
Telefons (3)
A borrowing, via other European languages, ultimately a from French téléphone, a word coined in the 1830s from two Ancient Greek elements, τῆλε (têle, “afar”) and φωνή (phōnḗ, “voice, sound”).
telefons m (1st declension)
- telephone (electronic device that converts electrical impulses into sound)
- elektromagnētiskais telefons ― electromagnetic telephone
- galvas telefons ― headphone (lit. head telephone)
- (usually singular) telephone (telecommunication via telephone)
- telefona sakari ― telephone connections
- telefona vadi, stieples ― telephone wires, cables
- rūpnīcas iekšējais telefons ― the factory's internal telephone (= interphone)
- telefona tīkls ― telephone network
- telefona abonents ― telephone subscriber
- telefona centrāle ― telephone exchange
- telefona saruna ― telephone conversation
- mūsu šodienas dzīve bez telefona ir grūti pat iedomāties ― it is difficult to even imagine our life today without the telephone
- no nama uz namu stiepjas elektriskās līnijas un telefona kabeļi ― from house to house
- telephone set, phone (electronic device used for communication between two people)
- telefona klausule ― telephone receiver
- runāt, zvanīt pa telefonu ― to talk, to call by phone
- atkal zvanīja telefons; Birgitai mājās esot, Arnolds pie aparāta izvairījās iet ― again the telephone rang; Birgita being home, Arnolds avoided picking it up (lit. going to the telephone set)
- “Nikolajs smagi saslimis”, viņa teica; “mazliet pagaidi un piezvani otrreiz, es aiznesīšu telefonu otrā istabā pie viņa gultas” ― “Nikolajs is very sick,” she said; “wait a little and call again, I will take the telephone into the other room to his bed”
- telephone number
- telefona grāmatu, telefonu grāmatu ― phone book (list of the telephone numbers of the subscribers of a telephone network)
- es pārrakstu telefonus Nākamgada kalendārā ― I am copying the telephone (numbers) to next year's calendar
- Dinas tēvs metas istabā pie sava rakstāmgalda, pagrābj telefonu grāmata un trīcošiem pirkstiem šķir lapas ― Dina's father threw himself into the room, (went) to his desk, grabbed the phone book and with trembling fingers separated its pages
Declension of telefons (1st declension)
singular (vienskaitlis) | plural (daudzskaitlis) | |
nominative (nominatīvs) | telefons | telefoni |
accusative (akuzatīvs) | telefonu | telefonus |
genitive (ģenitīvs) | telefona | telefonu |
dative (datīvs) | telefonam | telefoniem |
instrumental (instrumentālis) | telefonu | telefoniem |
locative (lokatīvs) | telefonā | telefonos |
vocative (vokatīvs) | telefon | telefoni |
Derived terms
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