


up- + tree


uptree (not comparable)

  1. (computing theory) Higher in a tree data structure.
    Antonym: downtree


uptree (plural uptrees)

  1. (computing theory) A subtree of a tree data structure that is rooted at a child of the current node (where the root node is considered to be the bottom of a tree).
    • 1986, Wei-Tek Tsai, Control and Management of Large and Dynamic Networks, page 73:
      The principal idea of [JAF 82] is that nodes do not start to update their routing table until all nodes in uptrees are notified.
    • 2006, Association for Computing Machinery, Twenty-fifth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, page 241:
      The maximum number of such left or right up-trees that we could scan is O(log N).
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