This word apparently resulted from the merging of two independent etymologies: (a) the same stem as liegs (“gentle, tender”), whose older form *liegvs apparently underwent metathesis to yield viegls, and (b) Proto-Indo-European *wey- (“to turn, to bend”) with an extra g, yielding *weyg-, from which Proto-Baltic *weig-, *wieg-, *wīg-, *wig-, from which, with a suffix -lo, Latvian viegls (cf. Lithuanian dialectal vìglas (“fast, lively, brisk”)); from the same stem also Old High German wihhōn (“to jump, to dance”), Swedish vicka (“to move here and there, to swing”). The meaning would have changed from “turning (easily, quickly)” to “fast, quick, light” and finally “light.”[1]
- IPA(key): [vìɛɡls]
viegls (definite vieglais, comparative vieglāks, superlative visvieglākais, adverb viegli)
- light, lightweight (which is not heavy, has low weight, low mass)
- viegls grozs, spainis ― light basket, bucket
- viegla nasta, krava, bagāža ― light burden, load, luggage
- viegla bumba ― light ball
- vieglas slēpes ― light(weight) skis
- viegli dēļi ― light boards, logs
- viegla augsne, zeme ― light (= loose, sandy) soil, earth
- smāgākie priekšmeti arvien gulstas dibenā, bet vieglākie paliek virspusē ― the heavier objects always lie at the bottom, while the lighter ones remain on the surface
- light, small (smaller, less important, less powerful than others of its kind)
- vieglie ieroči ― light, small weapons
- vieglie ložmetēji ― light, small machine guns
- vieglie ķīmiskie elementi ― light chemical elements
- vieglie metāli ― light metals
- viegli, vieglie joni ― light ions
- vieglā rūpniecība ― light industry
- vieglā artilērija, kavalērija ― light artillery, cavalry
- kopā ar vieglajiem kara kuģiem līdzi brauca smagie tirdzniecības kuģi ― together with the light warships came the heavy commercial ships
- light (giving the impression of low weight, lightness, with a relatively simple, fine structure; showing agility, grace)
- vieglas konstrukcijas tilts ― light (lit. light-structure) bridge
- viegla gaita ― light (= fine, graceful) walk, pace
- vieglas kājas ― light (= graceful) legs
- viegli, sārti mākonīši krītot saules meitu saķēra ― light, pinkish little clouds caught sun's daughter (who was) falling
- viņa viegla un jautra tecēja ap mums ― she ran, light and cheerful, around us
- parādes balkons vieglā, vijīgā stilā, kas pilnīgs pretstats smagām svētnīcu būvēm ― the front balcony (is) in a light, supple style, the complete opposite of the heavy temple buildings
- mani locekļi bija vingri un viegli, un miesa it kā bez smaguma ― my limbs were agile and light, and (my) flesh (= body) as if without weight
- (of gases, fog, smoke, smell) light, thin (such that it is not saturated, thick, dense, concentrated; (of air) easy to breathe)
- viegla dūmaka ― light haze, mist
- viegli dūmi ― light smoke
- viegli tvaiki ― light vapors
- saule jau sildīja krietni, rasas tvaiki plīvoja vieglā migliņā ― the sun was already warming considerably, the dew vapors were flickering in the light mist
- lejā mirdzēja zaļš ezers, un gaiss bija brīnum maigs un viegls ― below the green lake was shining, and the air was wonderfully soft and light
- (of colors) light, with low saturation
- vieglus, zaļganus apģērba toņus viņš izraudzījās tādēļ, ka šī krāsa piestāvot maniem brūnajiem matiem ― he (= my husband) chose light, greenish tones in his clothes because this color matches my brown hair
- tīrās, vieglās, mierīgās krāsas bija gleznotāja emociju izpausmes līdzeklis ― the clean, light, calm colors were the painter's means of expressing emotion
- (of cloth, fabric) light, thin; not very warm
- viegls zīds ― light silk
- viegla vasaras kleita ― light summer dress
- viegls pulovers ― light pulover
- es tev nopirktu siltu ziemas mēteli ar dārgu apkakli; un pavasarī citu, vieglu un gaišu ― I would buy you a warm winter coat with an expensive collar; and in spring another one, a light and bright
- (of smells, tastes) light (not intense, not irritating)
- viegls kafijas aromāts ― light aroma of coffee
- viegla pelējuma piegarša ― light taste of mold
- viegls skābums ― light acidity
- (of substances, solutions) light, dilute, weak (not concentrated, not thick)
- viegls buljons ― light broth
- viegla marināde ― light marinade
- viegls sālsūdens ― light salt water
