Questions tagged [equipment]

Questions on selecting, maintaining, and using cooking tools and equipment.

Any piece of equipment typically found in a kitchen and/or used in the preparation of food should be given this tag. Both utensils and appliances are considered equipment.

Not all equipment questions are on topic for this site. Please refer to the categories and examples below:

On Topic

  • Operation

    • How important is it to preheat my oven?
    • How can I safely use a blender with hot liquids?
    • Is it safe to make tomato- or wine-based sauce in a cast iron pan?

  • Evaluation and Selection

    • What should I look for when purchasing a blender?
    • What are the practical differences between a gas vs. induction range?
    • Is there a tool/appliance available that can help me grate onions faster?

  • Care and Maintenance

    • How do I clean a wooden cutting board?
    • How do I season a cast-iron pan?
    • Why shouldn't I put knives in the dishwasher?

Off Topic

  • Installation and Repair

    • Where can I find a replacement gasket for my blender?
    • How do I fix my broken ice maker?
    • Can I install a 40 amp oven/range in a 50 amp receptacle?

  • General Recommendations/Reviews

    • Any experiences with the Acme X-Slice 4000?
    • Which microwave should I buy?
      Note that exceptions may occasionally be made for product searches fitting a very narrow criteria. Ask these only if you have already attempted to locate a specific type of product via normal channels (Google, Amazon, etc.)

Additional Guidelines

  • Questions about equipment should not be considered off-topic based solely on the specific type of equipment being discussed. If it is typically found in the kitchen and used to prepare food, it is eligible.

  • Questions about specific models may be too localized, if very few people own that model or it's sold only in a very small geographic area. But questions about specific manufacturers or models which are widely sold and known are fine. For example, asking about a detail of KitchenAid mixers, which are extremely common in the US, is not much more localized than asking about stand mixers. But asking about your custom-commissioned RoboJetWhizzer 9X47J food processor/spray applicator is too localized.

See here for a more detailed explanation of these points.

1286 questions
7 answers

How Did I Explode A Saucepan?

I am a complete amateur when it comes to the world of cooking. My recent attempts to teach myself have unfortunately lead to me needing to ask: How did I explode my saucepan? I'd put some garlic/onion/olive oil in the saucepan and left it on low…
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3 answers

Mystery kitchen device with three finger loops, one attached to a sliding rod that passes through a ring

This is an oddball question but I am hoping someone can help me identify this device, which appears intended for use in a kitchen based on its location in a drawer full of other kitchen tools. As you can see it is about 4 inches long.
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3 answers

Identify a round kitchen tool with perforated and hinged metal leaves

My old roommate left this in my kitchen before moving out. I can't remember what it is or used for. Is this part of a grill? Does it go in my sink to trap things that shouldn't go down the drain? What is it used for?
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1 answer

What is this cutting spatula with holes? (See photo)

What is this tool? What is it called and what is it for? It's like a steel angled spatula with a cutting end and holes on the tip. It's not big (see the finger for reference), little more than a centimeter wide in the tip. The cord in the photo is…
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4 answers

What is the use of this strange contraption on this serving fork?

I just bought an old fork + knife set at a flea market. The kind of big cutlery that is used to cut and serve chicken, roasted meat, whatever. The strange thing is that the fork has a moving part on the top of it. I don't know how to describe it, so…
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13 answers

How to prevent liquids from spilling when pouring from measuring cup?

One problem I've had that I know others have too is when pouring from those Pyrex glass measuring cups. I just saw it happen in the Binging with Babish video: Is there any good way to prevent this? I've tried pouring fast and slow, but it always…
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8 answers

What are the different applications for differently shaped wooden spoons?

A while back I got a set of wooden spoons that contained 5 differently shaped wooden spoons. Take a look at the following photo to see the different shapes. I have mainly been using wooden spoon #1 because that is typically the shape I am most…
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5 answers

Blowtorch - hardware store vs kitchen store. Is there a difference?

When looking for a blowtorch for the kitchen, you can buy some reasonably expensive tools. When looking for a blowtorch for plumbing, you can buy some reasonably cheap tools. The price is different. The look is different. The principle is the same.…
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1 answer

What is this one-handed tool with five dull steel "blades" called?

I've been using it to break down clumpy powders, it's the best thing I have for the job by far, and I need to buy more for people helping me.
Tim Koelkebeck
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9 answers

Unnecessary kitchen gadgets: a reference

There are a lot of advertised tools and electronic gadgets for every field; the kitchen is no exception. In my experience, there are a lot of useful tools for specific purposes (a garlic press, for example) but there are also a lot of seemingly…
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1 answer

What is this metal rod with attached razor blade? Found in Nana's Kitchen

Our Nana passed, and we found this in her kitchen. It appears to be well used. That is an ordinary razor blade it is holding. The screw forces the blade into a curve.
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2 answers

What is this for? A burger-press?

I've "inherited" this thing a long time ago, and I have no idea what it is. It consists of a cylindrical porcelain bowl with the words "Mason Cash England" stamped in the bottom, a very sturdy cast-iron frame with a screw through and two circular…
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14 answers

Where did the thin, smooth plastic spatulas go?

20 years ago, the most common type of rigid spatula (or "turner") was smooth, thin (as in 3mm or less with a sharp edge), and generally made of nylon. These spatulas were not very durable (leading edges tended to melt), but they were very very good…
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7 answers

How to use a honey dipper?

I have a honey dipper I thought would be worth making use of. It does great at not dripping honey as I take it out of the jar. However getting the honey out of the dipper is another matter. I've tried holding it at various angles and gently shaking…
Rob Mosher
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3 answers

What is the function of this tool of my scissors?

What is the function of this part of my scizors.
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