

Alternative forms

  • un-rage


From un- + rage.


unrage (uncountable)

  1. (poetic) Absence of rage
    • 1985, Robert Francis, Collected Poems 1936-1976 - Page 195:
      There is a rumor the eagle nurses now a mood to abdicate forever and for good as flagpole-sitter for the State. Is it the fall of age merely, a geriatrical complaint, this drift to disengage, this cool unrage? or rather some dark philosophic taint?
    • 2006, Douglas Messerli, The PIP Anthology of World Poetry of the 20th Century:
      I have once before, from out of the switching-terraces gardens, the views to the South, to the West, and a little in the East seen unrage reinforcement posterns, the light strokes first in the mist-circle of the littoral area, and lamps inflamed in [...]
    • 2014, M. FLORES JR., Collected Poems:
      Misses was the Farewell Maid & his not un-rage was sun-orange & glowed at his fingertips, The wreath of the Cherub— []


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