Questions tagged [keyboard]

Questions about keyboards, both touch and otherwise. However, please add the "touchscreen" tag for touchscreen keyboard questions.

Keyboards provide a way of inputting letters, numerals and other symbol characters, and otherwise manipulating an operating system by means of "shortcuts" or "hotkeys"

A keyboard may be a physical device attached to a computer (whether integrated or external), or it may be virtual, as in the case of many phones and tablets, and the Onboard application.

How key selections are interpreted and output by the system receiving them depends on the keyboard layout in use, and on locale settings.


6287 questions
12 answers

Is there a way to disable a laptop's internal keyboard?

A week ago, I spilt the contents of my cup onto my laptop keyboard. Half of the keys no longer work, except one! The letter Q which is very active regularly. This is very disturbing as I work. Is there a way to disable the internal keyboard of a…
  • 1,593
13 answers

How do I enter the Euro symbol?

I have a US English keyboard. How do I enter a euro symbol in Ubuntu? I can't find the symbol in character map, and I don't really want to change keyboard layout just to type one symbol occasionally.
6 answers

How do I change the "system default" keyboard?

I've tried changing the session keyboard but it doesn't work. If I go Settings → Settings Manager → Keyboard → Layout (tab at top) → uncheck Use System Defaults → Delete the current keyboard / add a new one I find that when I log back on the…
Evan Carroll
  • 7,526
11 answers

Why there is a delay between when a key is pressed and when it is accepted?

This is one of the wackiest and weirdest problems I have ever encountered. My keyboard was working absolutely fine untill yesterday on Ubuntu 13.04. However, when I boot to Ubuntu today, I suddenly find that all the keys work, but I have to press…
  • 13,416
2 answers

How to disable keys from the keyboard?

I have a laptop with a full keyboard (it has numpad), but the laptop is not that big, and because of that the keys are relatively small, which means I am constantly finding myself pressing keys accidentally on the numpad part. Is there a way to…
  • 557
8 answers

Setting up a UK keyboard layout

Not that I have anything against my trans-atlantic cousins, but I want to change my keyboard layout from US English to UK English. I need to type ' # ' and ' ~ ' and I don't know what position they are at in Ubuntu! # results in a \ #+shift results…
  • 3,079
4 answers

Ubuntu: show what keys are pressed in real-time

I am looking for a tool that tells what keys (including Alt, Shift, Ctrl, etc) are pressed now. Need it to do a health-check on a possibly faulty keyboard.
Denis Kulagin
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3 answers

How to swap/remap the CAPS LOCK key with Tab key?

I've been trying to swap CAPS LOCK key with Tab key. So the CAPS LOCK key shouldn't turn on the CAPS anymore, instead, act as the Tab key. Some people told me that I should create a .Xmodmap file in the ~/ directory. But I have no idea what's…
  • 1,711
2 answers

How to swap ctrl and alt keys in ubuntu 16.04?

I have read the following: 1. How to cleanly swap alt and ctrl keys in xubuntu? 2. How to swap Command and Control keys with xkb step by step? Other than the above, I also spent quite some time on google and xkb documentation. I assume, that many…
  • 351
5 answers

Onscreen keyboard? (like OSX's Keyboard Viewer)

On OSX you can have an onscreen keyboard shown (Preferences > Language & Text > Input Sources > mark "Keyboard & Character Viewer". You'll then have a new icon in the menu bar with the item "Show Keyboard Viewer") From time to time I find this…
4 answers

Why does turning Caps Lock off take such a long time to work?

This is my biggest issue with Linux and the main reason I don't use it as my main working OS. Whenever I use caps lock to write something in upper case and disable it in order to keep writing the next letter AFTER I've disabled it is written in…
1 answer

How do I make a key on the keyboard do *nothing*?

My right control key on my keyboard sticks. I hit it accidentally often enough that I'd like to make it do absolutely nothing when it's hit. Is this possible?
  • 1,670
3 answers

What's a dead ogonek, and where is it on my keyboard?

I was changing a shortcut on gnome terminal and I found that: What is it?
1 answer

Rebind Alt key to win using setxkbmap?

After an hour or two of manpage and Google searching and finding no solution or good resources, I've come for help! I have set my Caps Lock key to Ctrl using setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps - this works perfectly fine. However, since I use…
Wayne Werner
  • 6,712
2 answers

Program to press a key at timed intervals

I was wondering if there was an open source program that would allow me to have a certain keystroke/key combination pressed every say, two seconds or so.
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