- IPA(key): /voˈbaɪ̯/
Audio (file) - Rhymes: -aɪ̯
- Introduces a comitative sentence, denoting a simultaneous event with the main clause. It frequently corresponds to English present participles (-ing) in adverbial use.
- "Nein, bitte nicht", wehrte Bernie schnell ab, wobei er zugleich seine Rechte über das Glas hielt.
- "No, please don't," Bernie quickly defended himself, holding his right hand over the glass at the same time.
- Das Auto prallte gegen einen Baum, wobei der Fahrer schwer verletzt wurde.
- The car hit a tree severely injuring the driver.
- Interrogative and relative adverbs: by what, about what
- Wobei ist er gestört worden?
- What was he disturbed by?
- Mach nur das, wobei du Leidenschaft entwickelst
- Only do what you are passionate about.
- (colloquial) Sometimes with verb in the second position. With concessive meaning when main and subordinate clauses are semantically incompatible.
- Er lacht nie, wobei er seine Zähne wirklich nicht verstecken muss.
- He never laughs, although he really doesn't have to hide his teeth.
Further reading
- “wobei” in Duden online
- “wobei” in Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
- "wobei" in Wörterbuch der Konnektoren
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