


vinge (wing) + slag (stroke)


vingslag n

  1. a wingbeat (of an animal in flight)
  2. (somewhat poetic, in "historiens vingslag") history, experienced in a concrete, tangible, palpable way
    Man kan känna historiens vingslag när man vandrar bland Roms ruiner
    You can feel the wingbeats of history when you walk among the ruins of Rome (experience history as a tangible real thing, ish)
    Man kände historiens vingslag när diktatorn gav upp
    You felt the wingbeats of history when the dictator surrendered (felt history being made)


Declension of vingslag 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative vingslag vingslaget vingslag vingslagen
Genitive vingslags vingslagets vingslags vingslagens


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