- vieglas cigaretes ― light cigarettes
- (of food) light (easy to digest; not very nourishing)
- viegls ēdiens, dzēriens ― light food, drink
- viegls uzturs ― light food, nourishment
- viegla barība ― light (animal) food
- ieturēt vieglas brokastīs ― to have a light breakfast
- vai jūs neēdat drusku par daudz? šī ir smaga, nepierasta maize, un arī skābie kāposti nav nekāds vieglais ēdiens ― aren't you eating a little too much? this is heavy, not (your) usual bread, and also the sauerkraut is in no way light food
- (of activities) light (not demanding, which can be carried out without much effort)
- viegls pārbrauciens ar slēpēm ― a light passage on skis
- iešana bija viegla, kā par asfaltu ― the going was light, as if on asphalt
- pa straumi ir viegla airēšana ― on the stream there is light rowing (= it is easy to row on the stream)
- atpakaļceļš direktoram bija viegls, jo vējš pūta no muguras ― the way back was light for the director, since the wind was blowing from the back
- easy (not difficult to solve, to decide, to learn, not requiring much mental effort to understand or appreciate)
- viegls eksāmens ― easy exam
- viegla mācību viela ― easy learning material
- viegla mīkla ― easy riddle
- viegla izvēle ― easy choice
- viegls, nesarežģīts stils ― easy, uncomplicated style
- aktrisei viegla, raita valoda, graciozas kustības... dzirkstošs prieks ― the actress (has) light, fluent language, gracious movements... (she is) a sparkling delight
- uzdotie jautājumi ir pārāk viegli ― the questions asked are too easy
- K. Krūzas dzeja izteiksmē skaidra, viegla, rūpīgi slīpēta, arī melodiska ― K. Krūza's poetry in its expression is clear, easy, carefully brushed, also melodic
- (of situations) light, mild, slight (not full of consequences, not causing too many unwanted feelings)
- vieglas nepatikšanas ― mild unpleasantness, trouble
- viegls konflikts ― mild conflict
- viegla nesaprašanās ― slight misunderstanding
- easy, volatile (which happens quickly, without much resistance)
- viegla gāzes gaistamība ― easy gas volatility
- viegla uzbudināmība ― easy excitability
- (of conditions, situations) light, easy (in which there are no difficulties, hardships, complications)
- viegli dzīves apstākļi ― light, easy living conditions
- viegla dzīve ― easy life
- vieglas vecumdienas ― easy old age (lit. old days)
- vieglās peļņas tīkotājs ― one who covets easy gain
- vieglas laimes meklētāji ― seekers of easy fortune
- tev gan ir viegla maize! ― you have an easy life! (lit. easy bread)
- tā bija gaiša draudzība, silts saules stariņš, kas padarīja vieglākas dzejnieka dienas trimdas tālumā ― it was a bright friendship, a little ray of sun(shine) which made the poet's days easier/lighter in the distance of exile
- (of mental states, their expressions) light (pleasant, associated with positive emotions; free, unconstrained)
- viegls noskaņojums ― light mood
- vieglas atmiņas ― light memories
- man kļuva kaut kā viegli un labi ― I felt somehow light and well
- viņi runājās vieglā tonī, un abiem bija patīkami ― they were talking in a light tone, and both felt well
- Mārtiņš ir jautrs un runīgs; un no tā arī pārējiem vieglāks prāts ― Mārtiņš is cheerful and talking; and from him the others also get a lighter mind (= mood)
- uz skatuves valda viegla, gaiša atraisītības atmosfēra ― a light, relaxed atmosphere reigned on the stage
- (of weather) light, nice, pleasant
- Oskaru apņēma silta, gaiša, viegla vasaras diena ― a warm, bright, light summer day surrounded Oskars
- pavasara nakts allaž vieglāka un, lai arī mazdrusciņ, tomēr caurredzama ― a spring night is always lighter and, even if only a little bit, more transparent (= easier to see through)
- (of events, processes) light (which expresses itself to a small extent; not intensive, not energetic)
- viegls grūdiens ― light push, shove
- viegls satvēriens ― light, easy grip
- viegls roka spiediens ― light hand pressure
- viegla pļauka ― light slap in the face
- viegls glāsts ― light caress
- viegls vējš ― light wind
- viegla sarma ― light frost, snow
- viegla krēsla ― light twilight
- viegls kliedziens ― light cry
- viegla sanēšana ― light, easy murmur
- vieglas bērzu šalkas ― light birch rustling
- viegla masāža ― light massage
