till slut
- in the end
- Vi var hopplöst vilse ett tag, men till slut kom vi fram
- We were hopelessly lost for a while, but in the end we got there
- Till slut blev han tvungen att erkänna sig besegrad
- In the end, he had to admit defeat ("Had to admit himself defeated," idiomatic. "Eventually" also works as a translation.)
- eventually
- Tigrarna åt upp dom en efter en, och till slut var de bara två. Skulle de överleva?
- The tigers ate them one by one, and eventually there were only two of them left. Were they going to make it?
See also
- i slutändan (“ultimately, in the end, at the end of the day”)
- sent omsider (“at long last”)
- så småningom (“eventually”)
- till sist (“eventually (after a long delay)”)
- äntligen (“at last, finally”)
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