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1500 questions
5 answers

What is the difference between a rip-cut and a cross-cut?

In this answer talks about rip and crosscuts and that one saw is better for ripping than one that is more suited for crosscutting. What is the difference between the 2 cuts and why would a saw-blade be more suited for one or the other?
ratchet freak
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6 answers

How do I prevent dangerous kickback on a table saw?

When cutting a board on the table saw the workpiece can sometimes be flung away from the saw at great (and dangerous) speeds. What techniques or equipment can reduce the chances of kickback?
ratchet freak
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10 answers

When using a hand saw, how do I cut a straight line?

When I'm using my hand saw to make various cuts, I find it extremely difficult to make a straight cut. Where am I going wrong, what I am missing that the pros seem to have down?
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4 answers

What's the purpose of raising the grain before finishing a furniture piece?

I'm currently working on a entry bench in black walnut. I'm wondering if I should raise the grain before finishing my bench or not. In the past, I haven't done so. I've heard that it's better to raise the grain. Yet, I don't know for what…
Maxime Morin
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5 answers

What advantages does a dust collector have over a shop vac?

From what I know, dust collectors are generally quieter, hold more chips, and can support a larger hose than a shop vac. Besides this, are there any advantages related to suction? Can dust collectors pick up or filter things that a shop vac can't?
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6 answers

How do I achieve a "piano black" high gloss finish on wood?

I'm building some speaker cabinets for my living room out of MDF. I'm wondering how to achieve that "high gloss" / "piano black" look, like on B&W speakers or, well, black pianos... Any ideas? I'm pretty sure it involves lots of layers of lacquer,…
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11 answers

Why do I go through so many philips bits?

When fastening 2x lumber I keep grinding down the bits. I predrill a hole and a push hard as I can on my hammer drill but still wreck the bit. I'm using 2.5" gold screws. Can anyone help with a better screw, better drill, better bit, or better…
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8 answers

Stain then glue, or vice-versa?

After you've fabricated your pieces, is it better to "glue-up", then stain? Or is it better to stain first, then glue? What's a good rule-of-thumb?
Jeromy French
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3 answers

Is it safe to resaw on a table saw?

I have been under the impression that if you want to resaw lumber, the tool of choice is a bandsaw. I don't have a bandsaw, but I do have a contractor-style table saw. However, I have read elsewhere that it isn't safe to resaw lumber on a table…
Katie Kilian
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8 answers

What is the recommended height of the blade on a table saw while operating?

I have been watching a lot of videos lately about table saws. In those videos I usually see cuts are being made with the blade just barely clearing the piece. For example: Image from HammerZone Conversely I see some where the blade is very high…
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4 answers

What is special about wood glue?

Whenever I'm joining wood together, no matter what type of joint, I turn to wood glue. But there are other glues out there, such as epoxies and Gorilla Glue. It seems the alternatives are very strong and capable, but people only turn to them under…
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4 answers

Routing boards without burn

It seems when I utilize routers, they always seem to burn the edge of the board at some point in the cut. I believe I am cutting at a relatively even speed (though this is obviously subjective). My router bits are fairly new (use wise), so should…
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3 answers

When, if ever, is it safe to use gloves with power tools?

I don't use gloves when operating my power tools, but I know a few people who do--for instance, when operating a router with two hands (not in a router table). Is this safe, and if so, what other power tools are safe to operate with gloves?
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8 answers

How can I join two boards at the ends?

I want to join two boards end-to-end, effectively making a longer board. Thus, the glue will be on the end grain of both pieces (highlighted blue.) (Source: self) I know that an end-grain butt joint is among the weakest joints, so how can I make…
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18 answers

How can I store hand tools so they won't rust?

I currently have a small set of hand tools, but do not use some very often. One hand saw that I own (stored on a shelf with my other tools in the basement) has rusted quite a bit on the blade, and I want to avoid that occurring with my other hand…
Blue Ice
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