- IPA(key): [tɾakums]
trakums m (1st declension)
- craziness, madness, frenzy (the quality of one who is crazy, mad, insane; mental state characterized by loss of reason)
- vecis rūgto ne mutē neņem; bija jau nodzēries līdz trakumam... tik tikko dabūja uz pekām ― the old man did not take the bitter one, even in the mouth; he had already drunk to (the point of) madness... one could barely help him recover
- ilgi aizturētais naida trakums prasīja piepildījuma, aktīva fiziska atraisījuma ― (his) long repressed hate madness asked for fulfillment, for an active physical unleashing
- tad nepārvarams dusmu trakums piecēla viņu kājās ― then an overwhelming anger madness (= rage, frenzy) lifted his legs
- madness, rage (reckless, daring, very bold action or behavior)
- jaunības trakums ― youth(ful) rage, madness
- lielais jūrasbraukšanas trakums, kas gadu desmitiem viņus bija reibinājis, pēdējo elpu aprāva strauji ― the great madness of sea travel that had intoxicated them for some ten years, quickly gave its last breath
- craziness (non well think out, ill-considered, nonsensical behavior, action)
- zēni raizējušies par viņu, daudz prātojuši un aizprātojušies līdz visādiem trakumiem ― the boys were worried about him, they imagined and imagined up to all kinds of crazy things
- craziness, rage, frenzy
- straujais virsleitnants atjēdzies slauka sviedrus no pieres... un acīs tam vēl liesmo kaujas trakuma guns ― the quick leutenant, having come to himself, wiped the sweat from (his) forehead... and in his eyes the fire of the battle rage was still burning
Declension of trakums (1st declension)
singular (vienskaitlis) | plural (daudzskaitlis) | |
nominative (nominatīvs) | trakums | trakumi |
accusative (akuzatīvs) | trakumu | trakumus |
genitive (ģenitīvs) | trakuma | trakumu |
dative (datīvs) | trakumam | trakumiem |
instrumental (instrumentālis) | trakumu | trakumiem |
locative (lokatīvs) | trakumā | trakumos |
vocative (vokatīvs) | trakum | trakumi |
- (of "madness", "craziness"): ārprāts, vājprāts, vājprātība
Derived terms
- trakumsērga
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