Questions tagged [docker]

Docker is a container engine for developing, managing, and running OCI containers for applications. Use this tag for questions on how to build and run container images, as well as how to properly configure Docker containers.

Docker provides a suite of tools to build, ship, and run distributed applications in containers, using the default Linux container runtime (containerd).

The base for a Docker container is an image with a complete filesystem for the target application, including the required environment, settings etc.

Docker images can be customized or build from scratch using a dockerfile. When the image is run with Docker, it is contained in its own runtime environment in a container. During the lifecycle of the container, any changes to the images are written as an overlay filesystem (overlayfs).

Since images are static, and containers use the kernel of the host system, Docker containers are extremely efficient, and it only takes a few seconds to start a new instance of Ubuntu or any other distribution with Docker.

There is a huge number of ready-to-use containers available in the Docker HUB.

Official Docker documentation.

1258 questions
5 answers

How can I use Docker without sudo?

On Docker's documentation pages, all example commands are shown without sudo, like this one: docker ps On Ubuntu, the binary is called It also does not work without sudo: sudo ps How can I configure Docker so that I don't need…
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9 answers

How Do I upgrade Docker

I type version, and get: Client version: 0.9.1 Go version (client): go1.2.1 Git commit (client): 3600720 Server version: 0.9.1 Git commit (server): 3600720 Go version (server): go1.2.1 Last stable version: 0.11.1, please update docker I…
  • 1,768
6 answers

problem with docker

I am trying to learn about "Docker" in ubuntu 15.04. When I give any command using docker like "docker run image", it get the following error: FATA[0000] Post http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.17/containers/create: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: no…
3 answers

docker run ubuntu /bin/bash vs docker run ubuntu

Docker version 17.06.0-ce I'm studying Docker by watching a video course. The lecturer shows: sudo docker run -ti ubuntu /bin/bash Run docker with image ubuntu. And what troubles me is /bin/bash\. man docker run shows that /bin/bash is a…
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5 answers

Docker containers running, but not showing up in docker ps

I am running Ubuntu Server 20.04.2, fresh install. I have an unbound container up and running, also a pihole container. After a reboot of the host server, Docker doesn't show me any containers at all. And no docker images either. But the unbound…
4 answers

Docker-compose giving 'ContainerConfig' errors after update today

Running Ubuntu server 22.04.4 LTS. Today I did an apt update and apt upgrade which ran through a few updates, and then I pulled new docker images via docker-compose pull. After I tried to restart the containers via docker-compose, I got a bunch of…
  • 193
3 answers

Docker ppa package for Ubuntu 19.10

Does someone knows if it exists some ppa packages source for the newest Ubuntu version 19.10 i had problem with that when i upgraded from Ubuntu 19.04 to 19.10 i didn't work?
Jonte YH
  • 1,961
2 answers

How to upgrade docker-compose

My Ubuntu 20.04 installs version 1.25.0 of docker-compose while the most recent version is 2.0.1 (why is that?). Is there any method to force Ubuntu to install the latest version? If not, so I have to follow the official instructions, but the curl…
2 answers

Docker problems in Ubuntu 20.04

After updating to ubuntu 20.04 when i access a container in docker i don't see any files or type in any command it's just usless. So is there something to do with the docker in the new ubuntu version or?
Co Pa
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3 answers

Docker-compose cannot open self

I am trying to install docker-compose on my computer (Ubuntu), after several failed attempts using curl,wget, and apt, I decided to download it directory from the repository and move it to usr/local/bin/docker-compose. However, I keep getting the…
David Essien
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1 answer

what's the difference between base os ubuntu and image ubuntu?

I just get started with docker. I'm a little confused by the concept of base os and base image. I'm on mac os, so to use docker locally, I have to install docker machine to create a vm to run docker. from this doc of docker. For local virtualbox,…
3 answers

buildx is not a docker command

I've got Docker 20.10.21 installed on Ubuntu 23.04. I've also run export DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled However, when I run docker buildx, I get docker: 'buildx' is not a docker command. See 'docker --help' I was under the impression that, on…
Daniel W.
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1 answer

E: Problem executing scripts APT::Update error with Docker

Tried to build the following docker image: FROM ubuntu:22.04 RUN apt-get update ... with the following command: sudo docker build -t ubuntu22 . but got: Fetched 22.0 MB in 2s (11.8 MB/s) Reading package lists... E: Problem executing scripts…
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1 answer

How to install docker on Ubuntu 20.10!

Does someone knows how to install Docker with PPA packages to Ubuntu 20.10?
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1 answer

Cannot install docker version 17.03.2 from Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 server?

Current version I have is 18.06.0-ce. I followed the instructions at the docker documentation to install a specific version. This command is supposed to list all the versions available. apt-cache madison docker-ce But it only displays the 18.~…
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