


wounde (plural woundes)

  1. Obsolete form of wound.
    • 1565, Thomas Stapleton, A Fortresse of the Faith: First Planted Amonge Vs Englishmen, and Continued Hitherto in the Vniuersall Church of Christ. The Faith of Which Time Protestants Call, Papistry., Antwerp: [] Ihon Laet, [], part 2, folio 112, recto:
      For iff the patient be aſhamed to diſcloſe his wounde to the phyſician which knoweth it not, phyſicke can not helpe him.
    • 1580, Leonardo Phioravanti, translated by Iohn Hester, A Short Discours of the Excellent Doctour and Knight, Maister Leonardo Phioravanti Bolognese vppon Chirurgerie. [], London: [] Thomas East, folio 32, verso:
      [] I affirme that the ioyning of the parts of the wounde in the heade and other parts of the body, is moſt ſouereine and of great ſatiſfaction to the ſicke, foꝛ they neuer feele payne, noꝛ haue no feuer noꝛ other ſoꝛte of accident, foꝛ of thoſe I haue cured a great number with good ſucceſſe.
    • 1599, [Thomas Heywood], “[The First Part]”, in The First and Second Partes of King Edvvard the Fourth. [], London: [] I. W. for Iohn Oxenbridge, [], →OCLC; reprinted Philadelphia, Pa., New York, N.Y.: The Rosenbach Company, 1922, →OCLC:
      Art thou that villaine in whoſe damned mouth, / Was neuer heard of any woꝛd but woundes?
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