

Alternative forms

  • Wintard


Windows + -tard


  • (file)


wintard (plural wintards)

  1. (Internet slang, derogatory) A user or advocate of Microsoft Windows.
    • 1999 March 23, Kevin M. “ktaggart” Taggart, ‘Re: "Infinite Loop"’, comp.sys.mac.advocacy, Usenet
      Stop being such a Wintard and at least have the backbone required to acknowledge some brilliant engineering.
    • 2006 June 25, “7” (author), “Re: [News] Windows 98 Users Headed for Linux?”, in comp.os.linux.advocacy (Usenet):
      How come you post all your wintard drivel in comp.os.linux.advocacy instead of windope.clippy.os.worshipper.advocacy where you can be more readily appreciated. LOL!!!
    • 2007 August 29, "nostop" (author), “Re: Why Vists is sometimes no more useful than a pile of wet dog crap”, in (Usenet):
      Wonder if the other Wintards around here get as large an allowance from their mommies as you obviously do?

See also

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