. As they say, take it or leave it."
  • A man strolls across the room to your side at the mention of the Necromancer's Robes. He looks you over carefully before speaking. "You may have heard about me, [PC race]? Well, at least you've heard of Mannimarco, the wizard whose robes you wish to possess. You have needs and I have needs, mine being [Amount of gold] gold. Being impecunious in [Settlement name] is so tiresome, don't you know? Does this deal please you?"


  • "Please don't insult me with pitiful offers. Tell me what you'll really pay for the information, [PC race]."
  • "That's what I paid for your mother last night, but I want a lot more for something worthwhile. Don't insult me again, [PC race]."
  • "I can understand bargain shopping, but you're being ridiculous. I'm going to need a lot more than that."
  • "Well, you'll probably find me here for [number of] days or so, provided the [Settlement name] locals don't drive me out of the [Settlement type]. Come back if you change your mind."
  • "What a disappointment. Goodbye then. I'll be at [tavern] for [number of] more days if you change your mind."
  • "I understand your monetary situation. If it changes, I'm staying here [number of] days more. Please excuse me, [PC race]."
  • "Sorry, I've already turned someone down who offered that. What's your reaction to [Amount of gold] gold pieces?"
  • "A little backbone I like, [PC race]. Would you consider [Amount of gold] gold instead?"
  • "Are you certain you can't make it [Amount of gold] gold? I'd agree to that."

New Encounter (after rejecting the quest)

  • [NPC name] comes in from the back at the mention of the Necromancer's Robes. He shakes your hand gregariously. "Good to see you again, [PC race]. You've come to buy the information I have about the Necromancer's Robes, eh? I think I told you I'd let you know everything for [Amount of gold] gold pieces, right?"
  • "If it isn't [PC race], back in [tavern] already," [NPC name] appears at your side, rising from a side tavern table. "Guess you changed your mind. I haven't changed mine about the Necromancer's Robes. If you want to know how to get it, you better have [Amount of gold] gold pieces..."
  • At the mention of the Necromancer's Robes, the familiar figure of [NPC name] appears next to you. "Back again, [PC race]? Well, the offer still stands, lucky for you. I will tell you everything I know about the location of the Necromancer's Robes for [Amount of gold] gold pieces. No credit, naturally."


  • Excellent, [Player Name], happy to do business with you. Now then, here is what I know. I may not look like it, but I am of noble blood, a member of one of the first families of High Rock. For century upon century, my family has been involved in the politics of Arena. Most of the rulers in the family have been servants for the good of the people, but occasionally a bad egg turns up like my great uncle. When my father took the rulership from him, he found that my uncle had a vast storeroom of items confiscated from travelers, including a map to the place where the Necromancer's Amulet is supposed to be now. Most of this he returned to the rightful owners, but this map was lost in a place called the [Dungeon name]. If you go there, you should be able to find the map again, and use it to locate the Amulet. Now I must leave you. Good luck, [PC race].

Oghma InfiniumEdit

Quest-starting Rumors

  • "Well, there is [sic] interesting little story I heard a few minutes ago from some chap in a tavern just [Direction] of here called the [Tavern name]. He said there was this book of incredible power called the Oglmethlum, uh... the Utherlzninium... the Uglonmth... the Oghma Infinium, that's it. Anyhow, he knows how to get to this book, but he wants some gold in return."
  • "Ever heard of Xarses, the sorceror who created the tome, the Oghma Infinium? Well, there's a guy in the [Tavern name], just [Direction] of here, who swears he knows someone who knew the great, great granduncle of this maid who used to clean up for Xarses' sister-in-law, and he says he knows how to find the Infinium. But he's going to want gold to talk."
  • "Some guy at the [Tavern name] was telling anyone who'd listen that he knows how to get this book, the Oghma Infinium, that supposedly will make you twice the [PC race] you are now. If you're interested, he's probably still there, just [Direction] of here. Personally, I think he was just drunk."

