
See also: Songtext


Alternative forms

  • song-text


From song + text. Compare Dutch songtekst (lyrics).


songtext (plural songtexts)

  1. The written words to a song; lyrics.
    • 1986, Ultimate reality and meaning, volumes 9-10, page 47:
      The use of songtext, therefore, was important as a literary medium and as a means of recording oral traditions and events of historical ... Songtext may also be considered as an important factor in determining emotional effect of musical sound.
    • 1992, Clara Brakel-Papenhuijzen, The Bedhaya Court Dances of Central Java:
      Next to this is a separate column for the songtext — which does not always give the words of the text, at the most a few catchwords, headed by the word: [...]
    • 2012, Michael Taussig, The Nervous System:
      “No doubt,” writes LèviStrauss (in his analysis which ignores the performative, social, colonial and microhistorical contexts of the song-text), “the purpose of such an alteration in the details of the myth is to elicit the corresponding organic reaction, [...]”
    • 2013, The Concise Garland Encyclopedia of World Music - Volume 2 - Page 859:
      The songtexts are in rhymed verses, and each line is repeated once.
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