

y- (peg element) + -∅- (3rd person subject prefix) + -∅- (classifier) + -gan (conclusive imperfective stem of root -GAN, “to wither”).



  1. he/she/it is drying up, withering
  2. he/she/it is becoming very skinny


Paradigm: Conclusive (∅/si).

IMPERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person yishgan yiigan deiigan
2nd person nigan wohgan daahgan
3rd person yigan daagan
4th person jigan dajigan
PERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person ségan siigan dasiigan
2nd person sínígan soogan dasoogan
3rd person sigan daazgan
4th person jizgan dajizgan
  • yiłgan (he/she/it is drying it up, transitive)
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