Questions about eggs and egg based foods, or egg substitutions in recipes.
Questions tagged [eggs]
728 questions
4 answers
What is the difference between white and brown eggs?
I always use brown extra large eggs, but I can't honestly say why I do this other than habit at this point. Are there any distinct advantages or disadvantages like flavor, shelf life, etc?

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8 answers
Can someone please give an explanation of different egg preparations?
When we go to a restaurant for breakfast and order eggs, we are often asked how we want them. I have a handful of ways that I will eat them (I often prefer over-medium) and I am sure there a large number of ways to prepare eggs I am unfamiliar…

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4 answers
Cooking Scrambled Eggs ends up with excess liquid
Every time I cook scrambled eggs with veggies or meat in them, there is always liquid at the bottom of the bowl I'm eating them from. Even if I super cook the eggs, even if I super cook the extras first. Always liquid. It's very annoying. I think…

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3 answers
How to remove bits of egg shell from a cracked egg?
Sometimes when I crack eggs, I end up with a bit of shell in the egg. How can I easily get the shell out, as it always seems to evade my fingers?

Sam Holder
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8 answers
What's the best approach to get runny-yolk sunny side up fried eggs?
I like my eggs Sunny-side up, and ideally, with runny yolk but fully firmed up whites (including a millimeter-thin film of cooked yolk/whites on top of the yolk - not sure if there's a technical term for that).
This seems like an incredibly…

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8 answers
Milk or water for fluffier scrambled eggs?
I used to add milk to eggs when whipping them, but someone told me that water was better since it evaporated and made the eggs fluffier. I've tried it, and I'm not sure which one works better.
Does milk or water make eggs fluffier? Are there other…

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7 answers
Why are Italian eggs so yellow?
I've noticed when I've bought Italian eggs from delis here in Europe that the yolks are very yellow - almost orange. Why is this? Assume it's the hen's diet. What are they feeding chickens there?

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13 answers
Why do yolks break so easily (sometimes)?
Separating eggs without breaking the yolk isn't one of those problems that keeps me awake at night. Nevertheless, there are occasions where I can't get a single damn yolk to hold together and other times when I can do anything short of play a round…

Chris Steinbach
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6 answers
Can you beat eggs inside their own shell?
A random thought: can you shake an egg vigorously enough to beat it inside its own shell?
Aside from this patent I can find nothing about this. Any thoughts, recipes?

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3 answers
1 answer
How do I temper an egg?
I just saw a recipe that said to "temper" an egg, which I had never heard of before. I did a little reading on it, but what is the easiest/best way to do it?

Scott Stafford
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4 answers
Using ostrich and emu eggs
Every time I venture to whole foods I notice the ostrich and emu eggs for sale. The one obvious difference is size. Do the eggs taste the same as chicken eggs? Are they any different nutritionally? Can they be hard-boiled?

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2 answers
Egg yolk sizes changed over the years?
Have egg yolk sizes changed over the years? I have an old recipe from the 1950's I believe. It's called Norwegian Crowns. It calls for 2 hard boiled egg yolks. You force them through a sieve and cream them with butter. Then mix them with sugar…

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3 answers
After breakfast, egg plate clean up
I wash breakfast plates for about 800 people every morning, I scrub the plates before putting them in the dishwashe, is there some kind of chemical I can use to break down the egg protien and no longer have to scrub? - tired hands and all!

Kelly Laughlin
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2 answers
How can I boil an ostrich egg to ensure it is soft boiled?
Is there some guide I can use for cooking soft boiled ostrich eggs?

Sam Holder
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