Tavern Encounters

  • "Rather a strange thing for someone to ask about," a young man of aristocratic bearing joins you at the bar. "The Oghma Infinium does not roll off one's tongue accidentally. Perhaps you have heard one of the [Settlement name] folk mention [NPC name] - that's me. I do know how to find the Tome of Power, only occasionally seen since Xarses' death centuries ago. I regret the necessity of asking [Amount of gold] gold for my information. You do agree it's a reasonable request for such a powerful relic?"
  • A man sits next to you at the bar. The innkeeper looks at him suspiciously and moves to his other customers. "My name is [NPC name]. Sorry for interrupting," he says, his voice like a blade sliding from its sheath. "But you mentioned the Oghma Infinium, and I have information that could lead to its recovery. You know knowledge doesn't come without its price. Mine is [Amount of gold] gold pieces. Are you willing to go on?"
  • The moment you mentioned the Oghma Infinium, you are joined by a man you did not even notice in the tavern before. He immediately starts his sell with a friendly smile. "Did I hear correctly? You're looking for the Tome of Power, the Librum of Knowledge, the Oghma Infinium of Xarses itself? I, [NPC name], admire ambition, so I will tell you exactly how you can get the Infinium for a mere [Amount of gold] gold. Agreed?"


  • "Not even close. If that's all you have, don't waste my time."
  • "I assume that was a joke. Please make me a legitimate offer, good [PC race]."
  • "I like to think I have a good sense of humor, but you're wasting my time. Either say goodbye or make a real offer."
  • "No hard feelings, [PC race], but I look for other interested parties. I'll be here [number of] days if you want to think about it and get back to me. Until then, goodbye."
  • "You don't know what you're passing up. Well, I must be leaving [Settlement name] in [number of] days, but you'll find me here until then if you come to your senses. Goodbye."
  • "I was prepared for reasonable haggling. I must say I'm disappointed. Come back within [number of] days if you're willing to negotiate. Goodbye."
  • "You're a good haggler, [PC name]. I'm afraid I can't accept less than [Amount of gold] gold."
  • "That's a fair offer, but [Amount of gold] gold pieces is an even more fair offer."
  • "Are you certain you can't make it [Amount of gold] gold? I'd agree to that."

New Encounter (after rejecting the quest)

  • You feel a tap on your shoulder. [NPC name] stands behind you. "I knew you'd be back. I assume you're now prepared to give me [Amount of gold] gold pieces to learn how one may find The Oghma Infinium of legend?"
  • The innkeeper lets out a whistle. "[NPC name]! The [PC race] is back to talk with you!" [NPC name] emerges from across the room. "You've reconsidered," he says. "Marvelous. Now if you have the [Amount of gold] pieces of gold I requested, I'll tell you exactly how one might find The Oghma Infinium. Agreed?"
  • "Hello again, [PC race]," [NPC name] joins you at the bar. "Good to see it didn't take you long to change your mind about The Oghma Infinium. I assume you're ready to pay the [Amount of gold] gold I mentioned before?"


  • "Excellent. In the province of Skyrim lies an ancient tomb. I found it quite by accident while escaping Reavers of the frozen wastes who sought to enslave me. Falling into this forsaken place I found tablets and scrolls which all pointed to the location of the Oghma Infinium, said to increase the reader's innate attributes to god-like proportions. I have no need of such attention, for I would rather be rich and anonymous. I have however inscribed the location of that tomb onto your map of the continent. It's called the [Dungeon name]. Journey there and you can recover those maps for yourself. They will show you where the Oghma Infinium now lies. Be warned, these things of power seldom grant their gifts without a price. The Infinium has appeared many times through the ages. I wish you luck on recovering it as it appears now..."

Unlike other artifacts, the Infinium has a unique pick up message.

  • "The Oghma Infinium is a tome of knowledge written by the Ageless One, the wizards-sage Xarses. All who read the Infinium are filled with the energy of the Artifact which can be manipulated to raise one's abilities to near demi-god proportions. Once used, legends has it, the Infinium will disappear from its wielder."

Ring of KhajiitEdit

Quest-starting Rumors

  • "I don't know what to make of him, but there's a gent over at the [Tavern name] who swears he knows how to find the Ring of the Khajiiti. Now how someone could know where the ring is and not have it is beyond me. Everyone could find a use for the Ring, you know. Well, if you're curious, you'll find the [Tavern name] a bit [Direction] of here."
  • "Ever heard of Rajhin, the great Khajiiti thief? Possibly not, for he stole much more than he was ever blamed for. Partly that was his skill, partly his magical ring. Rumor has it there's a chap [Direction] of here at the [Tavern name] who knows how to find where the ring has resurfaced if you have the time to investigate and the money to pay him for his information."
  • "You know that ring, the Ring of the Khajiiti that's supposed to turn anyone who wears it invisible? Well, I was talking to a gentleman who's staying just [Direction] of here at the [Tavern name] and he says he knows where the Ring is. Or, maybe he said he knew where to get to the map. He wanted more money for his information that I have, but you might be interested."

