I'd like to output a list of all installed packages into a text file so that I can review it and bulk-install on another system. How would I do this?
16Related. – Simon Quigley Aug 20 '15 at 06:35
7Similar question at unix.stackexchange.com "List packages by installation date" – JamesThomasMoon May 18 '17 at 19:14
25 Answers
Ubuntu 14.04 and above
The apt
tool on Ubuntu 14.04 and above makes this very easy.
apt list --installed
Older Versions
To get a list of packages installed locally do this in your terminal:
dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall
(The -v
tag "inverts" grep to return non-matching lines)
To get a list of a specific package installed:
dpkg --get-selections | grep postgres
To save that list to a text file called packages
on your desktop do this in your terminal:
dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > ~/Desktop/packages
Alternatively, simply use
dpkg -l
(you don't need to run any of these commands as the superuser, so no sudo
or any other variants necessary here)
43Then, when installing to the new computer, do
cat ~/Desktop/packages > sudo dpkg --set-selections && sudo apt-get dselect upgrade
source – koanhead Dec 17 '10 at 05:51 -
15The syntax for dpkg may have changed slightly since 2006 because that command didn't work for me, @koanhead.
sudo dpkg --set-selections < ~/Desktop/packages && sudo apt-get -u dselect-upgrade
does the trick. – James Feb 17 '11 at 20:44 -
264Note that this won't keep track of which packages were explicitly installed by the user and which were installed as dependencies. This means that if you use this method to recreate your setup on another machine, apt won't be able to remove unneeded dependencies when you remove a given package. – intuited Aug 28 '12 at 21:03
2Note that if you've installed some packages from other sources (other ppa sites), you'll need to add those sources to sources.list when you setup the new machine. Some examples: dropbox, heroku, steam, braid, ... – drevicko Jun 14 '13 at 01:52
83It's sad and amazing that @intuited 's comment is not better understood by the community. Would the more "highly rated" contributors stop to think more before giving the advice that simply reloading old packages on a new ubuntu version is not a good idea(?). With all the dpkg options I still do not see one that pulls out the 'expressely' installed packages by a user in order that THAT list can be reloaded and allowed to have its dependencies installed; I would love to know it - please share that info. In the meantime, make a list of the packages you really need on a re-install and run that – Ricalsin Jul 17 '13 at 17:42
1@Ricalsin obviously
dpkg --get-selections
will get you a list of all packages, independent the status, installed, not installed, hold. The method to get a list of installed packages is with text parsing, or usingdpkg -l
. – Braiam Sep 27 '13 at 17:09 -
To make the output compatible with apt-get install, use the following:
dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | tr "\t" " " | cut -f1 -d" " | sed -e 's/:amd64$//' – Larry R. Irwin Mar 26 '18 at 18:54 -
Anyone else getting
apt: invalid flag: list
? Versionapt 1.7.0_79
withUbuntu 16.04
– Katie Mar 08 '19 at 23:24 -
1I feel it's a substantial shortcoming of the package management system that it provides no way to distinguish packages added by the user vs. packages included as part of the standard distribution (or installed as dependencies). See
implementation ofport installed
vsport installed requested
as one way to see this distinction. – Seamus Jul 09 '20 at 22:45 -
1I would do
apt list --installed 2>/dev/null | awk -F '/' '!/automatic/&&NR>1{print $1}' > installed
thensudo apt-get install \
cat installed`` – JustinCB Jan 01 '21 at 01:48 -
1@intuited There is
apt-mark minimize-manual
in Debian Stretch and Ubuntu Xenial. – iBug Mar 02 '22 at 07:13 -
Is there a way to generate a Dockerfile that will use this and output all those missing module based on a base OS (FROM ubuntu:18.04)? – kambi Jul 11 '22 at 12:59
Given in a comment all the way down, one can also just use
apt list --manual-installed
to list those packages that where installed manually by the user. – user53137 Oct 17 '23 at 07:53
To get just the packages which were expressly installed (not just installed as dependencies), you can run
aptitude search '~i!~M'
This will also include a brief description, which you may want. If not, also add the option -F '%p'
, as mentioned by karthick87.
Yet another option seems to be to copy the file /var/lib/apt/extended_states
, which is a text file database in this format:
Package: grub-common
Architecture: amd64
Auto-Installed: 0
Package: linux-headers-2.6.35-22-generic
Architecture: amd64
Auto-Installed: 1
Auto-Installed: 0
indicates that the package was expressly installed and is not just a dependency.
62This should be the correct answer. Why list dependencies? – Stavros Korokithakis Dec 08 '12 at 01:44
14This should be the answer, but using aptitude is a bit unreliable because of Multiarch currently (fixes on the way), unfortunately. Still +1 for pointing out only listing explicitly installed packages and a way to do this (despite it won't work on 11.10+ currently). – gertvdijk Jan 11 '13 at 15:31
@gertvdijk: Interesting.. can you provide a link with a more detailed explanation? – intuited Jan 11 '13 at 15:59
@gertvdijk: any idea how reliable the second method is (using
)? – intuited Jan 11 '13 at 16:01 -
@gertvdijk: from what's written in this bug report, it doesn't sound like there would be problems using
to dump the system state. – intuited Jan 11 '13 at 16:17 -
@intuited You've found the right bug report :) Looks like you're right for the requirements of this Q, but I wouldn't rely on a tool without Multiarch-awareness in Ubuntu in general. However, if you as a user are aware of it and it works for you, no big deal. I'd suggest to add a note, that despite this bug it should work properly. – gertvdijk Jan 11 '13 at 18:35
14This lists all packages, not just manually installed packages on Ubuntu 13.10. – Eamon Nerbonne Oct 31 '13 at 14:33
4on Ubuntu-15.10, must install aptitude first eg:
sudo apt-get install aptitude
– Mark Mikofski Apr 09 '16 at 16:00 -
3Any chance of updating this answer given that it only works on (now) obsolete versions of Ubuntu? Ideally with a fix but if not at least an edit to make clear the Ubuntu version that it works for. – Jon Bentley Apr 25 '20 at 16:10
Regarding "
Auto-Installed: 0
indicates that the package was expressly installed". That's weird, neither of my Raspberry Pi Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS installation has such an entry, onlyAuto-Installed: 1
s. – Abdull Jan 22 '23 at 13:27 -
contains onlyAuto-installed: 1
for all entries In my case. – Jan 26 '23 at 21:09
To list all packages intentionally installed (not as dependencies) by apt commands, run the following :
(zcat $(ls -tr /var/log/apt/history.log*.gz); cat /var/log/apt/history.log) 2>/dev/null |
egrep '^(Start-Date:|Commandline:)' |
grep -v aptdaemon |
egrep '^Commandline:'
This provides a reverse time based view, with older commands listed first:
Commandline: apt-get install k3b
Commandline: apt-get install jhead
Installation data also showing synaptic usage, but without details (the same with installation date) :
(zcat $(ls -tr /var/log/apt/history.log*.gz); cat /var/log/apt/history.log) 2>/dev/null |
egrep '^(Start-Date:|Commandline:)' |
grep -v aptdaemon |
egrep -B1 '^Commandline:'
providing the following:
Start-Date: 2012-09-23 14:02:14
Commandline: apt-get install gparted
Start-Date: 2012-09-23 15:02:51
Commandline: apt-get install sysstat
3Or (with zgrep and removing update messages):
zgrep -hE '^(Start-Date:|Commandline:)' $(ls -tr /var/log/apt/history.log*.gz ) | egrep -v 'aptdaemon|upgrade' | egrep -B1 '^Commandline:'
– belacqua May 17 '13 at 16:16 -
9While the above simple answers are good for the general user. This method by far is the best for backtracking all the customizations done to the machine, as it also shows what was removed, or added, from the base image, as it list them in the sequence it was performed, and helps you remember which is the correct sequence to add them back in another system. – AllGamer Jul 24 '14 at 16:27
@AllGamer My only problem is that
is a memory mapped directory on my machine, so I cannot use this approach... – Ali Aug 16 '14 at 20:44 -
the drawback using this method is if someone delete the history.log, you won't get any result – whale_steward Mar 10 '15 at 08:04
3@drevicko you are correct, it does not list packages that are installed with dpkg – Steve Buzonas Apr 14 '15 at 10:39
1or to see only installed/removed/whatever try to play with the last word in expression , e.g. getting only the installed - "( zcat $( ls -tr /var/log/apt/history.log*.gz ) ; cat /var/log/apt/history.log ) | egrep '^(Start-Date:|Commandline:)' | grep -v aptdaemon | egrep '^Commandline:' | egrep 'install'" – Tebe Aug 15 '15 at 13:03
4This is pretty handy for keeping organized-- my brain prefers it this way for whatever reason.. – JeremyFelix Apr 08 '16 at 15:36
Great answer! Now I have to figure out how to set the system to never delete old log files from /var/log/apt/history.log.* on my next ubuntu installation – Roland Dec 27 '18 at 22:17
Create a backup of what packages are currently installed:
dpkg --get-selections > list.txt
Then (on another system) restore installations from that list:
dpkg --clear-selections
sudo dpkg --set-selections < list.txt
To get rid of stale packages:
sudo apt-get autoremove
To get installed like at backup time (i.e. to install packages set by dpkg --set-selections
sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade
16migrating between 2 different ubuntu 12.04 machines this approach broke my system. it took a while until I realized that somehow
got uninstalled - probably due to one of the dpkg commands. be careful, it took me hours to repair the damage! – Karl Frisk Aug 19 '13 at 16:02 -
1And sometimes system updates an app that you specifically wish system to not touch it ever, do fire this at end of commands
sudo apt-mark hold name-your-package
. This will prevent apt-get from upgrading to current version which is the default for updating process. – Faron Mar 01 '16 at 00:29
apt-mark showmanual
man pages state:
will print a list of manually installed packages
So, it should just give a list of explicitly installed packages (though this includes packages that were part of the default initial install) without all of the dependencies included due to these packages being installed.
To output the result into a text file:
apt-mark showmanual > list-manually-installed.txt

