


tassu (paw) + -ttaa


  • IPA(key): /ˈtɑsːutːɑːˣ/, [ˈt̪ɑ̝s̠ːut̪ːɑ̝ː(ʔ)]
  • Rhymes: -ɑsːutːɑː
  • Syllabification(key): tas‧sut‧taa



  1. (intransitive) to tiptoe


Inflection of tassuttaa (Kotus type 53*C/muistaa, tt-t gradation)
indicative mood
present tense perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. tassutan en tassuta 1st sing. olen tassuttanut en ole tassuttanut
2nd sing. tassutat et tassuta 2nd sing. olet tassuttanut et ole tassuttanut
3rd sing. tassuttaa ei tassuta 3rd sing. on tassuttanut ei ole tassuttanut
1st plur. tassutamme emme tassuta 1st plur. olemme tassuttaneet emme ole tassuttaneet
2nd plur. tassutatte ette tassuta 2nd plur. olette tassuttaneet ette ole tassuttaneet
3rd plur. tassuttavat eivät tassuta 3rd plur. ovat tassuttaneet eivät ole tassuttaneet
passive tassutetaan ei tassuteta passive on tassutettu ei ole tassutettu
past tense pluperfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. tassutin en tassuttanut 1st sing. olin tassuttanut en ollut tassuttanut
2nd sing. tassutit et tassuttanut 2nd sing. olit tassuttanut et ollut tassuttanut
3rd sing. tassutti ei tassuttanut 3rd sing. oli tassuttanut ei ollut tassuttanut
1st plur. tassutimme emme tassuttaneet 1st plur. olimme tassuttaneet emme olleet tassuttaneet
2nd plur. tassutitte ette tassuttaneet 2nd plur. olitte tassuttaneet ette olleet tassuttaneet
3rd plur. tassuttivat eivät tassuttaneet 3rd plur. olivat tassuttaneet eivät olleet tassuttaneet
passive tassutettiin ei tassutettu passive oli tassutettu ei ollut tassutettu
conditional mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. tassuttaisin en tassuttaisi 1st sing. olisin tassuttanut en olisi tassuttanut
2nd sing. tassuttaisit et tassuttaisi 2nd sing. olisit tassuttanut et olisi tassuttanut
3rd sing. tassuttaisi ei tassuttaisi 3rd sing. olisi tassuttanut ei olisi tassuttanut
1st plur. tassuttaisimme emme tassuttaisi 1st plur. olisimme tassuttaneet emme olisi tassuttaneet
2nd plur. tassuttaisitte ette tassuttaisi 2nd plur. olisitte tassuttaneet ette olisi tassuttaneet
3rd plur. tassuttaisivat eivät tassuttaisi 3rd plur. olisivat tassuttaneet eivät olisi tassuttaneet
passive tassutettaisiin ei tassutettaisi passive olisi tassutettu ei olisi tassutettu
imperative mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. 1st sing.
2nd sing. tassuta älä tassuta 2nd sing.
3rd sing. tassuttakoon älköön tassuttako 3rd sing. olkoon tassuttanut älköön olko tassuttanut
1st plur. tassuttakaamme älkäämme tassuttako 1st plur.
2nd plur. tassuttakaa älkää tassuttako 2nd plur.
3rd plur. tassuttakoot älkööt tassuttako 3rd plur. olkoot tassuttaneet älkööt olko tassuttaneet
passive tassutettakoon älköön tassutettako passive olkoon tassutettu älköön olko tassutettu
potential mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. tassuttanen en tassuttane 1st sing. lienen tassuttanut en liene tassuttanut
2nd sing. tassuttanet et tassuttane 2nd sing. lienet tassuttanut et liene tassuttanut
3rd sing. tassuttanee ei tassuttane 3rd sing. lienee tassuttanut ei liene tassuttanut
1st plur. tassuttanemme emme tassuttane 1st plur. lienemme tassuttaneet emme liene tassuttaneet
2nd plur. tassuttanette ette tassuttane 2nd plur. lienette tassuttaneet ette liene tassuttaneet
3rd plur. tassuttanevat eivät tassuttane 3rd plur. lienevät tassuttaneet eivät liene tassuttaneet
passive tassutettaneen ei tassutettane passive lienee tassutettu ei liene tassutettu
Nominal forms
infinitives participles
active passive active passive
1st tassuttaa present tassuttava tassutettava
long 1st1
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st tassuttaakseni tassuttaaksemme
2nd tassuttaaksesi tassuttaaksenne
3rd tassuttaakseen
past tassuttanut tassutettu
2nd inessive2 tassuttaessa tassutettaessa agent3 tassuttama
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st tassuttaessani tassuttaessamme
2nd tassuttaessasi tassuttaessanne
3rd tassuttaessaan
negative tassuttamaton
instructive tassuttaen 1) Used only with a possessive suffix.

2) Usually with a possessive suffix (active only).
3) Usually with a possessive suffix. Not used with intransitive verbs. Distinct from nouns with the -ma suffix and third infinitive forms.
4) Some uses of the verbal noun are called the 'fourth infinitive' by certain sources (more details).
* The third-person singular indicative form tassuttaa does not exhibit final gemination,
unlike the first infinitive (the lemma form), even though they are spelled identically.

3rd inessive tassuttamassa
elative tassuttamasta
illative tassuttamaan
adessive tassuttamalla
abessive tassuttamatta
instructive tassuttaman tassutettaman
4th4 verbal noun tassuttaminen
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st tassuttamaisillani tassuttamaisillamme
2nd tassuttamaisillasi tassuttamaisillanne
3rd tassuttamaisillaan

Derived terms

Further reading

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