Tavern Encounters

  • "So, you've heard of the Ring, have you, [PC race]?" the man next to you nods his head. "Well, let me tell you all the legends about Rajhin and his Ring of the Khajiit are absolutely true. There does exist such a Ring that endows its wearer with many powers, including invisibility, and there is even a map to its recent hiding place! I am [NPC name], one of the few who know of its location. Regretfully, I must sell the knowledge I have, but it won't be cheap. [Amount of gold] gold pieces is the minimum price I'll accept."
  • "Another hero like Rajhin in training, eh? Hoping to use the power of the Ring of the Khajiit to rob the citizens of [Settlement name] or take advantage of opponents, perhaps? Good for you, [PC race]." The man to your left very nearly smiles, but it is obviously an unnatural expression for him. "I am [NPC name] of [Nearby Settlement name] and I can show you how you may find the Ring and win the power of invisibility. I will require [Amount of gold] gold of you to prove your seriousness in this matter. How does that sound to you?"
  • "Do you even know what the Ring of the Khajiit is, [PC race]?" the big man in a black robe to your right mutters. "You know it turns the wearer invisible, but are you aware of the responsibility and power given to the Ring bearer? There was a time when I would sooner die that [sic] give up the secret given to me by the spirit of Rajhin himself. [NPC name] is not without honor. I will require no less than [Amount of gold] gold pieces to betray my friend and divulge the location."


  • "If that's the best you can offer, just say goodbye. Otherwise, you're going to have to make it more, [PC race]."
  • "Not even close. If that's all you have, don't waste my time." "Ha. Make me a less amusing offer or stop wasting my time, [PC race]."
  • "I was prepared for reasonable haggling. I must say I'm disappointed. Come back within [number of] days if you're willing to negotiate. Goodbye."
  • "An offer like this comes once in a lifetime. You'll be sorry. I'll give you [number of] days to get back to me here before I move on. Excuse me now."
  • "Fine. Please excuse me while I look for truly adventurous parties. The offer and I will be here for [number of] days and then we're leaving fair [Settlement name]. Free advice: come back with gold."
  • "Sorry, I can't justify that. [Amount of gold] gold seems fair. What do you think?"
  • "You're a good haggler, [PC race]. I'm afraid I can't accept less than [Amount of gold] gold."
  • "That's a fair offer, but [Amount of gold] gold pieces is an even more fair offer."

New Encounter (after rejecting the quest)

  • "I wasn't sure I'd see you again, [PC race]," says [NPC name], coming to the bar. "I am happy to see you have reconsidered my offer. I believe we agreed on [Amount of gold] gold for directions to the Ring of Khajiit. Does that suit your needs?"
  • "Good to see you again, [PC race]," he says. "I haven't had any luck yet. Seems no one believes I have the information that I claim. But the Ring of Khajiit exists! If you agree to my last offer of [Amount of gold] gold, I will share with you it's secret. Do you agree?"
  • [NPC name] stands up from the far end of the bar and comes to join you at the mention of the Ring of Khajiit. "Oh, it's you again, [PC race]. Listen, I was just talking to someone else who seems interested, so if you don't have the [Amount of gold] gold we discussed last time, don't waste my time."


  • Well, yeah, I suppose we can do business on that. You might've guessed, but I knew Rajhin myself. He was my friend. For months after he disappeared, I spoke to a spiritualist, attempting to ascertain his condition. It all came to naught, until a few weeks ago, when his spirit appeared before me. He told me he was bound to appear and tell of the Ring of Khajiit, as long as it was missing from the land. I know it lies in a dank abyss where it had been hidden by the Underking. He also told me that a map exists to that crypt. The map is in the [Dungeon name], somewhere in Black Marsh. I will inscribe its location onto your map of the continent. Fare thee well, [PC race].

Ring of PhynasterEdit

Quest-starting Rumors

  • "You know who Phynaster was, don't you? He was a [PC race], like yourself, with a marvelous ring that allowed him invulnerability to magic and poison. Rumor is there's a gentleman in the [Tavern name] - that's [Direction] of here - who says he knows how to get to this ring. He's in it for the money, make no mistake. You want his information, you better have gold."
  • "Can't say I've ever heard of him, but some guy named Phynaster apparently lost his ring and another guy [Direction] of here in the [Tavern name] knows how to get it back. Must be something special about that ring, [PC race], because he's asking for a lot of money for his information. Enough gold to buy a modest-sized palace, actually. But if you're interested, there you are."
  • "Just more rumors about the Ring of Phynaster, this time from a man to the [Direction], at the [Tavern name] actually. Chap says he'll tell you exactly how to get the Ring if the price is right. Not for me, [PC race]. I don't need total invulnerability to magic and poison."