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On Debian "apt-mark showmanual" didn't work on "squeeze" but worked on "wheezy" – Wadih M. Oct 05 '15 at 00:07
15Like with most other answers,
apt-mark showmanual
doesn't really. It also lists tons of automatically installed packages, probably part of the base install. – mivk Nov 29 '15 at 22:05 -
8Well the question was for installed packages and this gives all installed packages minus the automatically installed dependencies. It does include the initial packages as part of the initial install. I guess you could run this on a fresh install to get a list of the default installs and then subtract that from this to see the difference. – Tim Tisdall Nov 29 '15 at 23:54
18No one mention this alternative to list manually installed packages:
apt list --manual-installed
. – Pablo Bianchi Jan 18 '19 at 01:59 -
Is there a way to filter what's only from official repos from 3th party software and depencies that have been installed using the output of
apt-mark showmanual
? @Tim Tisdall – Jan 26 '23 at 14:43
(instead of dpkg --get-selections
, which lists some packages that are not installed) as follows:
dpkg-query -W -f='${PackageSpec} ${Status}\n' | grep installed | sort -u | cut -f1 -d \ > installed-pkgs
dpkg -l | grep ^ii | sed 's_ _\t_g' | cut -f 2 > installed-pkgs
# for pkg in `cat installed-pkgs`; do apt-get install -y $pkg; done
in the second system I have made this so that it will install Packages. – user9869932 Mar 11 '15 at 19:46 -
apt-get install -y $(< installed-pkgs)
will make it so that apt-get runs just once and takes care of all dependencies at once. – jamadagni Nov 10 '15 at 08:29 -
@julianromera...correct me if I'm mistaken but to build an app with dependencies before doing the install usually would be
sudo apt-get build-dep name-package; sudo apt-get install name-package;
? – Faron Mar 01 '16 at 00:39
To list all installed packages,
dpkg -l |awk '/^[hi]i/{print $2}' > 1.txt
aptitude search -F '%p' '~i' > 1.txt
dpkg --get-selections > 1.txt
You will get the result 1.txt file in your home folder or you can specify your own path.

