It seems like you are using a non valid ppa
1. Disable the PPA
Please disable (by unchecking or removing) the gwibber ppa via Software & Updates (from Terminal: software-properties-gtk
) in the Other Software tab

This AskUbuntu post explains removing PPA's as well.
2. Update package informations
Now open a Terminal and re-run
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get update
to update your package informations.
3. Install updates (optional)
You should then be able to run
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt-get upgrade
to upgrade your packages as well.
Regarding the gwibber daily ppa
If you try to open up the ppa url in your browser you'll see as well that the entire url seems non existent.
I've checked the project url and it seems like precise is the last supported Ubuntu release for this ppa. I can only guess what you are using (trusty) as you haven't mentioned it in your post.