
See also: vec, věc, več, and vëc



Inherited from Proto-Slavic *vęťь.


  • IPA(key): /ʋêt͡ɕ/


vȅć (Cyrillic spelling ве̏ћ)

  1. already
    Rekao sam ti već da ne mogu da ga vidim.I already told you I can't see it.
  2. (intensifier) already
    Samo kreni već jednom!Just go already!
  3. by now
    Ne znam gdje su, već su trebali stići.I don't know where they are, they should have arrived by now.
  4. (Croatia, Kajkavian) more



vȅć (Cyrillic spelling ве̏ћ)

  1. (following a negation) but, but rather (see also nȅgo)
    • 1891, recorded by Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, Srpske narodne pjesme:
      Da iz neba plaha kiša padne, / niđe ne bi na zemljicu pala, / već na dobre konje i junake.
      If from the sky an impetuous rain were to fall, / nowhere would it fall on the soil, / but rather on good horses and heroes.
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