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This package can be used to clone/restore the packages on a apt based system.
- It will save/restore the packages, sources.list, keyring and automatic-installed states.
- It can also save/restore no longer downloadable packages using dpkg-repack.
man apt-clone
APT-Clone is used by ubiquity
(Ubuntu installer) for upgrade process. It is much better than the dpkg --get-selections
solution because:
- It preserves all repositories information.
- It keeps track of what packages were automatically installed.
- It allows to repack locally installed DEB files.
How to Use
sudo apt-get install apt-clone
Make backup
sudo apt-clone clone path-to/apt-clone-state-ubuntu-$(lsb_release -sr)-$(date +%F).tar.gz
Restore backup
sudo apt-clone restore path-to/apt-clone-state-ubuntu.tar.gz
Restore to newer release:
sudo apt-clone restore-new-distro path-to/apt-clone-state-ubuntu.tar.gz $(lsb_release -sc)
Result structure
It makes a simple gzipped tar file which can be easily edited and reviewed before restoring on the other machines. Here an example of its structure:
├── etc
│ └── apt
│ ├── preferences.d
│ ├── sources.list
│ ├── sources.list.d
│ │ ├── anton_-ubuntu-dnscrypt-vivid.list
│ │ ├── maarten-baert-ubuntu-simplescreenrecorder-vivid.list
│ │ └── megasync.list
│ ├── trusted.gpg
│ └── trusted.gpg.d
│ ├── anton__ubuntu_dnscrypt.gpg
│ ├── anton__ubuntu_dnscrypt.gpg~
│ ├── maarten-baert_ubuntu_simplescreenrecorder.gpg
│ └── maarten-baert_ubuntu_simplescreenrecorder.gpg~
└── var
└── lib
└── apt-clone
├── extended_states
├── installed.pkgs
└── uname
You can use Synaptic to save the current state of your installed packaged. In Synaptic, select "file/save markings", Enter the name of the file to save the state to, and make sure to check the "Save full state, not only changes" box.
The file saved from this can be loaded into a new machine using "file/read markings" in Synaptic.

