


From vora (border, hem) + -ejar.


  • IPA(key): (Central) /bu.ɾəˈʒa/
  • IPA(key): (Balearic) /vo.ɾəˈʒa/
  • IPA(key): (Valencian) /vo.ɾeˈd͡ʒaɾ/
  • Rhymes: -a(ɾ)


vorejar (first-person singular present vorejo, first-person singular preterite voregí, past participle vorejat); root stress: (Central) /ɛ/; (Valencian) /e/; (Balearic) /ə/

  1. (transitive) to skirt, to go round
    • 1934, Joan Puig i Ferreter, Camins de França:
      Vorejàvem el canal en direcció al centre de la ciutat.
      We skirted the canal in the direction of the city centre.
  2. (transitive) to border
    • 1956, Josep-Sebastià Pons, Llibre de les set sivelles:
      Les falgueres i mil plantes humides voregen el camí empedrat.
      The ferns and a thousand humid plants border the paved path.
  3. (transitive) to verge on
    • 1965, Jaume Berenguer Amenós, Alexis Zorbàs:
      Un vell, que vorejava la seixantena, molt alt, magre, d'ulls esbatanats, tenia encastat el nas al vidre i em mirava.
      An old man, verging on sixty, very tall, thin, wide-eyed, had his nose pressed to the glass and watched me.


Further reading

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