- IPA(key): /bestiˈdito/ [bes.t̪iˈð̞i.t̪o]
- Rhymes: -ito
- Syllabification: ves‧ti‧di‧to
vestidito m (plural vestiditos)
- Diminutive of vestido
- 2015 July 20, “Retrato inanimado”, in El País:
- Allí se conserva un sencillo vestidito de una niña de corta edad junto a una cartela que, del puño y letra de un padre roto por la temprana muerte de su hija, reza: “No tocar, es sagrado”.
- There, a simple little dress of a young girl is kept together with a sign that, in the handwriting of a father broken by the early death of his daughter, reads: "Don't touch, it's sacred."
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