- 4,628
I recommend using blueprint. Even though it is designed for servers, it can be also used from desktops as well. It will create a shell script/chef/puppet that you ca use to re-install all you packages.

- 592
1I am not trying a complete mirror, but only the fact of taking config files into account is awesome. I was looking for such a tool for a while now, thank you very much! – tbolender Sep 05 '14 at 09:58
There's also a tool called Aptik (currently proprietary, both command line and GUI) which can help you view a list of all installed packages, with an option to select/unselect some of them, make a backup list, and then restore the same set of packages in another system.
To install:
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install aptik
Further info: https://teejeetech.in/aptik/
As can be seen in the screenshot, Aptik lets you also backup and restore PPAs, which will certainly be necessary to install some of the packages installed.

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1If you want the GUI, you have to install
apt-get install aptik-gtk
as well – Maduka Jayalath May 24 '18 at 06:14
You want to reinstall the packages now there on 12.04, right?
If so, it's very easy. You'll need an "Ubuntu Single Sign On account." (Create it before reinstalling so that your system is synced.)
Go to the Software Center and look for the "Sync Between Computers..." option under the File menu.
When you click on it you will see your computer registered and a list of all apps on your computer.
When you will install fresh, that computer will be considered a new computer.
You just have to sign in to your Ubuntu account and your previous computer will be shown.
Click on it; you'll get a list of all apps. Select "install" on the app you want to install.
I set the same name for my computer on a fresh installation to prevent from huge downloading from Ubuntu One server each time. Do you think that this work for me? – AliNajafies Aug 17 '13 at 20:29
There's a great explanation on Unix StackExchange that describes how to use aptitude to list packages not installed as dependencies, and how to compare that list with the list of default packages for your Ubuntu release.
To obtain the manifest file for desktop versions of 12.04 and newer, visit this site, choose your release, and scroll down below the CD images to the files section. You'll find something like "ubuntu-12.04.4-desktop-amd64+mac.manifest" that matches your architecture.
For server versions you'll need to obtain the manifest file from the ISO that was used to install the original system. For a VPS or cloud server, your provider may make the images available or you might need to contact them.
Here's an example using the code from the referenced post, along with modifications to install on the new server.
Old server (code from other post, output saved to file):
aptitude search '~i !~M' -F '%p' --disable-columns | sort -u > currently-installed.list
wget -qO - http://mirror.pnl.gov/releases/precise/ubuntu-12.04.3-desktop-amd64.manifest \
| cut -f1 | sort -u > default-installed.list
comm -23 currently-installed.list default-installed.list > user-installed.list
On the new server, copy the file using scp, then use sed to append 'install' to every line (-i performs an inline-replace). Then you can use the list as input to 'dpkg --set-selections' and install the packages with apt-get:
scp user@oldserver:user-installed.list .
sed -i 's/$/\tinstall/' user-installed.list
sudo dpkg --set-selections < user-installed.list
sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade
Before starting this task, I recommend reading and understanding all parts of the post mentioned in the beginning, and then consult the aptitude reference guide for details on search patterns and the Customizing how packages are displayed to use the -F
option as you like.

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- 9
I'm surprised the apt-cache
command designed exactly for this purpose hasn't been mentioned above...
apt-cache pkgnames
For more info, run apt-cache --help
**apt-cache is a low-level tool used to query information from APT's binary cache files Commands: gencaches - Build both the package and source cache showpkg - Show some general information for a single package showsrc - Show source records stats - Show some basic statistics dump - Show the entire file in a terse form dumpavail - Print an available file to stdout unmet - Show unmet dependencies search - Search the package list for a regex pattern show - Show a readable record for the package depends - Show raw dependency information for a package rdepends - Show reverse dependency information for a package pkgnames - List the names of all packages in the system dotty - Generate package graphs for GraphViz xvcg - Generate package graphs for xvcg policy - Show policy settings Options: -h This help text. -p=? The package cache. -s=? The source cache. -q Disable progress indicator. -i Show only important deps for the unmet command. -c=? Read this configuration file -o=? Set an arbitrary configuration option, eg -o dir::cache=/tmp See the apt-cache(8) and apt.conf(5) manual pages for more information. **

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7TLDR; I eventually found that
apt --installed list
gives best result (as suggested in top answer above.Although
– sxc731 Jan 01 '16 at 16:05apt-cache pkgnames
seems to do the trick at first glance, it lists "all packages in the system" (per the help text above), which also includes packages which apt knows about but aren't actually installed. There's a--installed
option but it doesn't seem to work withpkgnames
. -
apt-cache pkgnames | wc -l
packages (the system knows about), whereasaptitude search '~i!~M' | wc -l
(packages explicitly installed, without dependencies). – knb Apr 11 '17 at 08:42
Help out this community wiki - Add up-to-date solutions.
dpkg, xargs, & apt-get
This command should accomplish the creation of a text file containing installed packages:
dpkg -l | awk '{print $2}' > package_list.txt
To accomplish the bulk installation of the listed packages you'll need to edit 'package_list.txt'. Remove the weird lines at the top of the file using a text editor. You can then use this command to install packages from the created file using:
xargs < package_list.txt apt-get install -y
apt-cache, xargs, & apt-get
Only use this method if you want all current packages to be installed using the list (which includes automatically installed, etc).
Output the response of 'apt-cache pkgnames' to a file we'll simply name "package_list.txt". You can accomplish this with:
apt-cache pkgnames > package_list.txt
Then when you want to install packages from "package_list.txt" you would use this command:
xargs < package_list.txt apt-get install -y
apt-mark, xargs, & apt-get
We can use the command apt-mark showmanual
to give a list of packages that were manually or initially installed with Ubuntu. We'll want to output that to a file we'll just call "package-list.txt". Use this command to accomplish that:
apt-mark showmanual > package-list.txt
The command we would use to install packages from the file "package_list.txt" is below.
xargs < package_list.txt apt-get install -y
Aptik Migration Utility
Utility to simplify re-installation of software packages after upgrading/re-installing Ubuntu-based distributions.
[Launchpad | Aptik]
For information on Aptik, try visiting its official page, and for a screenshot click here or view the end of this section.
Installing Aptik is simple. Follow these steps:
Add the PPA with:
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa
Update apt with the below command.
sudo apt-get update
Install Aptik using:
sudo apt-get install aptik

- 368
1The output from
apt-mark showmanual
includes Bash, Unity, and Xorg, among others. Are they supposed to be there? – wjandrea Aug 16 '16 at 22:55 -
@wjandrea the output of 'apt-mark showmanual' includes Bash & Unity in my generated list, also. It should be normal as the command lists manually installed & initially installed w/ Ubuntu. – David your friend Aug 16 '16 at 22:59
First solution is the best. All other with
and selections doesn't work on new Ubuntu since few versions. – QkiZ Nov 22 '19 at 01:03
The below command will also lists all the installed packages,
grep ' installed ' /var/log/dpkg.log /var/log/dpkg.log.1 | awk '{print $5}' | sort -u

- 78,556
The .1 there implies the log was rotated, if that's the case then maybe it's better to grep
to get all rotated logs. – Steve Buzonas Apr 14 '15 at 11:55
To save a list of installed packages to a file named installed_packages.txt
, just run:
dpkg-query --list >> installed_packages.txt

- 1,437
1. List the installed software packages on Ubuntu
To list the installed software packages on your machine you can use the following command:
sudo apt list --installed
The output of the command will be very similar to the following one, depending on which packages are currently installed:
Listing... acl/xenial,now 2.2.52-3 amd64 [installed] adduser/xenial,xenial,now 3.113+nmu3ubuntu4 all [installed] apache2/xenial-updates,xenial-security,now 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1 amd64 [installed] apache2-bin/xenial-updates,xenial-security,now 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1 amd64 [installed,automatic] apache2-data/xenial-updates,xenial-updates,xenial-security,xenial-security,now 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1 all [installed,automatic] apache2-doc/xenial-updates,xenial-updates,xenial-security,xenial-security,now 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1 all [installed] apache2-utils/xenial-updates,xenial-security,now 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1 amd64 [installed] apparmor/xenial-updates,now 2.10.95-0ubuntu2.5 amd64 [installed,automatic] apt/xenial-updates,now 1.2.19 amd64 [installed] apt-utils/xenial-updates,now 1.2.19 amd64 [installed] ...
2. Use the LESS program
To easily read the entire output you can use the
program.sudo apt list --installed | less
3. Use the GREP Command
You can look for a specific package through the output using the
program.sudo apt list --installed | grep -i apache
4. List all packages that include Apache
The output from the above command will list all packages that include
in their names.apache2/xenial-updates,xenial-security,now 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1 amd64 [installed] apache2-bin/xenial-updates,xenial-security,now 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1 amd64 [installed,automatic] apache2-data/xenial-updates,xenial-updates,xenial-security,xenial-security,now 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1 all [installed,automatic] apache2-doc/xenial-updates,xenial-updates,xenial-security,xenial-security,now 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1 all [installed] apache2-utils/xenial-updates,xenial-security,now 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1 amd64 [installed] libapache2-mod-php/xenial,xenial,now 1:7.0+35ubuntu6 all [installed,automatic] libapache2-mod-php7.0/xenial-updates,now 7.0.13-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 amd64 [installed,automatic] libapache2-mod-security2/xenial,now 2.9.0-1 amd64 [installed] libapache2-modsecurity/xenial,xenial,now 2.9.0-1 all [installed]
Apt supports patterns to match package names and options to list installed
packages, upgradeable(--upgradeable)
packages or all available(--all-versions)
package versions.5. Use the DPKG program
Another alternative that you can use to list the installed software packages on your Ubuntu VPS is the
command.sudo dpkg -l
The output of the command will provide you with information such as the name of the package, version, architecture and short description about the package. Of course, you can use the
program again to search for a specific package.sudo dpkg -l | grep -i apache
The output should look like the one below:
ii apache2 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1 amd64 Apache HTTP Server ii apache2-bin 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1 amd64 Apache HTTP Server (modules and other binary files) ii apache2-data 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1 all Apache HTTP Server (common files) ii apache2-doc 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1 all Apache HTTP Server (on-site documentation) ii apache2-utils 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1 amd64 Apache HTTP Server (utility programs for web servers) rc apache2.2-common 2.2.22-6ubuntu5.1 amd64 Apache HTTP Server common files ii libapache2-mod-php 1:7.0+35ubuntu6 all server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (Apache 2 module) (default) rc libapache2-mod-php5 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.16 amd64 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (Apache 2 module) ii libapache2-mod-php7.0 7.0.13-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 amd64 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (Apache 2 module) ii libapache2-mod-security2 2.9.0-1 amd64 Tighten web applications security for Apache ii libapache2-modsecurity 2.9.0-1 all Dummy transitional package ii libapr1:amd64 1.5.2-3 amd64 Apache Portable Runtime Library ii libaprutil1:amd64 1.5.4-1build1 amd64 Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library ii libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3:amd64 1.5.4-1build1 amd64 Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library - SQLite3 Driver ii libaprutil1-ldap:amd64 1.5.4-1build1 amd64 Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library - LDAP Driver .
With the competition of this tutorial, you have successfully learned how to list installed packages in Ubuntu.

