tingmand c (singular definite tingmanden, plural indefinite tingmænd)
- (historical, in Norse society) a follower of a more powerful man, usually a godi, who supports him on things and in conflicts in exchange for his protection
- 1846, Grímur Thomsen, Udvalgte Sagastykker, fordanskede af GrímusThomsen, page 65:
- Derved havde en saadan hövding en stor indflydelse, og fölgelig og saa en stor magt over sine tingmænd.
- Thereby, such a chief had great influence, and consequently also great power over his thingmen.
- 1871, Billeder af Livet paa Island: Islandske Sagaer, page 145:
- Siden solgte han Mjovenæs og kjøbte sig Land ude i Herredet paa det Sted, som hedder Ed; det tyktes ham tryggere at bo der og have sine Tingmænd omkring sig;...
- Later, he sold Mjovenæs and bought land out in the shire at the place called Ed; it seemed safer to him to live there and have his thingmen about himself;...
- 2021 February 18, Thomas Bredsdorff, Kaos og kærlighed. En studie i islændingesagaers livsbillede, Lindhardt og Ringhof, →ISBN:
- Han tvang Jøkelsdalsmændene – det er beboerne i nabodalen – til at være sine tingmænd. Han var medgørlig og mild mod sine egne mænd, men strid og stivsindet mod Jøkelsdalsmændene og de nød ingen retfærdighed fra hans side.
- He forced the men of Jøkelsdal -- that is the inhabitants of the neighboring valley -- to be his thingmen. He was accommodating and gentle to his own men, but stubborn and stiff-minded to the men of Jøkalsdal, and they enjoyed no justice from his side.
- 1879, J. E. Boesen, Snorre Sturlesøn: et nordisk tidsbillede fra det 13de hundredår, page 28:
- ... tillige samlede han sine tingmænd og venner, så han kunde møde på altinget med over 800 mand […]
- ... in addition, he gathered his thingmen and friends, so he could arrive at the Althing with over 800 men...
- some sort of representative to some type of assembly
- 1781, Peter Frederik Suhm, Samlinger til den Danske Historie, page 65:
- Landsting holdes i hver Provinds, hver fiortende Dag af Landsdommeren, som dertil kalder en Tingmand af hvert Herred.
- Country-thing is held in each province, every fourteenth day by the country-judge, who summons thereto a representative from each shire.
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