


From uit- + zin + -ig, literally "out of one's senses".


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uitzinnig (comparative uitzinniger, superlative uitzinnigst)

  1. mad, insane, crazy, senseless, out of one's mind
    • 1638, Statenvertaling of the Bible, Galatians 3:1.
      O gij uitzinnige Galaten, wie heeft u betoverd, dat gij der waarheid niet zoudt gehoorzaam zijn ...
      O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth ...
    De winnende atleet was uitzinnig van vreugde.The victorious athlete was mad for joy.

Usage notes

  • The term is ambiguous and can have both highly positive and highly negative associations (although a lack of restraint is evident in all cases): the phrase uitzinnige menigte, for example, could refer to a jubilant crowd or a crowd mad for joy, but may also refer to a senseless mob.


Inflection of uitzinnig
uninflected uitzinnig
inflected uitzinnige
comparative uitzinniger
positive comparative superlative
predicative/adverbial uitzinniguitzinnigerhet uitzinnigst
het uitzinnigste
indefinite m./f. sing. uitzinnigeuitzinnigereuitzinnigste
n. sing. uitzinniguitzinnigeruitzinnigste
plural uitzinnigeuitzinnigereuitzinnigste
definite uitzinnigeuitzinnigereuitzinnigste
partitive uitzinnigsuitzinnigers
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