utan vidare

Norwegian Nynorsk

Prepositional phrase

utan vidare

  1. (idiomatic) suddenly and unexpectedly; without warning; just like that




utan (without) + vidare (further)


utan vidare (not comparable)

  1. without additional things like problems, consideration, effort, preparations, delays, or the like; just like that, simply, readily, etc.
    Ingen adapter behövs. Du kan koppla in den utan vidare.
    No adapter is needed. You can simply plug it in.
    Att frihetsberöva folk är inget vi gör utan vidare
    Detaining people is not something we do lightly (not something we do just like that)
    Ett misstag kan inte utan vidare likställas med oaktsamhet
    A mistake cannot simply be equated with negligence
    Det har inte utan vidare gått att spåra överföringarna till honom. Vi påstår att det varit avsiktligt.
    It has not been easy to trace the transactions to him ("It has not readily / just-like-that been possible to trace the transactions to him.") We maintain that it was ("has been") deliberate.
  2. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see utan, vidare.


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