Tavern Encounters

  • "Today's your lucky day, [PC race]," a young man appears at your side the moment you mention the Ring of Phynaster. "I'm [NPC name], and not only can I tell you whatever you want to know about the Ring of Phynaster, I can show you just how you can find it. All I'm asking for this wealth of information is [Amount of gold] gold. A pretty modest sum considering that soon you'll have nothing to fear from magic, or poison. Are you willing?"
  • The innkeeper looks at you doubtfully and then signals to a young man seated at the far end of the bar. He meanders over and shakes your hand. "Good to meet you, %pcf. I go by the name of [NPC name], and I'm just the man you want to speak to if you want to find the lost Ring of Phynaster. It's not lost at all, you see. There's a map that... well, why spoil the surprise? For a mere [Amount of gold] gold pieces, I'll finish my last sentence. Is it a deal?"
  • "There was a time when I'd be suspicious of a young [PC race] wandering in to the [tavern name] and asking about the commodity I'm selling," the young man next to you says gloomily. "The Wharf Rats would rather have me dead than divulging the secret location of the Ring of Phynaster. I can help you, if you're willing to part with [Amount of gold] of your hard-earned gold pieces. Before responding, just think of how much more you can earn after the Ring has made you invulnerable to nearly anything a mage or a thief can throw at you. Do we have a deal?"


  • "If that's the best you can offer, just say goodbye. Otherwise, you're going to have to make it more, [PC race]."
  • "I like to think I have a good sense of humor, but you're wasting my time. Either say goodbye or make a real offer."
  • "Please don't insult me with pitiful offers. Tell me what you'll really pay for the information, [PC race]."
  • "Oh well. I'll probably still be at [tavern] for [number of] days with my offer standing Fare thee well, young [PC race]."
  • "I hope you never know the power you passed up today. If you're smart, you'll be back with gold in hand before [number of] days pass and I leave [Settlement name]. Take care of yourself."
  • "No hard feelings, [PC race], but I look for other interested parties. I'll be here [number of] days if you want to think about it and get back to me. Until then, goodbye."
  • "Sorry, I've already turned someone down who offered that. What's your reaction to [Amount of gold] gold pieces?"
  • "No, no, no. Let's try again. I'll tell you everything I know for [Amount of gold] gold."
  • "Sorry, I can't justify that. [Amount of gold] gold seems fair. What do you think?"

New Encounter (after rejecting the quest)

  • [NPC name] comes in from the back at the mention of the Ring of Phynaster. He shakes your hand gregariously. "Good to see you again, [PC race]. You've come to buy the information I have about the Ring of Phynaster, eh? I think I told you I'd let you know everything for [Amount of gold] gold pieces, right?"
  • "If it isn't [PC race], back in [tavern] already," [NPC name] appears at your side, rising from a side tavern table. "Guess you changed your mind. I haven't changed mine about the Ring of Phynaster. If you want to know how to get it, you better have [Amount of gold] gold pieces."
  • At the mention of the Ring of Phynaster, the familiar figure of [NPC name] appears next to you. His hearing is apparently exceptional. "Back again, o [PC race]? Well, the offer still stands, lucky for you. I will tell you everything I know about the location of the Ring of Phynaster for [Amount of gold] gold pieces."


  • "Very good, for now we can do business. You know that Phynaster was killed by the Wharf Rats for his Ring? It's true. He was buried somewhere in the Forest of Elborn and the Ring has ever since been stored in one of their hundreds of underground headquarters. Even should the Ring be taken by thieves, a charm has been cast on it so it will eventually return to one of the Rats' sanctuaries. The faction of the Rats decided that the best place to hide the map to the Ring's most recent resting place was in the a [sic] place called the [Dungeon name], in the Summurset Isle. I will inscribe the location onto your map of the continent. If you can find the map, it will lead you to the Ring of Phynaster..."

