


song + fic


songfic (plural songfics)

  1. (countable, fandom slang) A fanfic that incorporates song lyrics and/or uses them as inspiration for its plot.
    • 2006, Rebecca Ward Black, "Access and Affiliation: Adolescent English Language Learners Learning to be Writers in an Online Fanfiction Space", dissertation submitted to the University of Wisconsin at Madison, page 77:
      For example, in Lines 3 and 4, she asks readers to be gentle with their comments, as this is her first attempt at writing a Beyblade songfic.
    • 2017, Janet K. Halfyard, Music, Sound, and Silence in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, page 130:
      The denigration of songfics relies on both their tendency toward melodrama and their central utilization of two source texts resulting in production of less "original" content.
    • 2017, "Acknowledgements," in Ashley Poston, Geekerella: A Fangirl Fairy Tale, page 320:
      That was my community, where I grew up—in the midst of flaming reviews and shipping wars and OTPs and AU!fics and headcanons and songfics and half-baked homages to My Immortal.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:songfic.
  2. (uncountable, fandom slang) Such fan fiction collectively.
    • 2017, Valeria Franceschi, Exploring Plurilingualism in Fan Fiction: ELF Users as Creative Writers, page 173:
      In addition to longer switches, the corpus also included songfic based on songs that are originally not in English.
    • 2017, Janet K. Halfyard, Music, Sound, and Silence in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, page 129:
      Although the songfic genre was by no means invented by Buffy fandom it is more common there because of the importance of popular songs to Buffy.
    • 2021, Shawn Edrei, The New Fiction Technologies: Interactivity, Agency and Digital Narratology, pages 53–54:
      [] Jenkins describes members of specific fan communities mailing each other VHS tapes containing amateur recreations of canonical scenes, or edited footage with a new soundtrack laid over it (the filmic counterpart to songfic).
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:songfic.


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