
Tallador ("trencher")
- IPA(key): /taʎaˈðoɾ/
tallador m (plural talladores)
- (historical) trencher; a wooden plate, kind of cutting board, once used for eating meat
- 1375, Antonio López Ferreiro, editor, Galicia Histórica. Colección diplomática, Santiago: Tipografía Galaica, page 380:
- et hua caldeyra et huum caldeyroon et huas greelas et huum speto de ferro et huum acetere et hua arameña et huas Gramalleyras et das outras perfeas de casa todos los bacios et escudelas et talladores et salseyros de fuste que ouuer na casa et hua mesa
- and a cauldron, and a bucket, and a grill, and a skewer of iron, and a jug, and a pot of cooper, and a trammel; and of the rest of domestic ware, every bucket, and bowl, and trencher, and saucer of wood that are in the house, and a table
- 1439, X. Ferro Couselo, editor, A vida e a fala dos devanceiros. Escolma de documentos en galego dos séculos XIII ao XVI, Vigo: Galaxia, page 418:
- Iten, das cunqas e talladores e poças e barcaas e de outras quaes quer vaselas de madeira, que page o vendedor de cada tres mrs un diñeiro
- Item, of the bowls, and trenchers, and large bowls, and trays, and any other wooden vessel, the seller should pay a denary per three mrs.
- (historical) any plate
- 1295, R. Lorenzo, editor, La traducción gallega de la Crónica General y de la Crónica de Castilla, Ourense: I.E.O.P.F., page 576:
- el rrey et os omes onrrados comjã en escudelas et en talladores d'ouro fino
- the king and the noblemen were eating in trays and plates of fine gold
- round table
Related terms
tallador (feminine talladora, masculine plural talladores, feminine plural talladoras)
- “tallador” in Dicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval, SLI - ILGA 2006–2022.
- “tallador” in Xavier Varela Barreiro & Xavier Gómez Guinovart: Corpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval. SLI / Grupo TALG / ILG, 2006–2018.
- “tallador” in Dicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega, SLI - ILGA 2006–2013.
- “tallador” in Tesouro informatizado da lingua galega. Santiago: ILG.
tallador m (plural talladores, feminine talladora, feminine plural talladoras)
- carver
- engraver
- (Latin America) croupier (person who collects bets and pays out winnings at a gambling table)
- Synonym: crupier
Further reading
- “tallador”, in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014
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