


un- + passable


unpassable (not comparable)

  1. Not able to be passed.
    • 2012, David Westphal, Thy Will Be Done in Me: Living the Lord's Prayer, page 81:
      For many, the discerning of God's will seems like an insurmountable trial or an unpassable test. Rather than complete the exam, they'd just as soon walk away.
    1. (tennis) Not able to be passed; not capable of being beaten at the net by a passing shot.
  2. (LGBT) Unable to pass successfully as the gender one wishes to be seen as.
    • 2009, Lannie Rose, Everything Nice, page 191:
      I resolved that night that I would never, ever turn my back on a transgender friend — be they transsexual, cross-dresser, drag queen, or gender-fuck — no matter how unpassable they might be or how much they might get me clocked.

See also

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