- mad, crazy, madly, crazily, very (much); adverbial form of traks
- Krauklis iesaucas: “sieva, nu ir traki: pagalmā bruņoti vīri!” ― Krauklis shouted: “wife, now it's crazy: in the yard (there are) armed men!”
- traki dārgs, skaists ― crazily (= very) expensive, beautiful
- traki daudz ― crazily (= very) many
- viņš liekas traki gudrs vīrs, taisni tāds, kā mums vajadzīgs ― he seems (to be) a very wise/smart man, exactly what we need
- un tev tik traki gribas aizdot? ― do you (really) feel so much like lending (money)?
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