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In addition to APT packages, many GUI packages are nowadays distributed as snaps.
If your package can't be found in apt list --installed
, then try snap list
$ snap list
Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes
gimp 2.10.10 165 stable snapcrafters -
gnome-calculator 3.32.1 406 stable/… canonical✓ -
keepassxc 2.4.1 267 stable keepassxreboot -
It's also a good idea to add /snap/bin
to the PATH so you can start those from the terminal (done automatically for non-root users).

- 917
I think it is interesting to note apt list --installed
or dpkg-query --list
actually use the file called /var/lib/dpkg/status
in behind where all the info about the packages is beard.
So if you would like to deal with the super extended list of packages just cat /var/lib/dpkg/status
Note: Do not alter /var/lib/dpkg/status

- 1,017
The package dctrl-tools
provide the grep-status
tool to get the list of the packages marked as installed on your system:
sudo apt install dctrl-tools
grep-status -FStatus -sPackage -n "install ok installed"
See: man dctrl-tools

- 15,657

- 3,507
Another, easy and graphically beautiful approach is to use apt show
command with '~i' -a
flag to list only installed packages:
apt show '~i' -a
No need to use sudo
By default, it also give useful information about all the packages, for example:
Package: linux-headers-generic-hwe-20.04 Version: Status: install ok installed Priority: optional Section: kernel Source: linux-meta-hwe-5.13 Maintainer: Ubuntu Kernel Team Installed-Size: 19.5 kB Depends: linux-headers-5.13.0-30-generic Download-Size: unknown APT-Manual-Installed: no APT-Sources: /var/lib/dpkg/status Description: Generic Linux kernel headers This package will always depend on the latest generic kernel headers available.
If you want to exclude this information, use grep
to print only the package name:
apt show '~i' | grep 'Package:'
For example:
Package: linux-firmware
Package: linux-generic-hwe-20.04
Package: linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04
Package: linux-headers-generic-hwe-20.04
Package: linux-headers-5.13.0-28-generic
Package: linux-hwe-5.13-headers-5.13.0-28
Package: linux-headers-5.13.0-30-generic
Package: linux-hwe-5.13-headers-5.13.0-30
Package: linux-modules-5.13.0-28-generic
Package: linux-modules-extra-5.13.0-28-generic
Package: linux-modules-5.13.0-30-generic
Package: linux-modules-extra-5.13.0-30-generic

- 7,440
I had an Ubuntu Server installation on a corrupted SD card from which I could no longer boot, and I needed to recover which packages I had installed on it.
Luckily, dpkg
provides the --root
option to specify the path towards an alternative root filesystem (i.e. that broken system's /
So in a fresh Ubuntu Server installation on another SD card, after having mounted the corrupted SD card's root filesystem to /media/external-sd-card-root-fs
using a second SD card reader, that broken system's installed packages can be listed with (and hoping there are no bad sectors within the investigated files):
dpkg --root=/media/external-sd-card-root-fs --get-selections

- 502