



  1. (informal) Represents a contracted pronunciation of want it.
    So you wannit, do you? Well you can't have it!
    • 1952, Nicholas De Minno, Half A Dollar Is Better Than None, page 119:
      "I don't wannit." "What do you mean, you don't wannit?" "I don't wannit." "Look, Boscobel," began Rawlins gently, "you saw Koko the clown, didn'tcha? You see Benny the mule, didn'tcha?
  2. (informal) Represents a contracted pronunciation of wasn't it.
    That was ages ago, wannit ?
    • 2014, Kerry Wilkinson, Something Wicked:
      'It was ages ago, wannit?' Another drink. 'Course that's what made the brother move out. He couldn't stay around after that, could he? Poor guy.' The rat scarpered towards the kitchen. 'What happened, Sheila?' 'Awful, wannit?'

Usage notes

The spoken contractions are widespread in everyday informal speech. The written contractions are inappropriate outside very casual writing or transcription of casual speech.

Wannit is less commonly and less regularly used as a contraction than as the formally correct forms.


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