



  1. tender and edible bamboo shoot

Bikol Central


  • Hyphenation: tam‧bo
  • IPA(key): /tamˈboʔ/, [tamˈboʔ]



  1. growth
    Synonym: tubo

Derived terms

  • magtambo
  • patambo
  • tambuan



From Latin thalamus, from Ancient Greek θάλαμος (thálamos, inner room). Doublet of tálamo.


  • IPA(key): /ˈtambo̝/


tambo m (plural tambos)

  1. (obsolete) thalamus; nuptial or pre-nuptial chamber
    • 1484, X. Ferro Couselo, editor, A vida e a fala dos devanceiros. Escolma de documentos en galego dos séculos XIII ao XVI, Vigo: Galaxia, page 184:
      Ano de oytenta e quatro, a oyto dias de agosto, ena Rúa Nova da çibdad d'Ourense, Fernán de Moure, mercador, e sua muller Lionor Gonçalues e seu fillo Afonso de Moure, que todos tres estaban presentes, moradores en Chantada, huus con liçençia dos outros e os outros dos outros, espeçialmente o dito Afonso de Moure, con liçençia e outorgamento e consentimiento dos ditos seus padre e madre, dou en arras e en pura doaçón a Elvira , filla de Afonso de Prado e de sua muller Elvira Fernandes que sya nóbea en tanbo, eno sotó das casas de Lopo de Deça, canónigo, que son ena dita Rúa Nova, por vyrgynidade do seu corpo, os lugares de Faluche, con seus caseyros e casas e herdades e términos
      Year the eighty-four, eight days of August, in the Rúa Nova [New Street] of the city of Ourense, Fernán de Moure, merchant, and his wife Leonor González and their son Afonso de Moure, all the three present, inhabitants in Chantada, with mutual license, especially said Afonso de Moure with the license and grant and consent of said his father and his mother; he gave in dowry as pure donation to Elvira, daughter of Afonso de Prado and of his wife Elvira Fernández, being the bride in the (pre)nuptial chamber in the ground floor of the houses of Lopo de Deza, canon, which are in said Rúa Nova, for the virginity of her body, the hamlet of Faluche, with its tenants and houses and properties and limits


  • tanbo” in Xavier Varela Barreiro & Xavier Gómez Guinovart: Corpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval. SLI / Grupo TALG / ILG, 2006–2018.
  • "tanbo" in Gallaeciae Monumenta Historica.




  1. tobacco



Borrowed from Quechua tampu.


  • IPA(key): /ˈtambo/ [ˈt̪ãm.bo]
  • Rhymes: -ambo
  • Syllabification: tam‧bo


tambo m (plural tambos)

  1. (Mexico, El Salvador) barrel
    • 2017 January, “Sancionarán cruce ilegal de gasolina de EU a México”, in Frontera.info:
      Detalló que también implica el inicio de un procedimiento administrativo en materia aduanera, el decomiso de la mercancía que se pretenda ingresar y la retención en garantía del interés fiscal del vehículo en que se transporten los galones, recipientes o tambos con gasolina.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  2. (Mexico) prison
  3. (Argentina, Uruguay) milking yard
    • 1926, Roberto Arlt, “Los ladrones”, in El juguete rabioso:
      En distantes bardales reposaba la celeste curva del cielo, y sólo entristecía la calleja el monótono rumor de una sierra sinfín o el mugido de las vacas en el tambo.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)

Derived terms

Further reading



  • (file)


tambo (n class, plural tambo)

  1. distance, length, height, width

Derived terms



  • IPA(key): /tamˈboʔ/, [tɐmˈboʔ]
  • Hyphenation: tam‧bo


tambô (Baybayin spelling ᜆᜋ᜔ᜊᜓ)

  1. common reed (Phragmites australis)
  2. (colloquial) broom made from common reed
    Synonym: walis-tambo

Derived terms

  • walis-tambo
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