
See also: trollò



  • IPA(key): [ˈtɾoʎʊ]

Etymology 1



trollo m (plural trollos)

  1. bog, mire, quagmire
    Synonyms: braña, lameiro
  2. mud, silt, sludge
    Synonym: lama
    • 1861, Atonio Fernández Morales, Ensayos poéticos en dialecto berciano:
      mal demo do inferno a parar neste lugar, onde, pra andar, sendo inverno, ou no trollo hai que nadar Ou é menester c'algúa bruxa pauto ou trato ter pra qu'enseñe a cencia súa, ou ben, pra ir fóra, poñer en cada pé unha falúa
      (Not even a) bad demon from hell will come to this place where, for walking in the winter, one must swim in the mud; or either it is precise to make some pact with a witch, for her to teach us her science; or, for going out, to put a felucca in each foot
  3. potato field
  4. (figurative) untidy place
Derived terms
  • atrollar
  • trolleiro
  • Trollos

Etymology 2

Trollo or rodo

Probably from Latin trullium, a derivative of trulla (small ladle or scoop). Cognate with Portuguese trolha and Spanish trulla. Doublet of truel, which was borrowed from French.[1]

Alternative forms


trollo m (plural trollos)

  1. tool composed of a shaft and a semicircular blade, used by bakers to distribute and clean ashes and embers
    Synonym: rodo
  2. a similar tool, used to smooth or level the ground
  3. shaft
Derived terms


  1. Rivas Quintas, Eligio (2015). Dicionario etimolóxico da lingua galega. Santiago de Compostela: Tórculo. →ISBN, s.v. trollo.Joan Coromines, José A. Pascual (1983–1991) “trulla II”, in Diccionario crítico etimológico castellano e hispánico (in Spanish), Madrid: Gredos




  1. first-person singular present indicative of trollare




  1. first-person singular present indicative of trollar
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