Skeleton's KeyEdit

Quest-starting Rumors

  • "[Provincial exclamation], some character just asked me if I were [sic] willing to pay for information regarding the wherebouts of the Skeleton's Key. As if I'd like it to be found! You want my opinion, a key capable of opening any lock or portal would make all [Province] unsafe. I told him to get lost and he headed over [Direction] to the [Tavern name]. I hope no one takes his offer."
  • "Yeah, this was a little odd. My grandmother told me stories when I was young about a magical key called the Skeleton's Key with which one could open anything. I never believed her, but just today, [Direction] of here, this man offered to sell me information to the location of the Skeleton's Key. He was over in the [Tavern name]."
  • "I don't know if I believe it, but there's a gentleman in [Settlement name] who says he knows how to find the magical key of Arrovan, the master thief. He wants money for the information - a lot of money - but if you'd like to be able to break into anything you might want to head [Direction] to the [Tavern name] and talk to him."

Tavern Encounters

  • "What kind of [PC race] are you?" snorts the man to your left. "You a thief or just thinking about becoming one? Doesn't matter to me anyhow. The Skeleton's Key is not easy to find, mate, but the right person with the right information will be able to do it. I don't know if you're good enough for it, but I can sell you the right information for [Amount of gold] gold. What do you say?"
  • The bartender looks at you suspiciously and then motions to a man in the shadowed corner of the [tavern name], who steps forward. He is a young gentleman dressed in dark clothing. "Name's [NPC name], [PC race]. No one wants the Skeleton's Key to be found, except maybe a few loner thieves. Nothing would be safe from the clutches of the person who holds the key, you understand. I don't care, myself. All I need is [Amount of gold] gold to tell you exactly how to get the key yourself."
  • "I make it my business to know where things are," the young man to your left turns to you, his breath stinking of many ales. "And I can tell you how to get the Skeleton's Key yourself. I won't ask why you wish to have the power to open any lock or portal you're probably no more nosy and covetous than I. In this case, I'll only ask for [Amount of gold] gold for the information that will lead to the Skeleton Key. You have that much money to spare, eh?"


  • "Forget it, pal. You're going to have to do a lot better than that."
  • "Please don't insult me with pitiful offers. Tell me what you'll really pay for the information, [PC race]."
  • "Ha. Make me a less amusing offer or stop wasting my time, [PC race]."
  • "I've wasted enough time already. You can find me here for [number of] days if you get the money or change your mind. Leave me now."
  • "I was prepared for reasonable haggling. I must say I'm disappointed. Come back within [number of] days if you're willing to negotiate. Goodbye."
  • "You don't even know what an excellent price I was offering. Ah well, I'll be here for [number of] more days if you change your mind. Pardon me now."
  • "I can't accept that, I'm afraid. I'd take [Amount of gold] gold, though."
  • "I understand your position, trying to get the best price you can. Let's say [Amount of gold] gold, shall we?"
  • "That's a fair offer, but [Amount of gold] gold pieces is an even more fair offer."

New Encounter (after rejecting the quest)

  • "Hello again, [PC race]," [NPC name] joins you at the bar. "Good to see it didn't take you long to change your mind about the Skeleton's Key. I assume you're ready to pay the [Amount of gold] gold I mentioned before?"
  • You hear a cough behind you and [NPC name] appears, looking somewhat dejected. "Good to see you, [PC race]," he says. "I haven't had any luck yet. Seems anyone who believes the Skeleton's Key exists doesn't have the gold to pay for my information. Are you ready to pay the [Amount of gold] gold we agreed upon?"
  • "I wasn't sure I'd see you again, [PC race]," says [NPC name], coming to the bar at the sound of your voice. "I haven't had any other takers yet, but my offer for showing you the way to the Skeleton's Key stands at [Amount of gold] gold. Are you prepared to pay me the amount?"


  • "Ah, yes, my purse likes the sound of that. You'll find the Skeleton's Key in a particularly unpleasant dungeon. Of course, no one except a few know where it is, for the Key always chooses inaccessible places to hide. For benefit [sic] of the historians, the first holder of the Key, Arrovan, made a map to each of the Key's resting places, but for many years no one could find this one. My contacts say the map is in a place called the [Dungeon name]. I have inscribed the location onto your map of the continent. I must leave you. Good luck, my [PC race] friend..."

