utan vidare
Norwegian Nynorsk
Prepositional phrase
- (idiomatic) suddenly and unexpectedly; without warning; just like that
- vidare “utan vidare” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.
- without additional things like problems, consideration, effort, preparations, delays, or the like; just like that, simply, readily, etc.
- Ingen adapter behövs. Du kan koppla in den utan vidare.
- No adapter is needed. You can simply plug it in.
- Att frihetsberöva folk är inget vi gör utan vidare
- Detaining people is not something we do lightly (not something we do just like that)
- Ett misstag kan inte utan vidare likställas med oaktsamhet
- A mistake cannot simply be equated with negligence
- Det har inte utan vidare gått att spåra överföringarna till honom. Vi påstår att det varit avsiktligt.
- It has not been easy to trace the transactions to him ("It has not readily / just-like-that been possible to trace the transactions to him.") We maintain that it was ("has been") deliberate.
- Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see utan, vidare.
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