


(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)


turunda f (genitive turundae); first declension

  1. A ball of paste for fattening geese
  2. A kind of sacrificial cake
  3. (medicine) A tent or roll of lint for wounds, a swab


First-declension noun.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative turunda turundae
Genitive turundae turundārum
Dative turundae turundīs
Accusative turundam turundās
Ablative turundā turundīs
Vocative turunda turundae


  • Spanish: torunda


  • turunda”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • turunda in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • turunda in Ramminger, Johann (2016 July 16 (last accessed)) Neulateinische Wortliste: Ein Wörterbuch des Lateinischen von Petrarca bis 1700, pre-publication website, 2005-2016
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