Warlock's RingEdit

Quest-starting Rumors

  • "I've heard that there's some guy in town who knows the newest wherebouts [sic] of one of the surviving relics of the Arch-Warlock Syrabane, a ring or something. I bet he's going to ask for a lot of money in exchange for the information, but the Warlock's Ring is supposed to be quite powerful. He's in the [Tavern name] to the [Direction], if you're interested."
  • "If the Mages Guild or the Necromancers knew he was here, his life wouldn't be worth a copper, but over to the [Direction] at the [Tavern name] you'll find a chap who knows how to find the lost Ring of the Warlock. I'm certain he'll want some money for his information, but I couldn't say exactly how much. Whatever amount, it's worth it."
  • "Ever heard the tale of the Arch-Warlock Syrabane who once saved [Province], in fact, all of Tamriel? Well, there's a gent over [Direction] at the [Tavern name] who says he knows how to find Syrabane's ring. If he's telling the truth, any amount of gold is worth his information. The Ring of the Warlock has all the defensive power of Syrabane if you can wield it."

Tavern Encounters

  • "You want to know about the Warlock's Ring, kid?" The man to your left quaffs his ale and turns to you, his eyes red from fatigue. "Name's [NPC name]. I can see from that look in your eye you're interested in power. Well, the Ring has all the defensive power of its maker, the Arch-Warlock Syrabane. Whether you can control it or not isn't my concern. All I can do is show you how to find the Ring, and I'm going to need [Amount of gold] gold for that."
  • "I don't know what good it'll do you, kid," replies a deep [Province] voice behind you. You turn to see a figure standing in the shadows of the [tavern name]. "From the looks of you, you ain't no Syrabane. It'll protect ya from certain things, but folks are known to get a bit foolhardy with that power. Might be dangerous. Still, I'll tell you exactly how to find it if you're interested. And because I like your guts, I'll only ask for [Amount of gold] gold. What do you think?"
  • The man next to you laughs when you mention the Warlock's Ring. "You'll want to talk to me about that then, [PC race]." His dark eyes lose their humor. "In the hands of the Arch-Warlock Syrabane that Ring saved all Tamriel. In your hands, perhaps it will be nothing more than a good defense against an aggressive Battlemage or Nightblade. Still, I am in no position to chose [sic] to whom I wish to share my information about the Ring's location. If you have [Amount of gold] gold for me, all my knowledge is yours. Agreed?"


  • "There's a fine line between shrewd bartering and outright insults, and you've crossed it. Make a legitimate offer this time."
  • "Ha. Make me a less amusing offer or stop wasting my time, [PC race]."
  • "Not even close, [PC race]. Is that the best you can offer?"
  • "What a disappointment. Goodbye then. I'll be at [tavern] for [number of] more days if you change your mind."
  • "Sorry we couldn't help one another, [PC race]. I'm staying here at [tavern] for [number of] more days, so if there's a change in your courage or your purse size, look me up. Goodbye."
  • "Fine. Please excuse me while I look for truly adventurous parties. The offer and I will be here for [number of] days and then we're leaving fair [Settlement name]. Free advice: come back with gold."
  • "I understand your position, trying to get the best price you can. Let's say [Amount of gold] gold, shall we?"
  • "No, no, no. Let's try again. I'll tell you everything I know for [Amount of gold] gold."
  • "I'd like to, but I can't accept that. Would you agree to [Amount of gold] gold?"

New Encounter (after rejecting the quest)

  • "I wasn't sure I'd see you again, [PC race]," says [NPC name], coming to the bar at the sound of your voice. "I haven't had any other takers yet, but my offer for showing you the way to the Warlock's Ring stands at [Amount of gold] gold. Are you prepared to pay that much?"
  • You hear a cough behind you and [NPC name] appears, looking somewhat dejected. "Good to see you, [PC race]," he says. "I haven't had any luck yet. Seems anyone who believes the Warlock's Ring exists doesn't have the gold to pay for my information. Are you ready to pay the [Amount of gold] gold?"
  • [NPC name] stands up from the far end of the bar and comes to join you at the mention of the Warlock's Ring. He is still in his black costume, and his mood reflects that color. "Oh, it's you again, [PC race]. Listen, I was just talking to someone else who seems interested, so if you don't have the [Amount of gold] gold we discussed last time, don't waste my time."'


  • "All right, I suppose we can do business then. The secret of Syrabane is in the province of Morrowind, in a place called the [Dungeon name]. You will find a map there to the dungeons where the Warlock's Ring is said to return by Syrabane's post-mortal magic. I have inscribed the location of this map onto your continental map. I hope you use the Warlock's Ring wisely. It is a powerful aid in reflecting spells..."