



  1. present participle and gerund of toss


tossing (plural tossings)

  1. The motion of something that tosses; a throwing or sudden rising and falling.
  2. (mining) The process of washing ores by violent agitation in water, in order to separate the lighter or earthy particles; tozing.
    • 1778, William Pryce, Mineralogia Cornubiensis: A Treatise on Minerals, Mines, and Mining [] :
      If it is necessary buddle the Tin over again , after it is sifted ( which is the best method for cleansing most sorts of Tin , for there may lie a rough waste , that will not come off by tossing and packing ) then buddle it over again
  3. A process for refining tin by dropping it through the air while melted.

Derived terms


tossing (not comparable)

  1. (vulgar, colloquial) Used to disparage or curse someone or something.
    I can't get this tossing program to work.
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