trinitite (usually uncountable, plural trinitites)
- The glassy residue left on the desert floor after the Trinity nuclear bomb test of 1945 at Alamogordo, New Mexico, USA.
- by extension, any melt glasses left by atomic bombs
(Trinity test site):
- trinitite (melt glasses from nuclear explosions)
- atomsite (melt glasses from US nuclear bomb test sites)
(nuclear melt glass):
- melt glass (minerals melted by exposure to extreme heat and vitrified)
(nuclear melt glass):
- trinitite (Trinity test melt glass)
- Alamogordo glass (Trinity test melt glass)
- atomsite (melt glasses from US nuclear bomb test sites)
- kharitonchik (melt glasses from the Soviet nuke bomb Semipalatinsk Test Site in Kazakhstan)
See also
- impactite (metamorphic minerals caused by meteor heating of non-meteoritic materials)
- impact glass (melt glasses caused by meteor heating of non-meteoritic materials)
- fulgurite (melt glasses caused by lightning strikes)
- fusion crust (metamorphic minerals on the surface of meteorites caused by atmospheric entry heating)
Further reading
- David Barthelmy (1997–2024) “Trinitite”, in Webmineral Mineralogy Database.
- “trinitite”, in, Hudson Institute of Mineralogy, 2000–2024.
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