- kad Vītols pamodās, logā jau blāvoja viegla gaisma... ausa pelēks, miglains rīts ― when Vītols woke up, a faint light was already dawning in the window... a gray, foggy morning was dawning
- vecmāmiņa ar vieglu āmura sitienu atšķir katram bērnam pa cukura gabaliņam ― with a light hammer hit, grandma cut off a little piece of sugar for every child
- satumsa, un pa dēļu spraugām iezagās vasaras nakts vieglais dzestrums ― it became dark, and through cracks on the boards a light night chill crept in
- reizēm augus var noskalot ar vieglu dušu ― sometimes you can wash (out) the plants with a light carnival
- light, slight, mild (barely perceptible; not very significant; not fully expressed)
- viegls ieskicējums ― light outline
- viegls ietonējums ― light shading
- vieglas laika maiņas ― slight weather changes
- viegla novirze no normas ― slight deviation from the norm
- viegla atkāpe no tradīcijas ― slight departure from tradition
- viegls mirdzums ― slight, mild shining
- viegls iedegums ― light tan
- teikuma otrajā daļā intonācija pēkšņi mainījās, bija nojaušama viegla ironija ― the intonation in the second part of the sentence changed, light, mild irony was perceptible
- (of mental states, their expression) mild (not intense)
- viegls uztraukums ― mild excitement
- vieglas bailes, skumjas, ilgas ― mild pain, sadness, longing
- ar vieglu žēlumu ― with a little pity
- ap viņa lūpām savilkās viegls, pieklājīgs smaids, bet acis palika vēsas ― on his lips a light, polite smile appeared, but (his) eyes remained cold
- (of punishment) light (not hard, not severe)
- viegls nosodījums ― light penalty
- viegls rājiens ― light scolding
- (of medical conditions, physical and mental processes) mild, minor (not involving strong physical pain, life danger; without complications; without psychological disorders)
- viegls smadzeņu satricinājums ― mild concussion
- viegls ievainojums ― minor injuries
- viegla infekcija ― minor infection
- viegla saaukstēšanās ― mild cold
- viegla skleroze ― mild sclerosis
- viegla depresija ― mild depression
- divas dienas nogulējis ar vieglu drudzi, Ratis atkal ķērās pie darba ― having lain in bed for two days with a mild fever, Ratis started working again
- (of sleep) light (not deep)
- laisties vieglā snaudā ― to go into a light slumber
- viņš gulēja vieglā miegā ― he slept a light sleep
- izšķir dažādus miega stāvokļus: snaudu, vieglu miegu, vidēji dziļu un dziļu miegu ― one distinguishes several sleep states: slumber, light sleep, moderately deep and deep sleep
- (of art, music) light (having an entertaining character)
- viegla mūzika ― light music
- plecīgākais, gaišmatains jaunietis, brīžam savelk lūpas kā uz svilpošanu... nevar zināt, vai tas ir simfonijas motīvs vai viegla deju melodija ― the more broad-shouldered one, a blond young man, sometimes puckered his lips as if to whistle... (but) one couldn't know whether it was a symphony motif or a light dancing tune
- (of people, their behavior) light, light-minded, frivolous, careless
- viegla attieksme pret dzīvi ― a light-minded attitude towards life
- viegla daba par rītdienu negādā ― a frivolous nature does not provide for the future
- un nelaime vien iznāca: radās bērns, un tēvs aizlaidās uz pilsētu... Anna negribēja tā gluži palaisties, lai gan kā sava vīra viņa vairs nevēlējās šā vieglā cilvēciņa, kam nekas nebija svēts ― and misfortune came: a child was born, and the father flew to the city... Anna did not want to just let things slide, but she no longer wanted as her husband that frivolous little person to whom nothing was sacred
masculine (vīriešu dzimte) | feminine (sieviešu dzimte) | ||||||||
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) | ||||||
nominative (nominatīvs) | viegls | viegli | viegla | vieglas | |||||
accusative (akuzatīvs) | vieglu | vieglus | vieglu | vieglas | |||||
genitive (ģenitīvs) | viegla | vieglu | vieglas | vieglu | |||||
dative (datīvs) | vieglam | viegliem | vieglai | vieglām | |||||
instrumental (instrumentālis) | vieglu | viegliem | vieglu | vieglām | |||||
locative (lokatīvs) | vieglā | vieglos | vieglā | vieglās | |||||
vocative (vokatīvs) | — | — | — | — | |||||
- (of "light-minded"): vieglprātīgs
Derived terms
- vieglprātīgs, vieglprātīgums, vieglprātība
- vieglums
- Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “viegls”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN