


Uncertain. Perhaps an alteration of swishedy, equivalent to swish + -ed + -y.


swishity (comparative more swishity, superlative most swishity)

  1. Characteristic of swish or swishing.
    • 2017, Anne Bowen, I Know an Old Teacher:
      I know an old teacher who swallowed a fish
      It swam down her throat with a swishity-swish.
    • 2019, Susan Perrow, A-Z Collection of Behaviour Tales:
      He turned around and was surprised to see that he had a new and dazzling coat, a slickity swishity coat, a coat shimmering with black and white diamond patterns.
    • 2022, original ?, Enid Blyton, The Collected Works of Enid Blyton:
      Our wheels go round
      With a swishity sound []
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