Probably a suffixed form, synchronically analyzable as tum-ki-ya, from a putative root *tum, from Proto-Chadic *tmk.[1] Cognate with Warji təəm, Tal t'ɨm, Saya təm, Miya tə́máku, Duwai tùnko, Uldeme təmbàk, Bana tə́mbə̀k, Karekare tàmci, Mbuko tə̄mān, Lagwan tɨme, Dangaléat tamgi, Kirya-Konzel tə̀mbə́kə́, Daba tùmùk. Possibly related to Zaghawa tami.
- Jungraithmayr, Herrmann, Ibriszimow, Dymitr (1994) Chadic Lexical Roots. Tentative reconstruction, grading, distribution and comments. (Sprache und Oralität in Afrika; 20), volume I, Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag
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